Is Connery NC really that dumb?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IBLOWSTUFFUP, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. NCDaniel

    I'm not dumb. :c
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  2. iller

    Oh they do much stupider things than that every day. The other day I watched them drive straight through Silver Valley right into the NS tube farm when Hogbying Splitpeak right next door was not only undefended, but already prepared for taking with several orders in region and global telling them to go there next.

    Changing my final answer to this though:

    Not that the TR try to avoid it. They wanna fight the VS even less than we do.
    Everyone hates Hacknu, they suck the fun straight out of the game damn near every night.
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  3. Kriegson

    I have no idea what causes it but it's not only on the macro scale, but the micro as well. IE watching a TR/VS run into the middle of a group of people, shooting and stabbing everywhere and they all sit there with their thumbs up their *****. I seem to be the only one who notices and of course everyone is running around getting in my way so I can't just shoot the guy.

    And this happens All.The.Damn.Time.

    Also wonder how the hell we have pop advantage or even on a cont, but every single fight on the front is under pop?
    And ofc, fighting vanu. Had an alert where the zerg pushed into vanu territory, only to stop flat about 100m away from a vanu base defended with about 8 guys, and instead choosing to attack a nearby TR base instead.

    Worse yet, the TR had pulled a couple harassers and were preventing the few non-******* from attacking the VS!
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  4. miraculousmouse

    Gj on beating Miller ;)
  5. Crayv

    I have seen that as well. What is really bad is the VS seem to be able to pick out the competent ones at a glance and immediately focus on them.

    Oh and is it me or do the VS seem extremely focused on farming to the point they will go to territories they have zero influence in and try to farm there?
  6. Neo3602

    No its not just you in the past few days I've noticed VS showing up in fights that they have no business being in.
  7. vanu123

    I feel bad for 00 having to carry Connery NC, besides connery NC have 35-40% pop consistently they should be ROFLstomping alerts given their constant overpop throughout most of the day to primetime.
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  8. Alkezo

    No factions purposefully avoid other, unless its to strategically win an alert. All factions have hackers. All factions have people that show up out of nowhere in a fight where there's no territory connected. Hell, just last night eracer showed up in a Liberator and farmed a small VS/TR fight when the nearest NC territory was several bases away.
  9. Kriegson

    Eh It varies. Vanu in the morning recently (might change with school starting?) VS and NC pop is usually pretty close. But yeah even in situations where pop is pretty even on a cont we still somehow are outpopped in every major battle. No idea how that works.
  10. vanu123

    Well that is when most US players are offline asleep or working nights, not at prime time and yes I think it is because outside of 00 and a few other outfits they don't know how to properly use force allocation.
  11. Vixxing

    I'll rip your tank a new one with my sniper-xbow-xplosive bolts! VS-style!
  12. _itg

    Most people use the term "ghost capping" to mean "capturing a base when no one is defending." Large platoon do do this.
  13. iller

    That's b/c the other 2 factions are actively avoiding those killjoys so they have to follow the action around like stalkers/creepers

    They're not alone exactly.... the problem is you can't tell who's actually making the effort if all you look at is the NC outfits rated by SPM or whatever. If you look at VKPH or something else that focuses on meaningful tactics (like killing sundies, air zergs, & tank columns especially) then yah it's still Recursion towing the line but you get a clearer picture of who's actually playing intelligently and who's just sitting in biolabs and underground nub farms all day flailing at their own shadows

    Well yes that is absolutely true. More to the point, they don't understand the psychology to lure an enemy into a no-win scenario
  14. Rentago

    the dumb, the proud, the NC

    everytime i hear NC claim they are under powered i just know its because someone behind the gun doesnt understand how to use them, most of the best things are NC in this game.

    Yeah sure try to tell the TR that they have more than just their miniguns selling their faction.
  15. Brahma2

    Who cares about alerts anymore?
  16. Swordsbane

    I'm right there with you about alerts. That is exactly the reason I started my own outfit; because I would rather have a smaller group playing the way I play than drafting zergs in batches and then have them ignore me and do whatever the hell they want to.

    I am frankly surprised that there aren't more outfit-only squads online. Just because the GAME doesn't give you a reward for something, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. For instance, I like playing in armor squads instead of pulling whatever equipment works for the job at hand. I do that because I think it's more fun.
  17. Leftconsin

    You know.. Recursion is an organization I'd like to join, but I fear I'd just never be good enough to even apply to. No generalization of Connery accurately describes on the the server's premier outfits.
  18. Swordsbane

    I've seen some good fights on Connery with the NC winning WITHOUT having a POP advantage. These came from tight platoons that knew what they were doing. Doesn't happen all that often. I have noticed an obvious lack of high-level strategy coming from the NC on Connery.
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  19. Kriegson

    Basically this. No command structure for the faction, really sucks. Been thinking of getting command chat and trying to step up, but I need to learn the bases more, figure out what is worth holding and what isn't from a glance.
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  20. Mythologicus

    When I'm on NC, WTAC does a decent job (primarily DrMoneypants saying things in Orders - he needs to do that more), but otherwise it's just a certain outfit running rampant murdering teammates and generally making the NC look bad.