How does NC and VS feel when they get farmed by Banshees?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Bindlestiff

    Xasapis is specifically talking about pushing for objectives, not aimlessly wandering between bases. How many ESFs, Lightnings and AA Maxes can you spawn to take a control point? How many pieces of terrain and environmental cover can you pick up and take with you to use when you are trying to take, and hold, a control point? How much terrain gives you cover from air assault? You know the answer.

    I'll grant you that some bases are better than others, but the simple fact of moving from spawn to control point / generator means that you are going to be exposed for a large majority of the time. You can choose to push for the objectives, and risk getting taken out, or you can attempt to push the fun police out of the skies over your base. It is rare that you have the time, resources, or manpower to do both.

    Saying that you deserve to be farmed for pushing objectives, which everyone on forumside preaches about and wishes more spawn room warriors would do, is ridiculous.
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    Always got killed the moment i notice something hit me and its always banshee.
  3. Mahaut

    I play mostly infiltrator and keep an eye on my map and my ears open, so it really doesn't happen to me all that much.

    But when it does happens, it's usually when I'm stalking, and am crouching, cloaked and immobile in the middle of nowhere for several dozen seconds before surprise! Instant death! And I rage. Not against the pilot, not against his weapon, but against the devs, who can't seem to be bothered to fix that bug where infiltrators appear uncloaked when you approach them from far away no matter if they are or not. Cloaked.

    By the way, does anybody know if that will be addressed in that upcoming cloaking pass thingie?
  4. Nitrobudyn

    I get killed by Banshee rarely enough to think "At least it's not PPA".
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  5. Vixxing

    I get my decimator... ill die a few times probably but ill get it... (alot better than whining, its ooooh so sweet to see that decimator hit your tormentor) :)
  6. patrykK1028

    When I get killed by Banshee, I look at BR of guy who killed me:
    -BR 1-75 OK, hes farming just like me with PPA
    -BR 76-99 ehmmm, maybe he wants to get easy xp for next level, OK..
    -BR 100 you ******* piece of nerd!!!
  7. nehylen

    My reaction is frustration because you can't do much since AA is not really plethoric, and there's usually nothing to warn you.

    So when i was lower BR, it just taught me to stick to cover faster than the other infantry shooting at me did, and to look around in the air also. For that, it was good thing.
    Still, even when you're doing things right, you can get farmed given the sheer speed of the Mosquito. Since lockons aren't that effective overall (good ESF pilots can manage), i was pretty puzzled at how i should get back at them for quite a few BRs. From what i could see AA didn't kill them either so there was not really anything i could do but my best to avoid them.

    Then i understood that they hated AA, because it broke the farming cycle since they had to repair. So now i spawn an AA MAX with a griefing mindset: i'm not having any fun at it, can't really kill them alone if they're half-good, but if i'm not getting any fun i might as well spoil the game for those guy(s)s who are spoiling mine. Thus forcing them to repair even if they kill some allies once in a while, they can't farm without keeping that annoying AA MAX in mind as they home in on their targets.
  8. TheScavenger101

    Once again I have to start by saying that I didn't read every post in this thread before replying so pardon me if it's been said before.
    For me atleast and probably the main frustration coming from Banshee's, AH's, Light PPA's, Proton PPA's etc etc, basically all the infantry farming coming from vehicles, for most people, is the fact that even though the counter to said annoyance is very effective, it's not fun.

    That's what it comes down to. Because let's be honest, and according to the vehicle people, killing vehicles isn't hard at all and it really isn't. BUT it is a chore. Because as much as they pulled their PPA magrider to "farm infantry" you spawned at the same fight as a Light Assault or whatever to also "farm infantry". Or "have a good fight" which is a popular term I've noticed, which means "a fight where I farm my weasly black guts out". The PPA mag though, will usually get exactly what he was expecting while you have to ditch your plans for pot shotting rockets over a ridge or whatever way you choose to destroy said vehicle in order for you to get your good times. And if you do the magrider will also get annoyed 'cause if you're the least bit smart or use a phoenix from inside a spawnroom, you'll piss him off as well, or "distrub his farm". Now none of you are having a very good time...

    And that's what this game is in the end, sadly, a lot of good ways to have a good time but the counter to everything, all though effective, not very fun. So it feels like a lottery every fight you get to, no matter how you get there or what you do there. Sometimes you're going to have fun and sometimes someone will ruin your fun. This has created "Redeployside", and to be honest even though the redeploymechanic is crazy, it is needed right now. Just imagine not being able to leave said fight other then going to the warpgate and having to walk/travel to a new one.

    Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, but generally people want to get kills and not being killed. They want to kill whatever is killing them and not just watch them, run back to spawn room/go behind rock and repair.

    My 2 cents.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Getting killed by a stealth radar mossie with a banshee feels like instant death out of nowhere.
    One second you are running to flip the point back, then next you are looking at the death screen..
    It is one of the most frustrating things to die to in the game, a death with no warning, time to counter, or escape.

    I mean at least you see the dual hacksaw max right before he splatters you instantly, so banshee is worse than that..
  10. BillHaverchuck

    Its like a moment of "wtf hit me now?" Its like getting killed by a tank but you can usually see or hear the tank coming. Death from above... not so much. At least its not a common cause of death. PPAs on the other hand are everywhere
  11. SinerAthin

    The same way as the TR feels when they get farmed by the old PPA.

    Or the Jackhammer.
  12. Xasapis

    A tank shell out of nowhere has the same effect. Or an sniping infiltrator, especially if he's of the same faction as you (don't laugh, happened to me enough to notice).
  13. LibertyRevolution

    When I die to a tank shell, I know I got hit by a tank shell. When I die to a sniper, I know I died to a sniper.
    When I die to a banshee, it is "WTF just killed me", oh a banshee on the death screen.
  14. DQCraze

    Probably the same way we feel when being spammed to death with PPA, or AH. Unlike most people I immediatlely pull a burster or grab a skyguard from the next nearest base to let them know im not going to be farmed.
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  15. abaddun

    I personally find them an inconvenience, mainly because they have never stayed around for long enough to pick up more then a kill, however I still feel rather miffed over the lack of air deterrence in my area, especially considering that some of these mossies are hovering low to the ground in order to get me.

    It's nowhere near as bad as the old rocket pods.
  16. Hasteras

    One Banshee Mosi can singlehandedly force me to do things with my play session that I don't want to be doing. An ESF with an A2G nosecannon is the one kind of ESF I feel no regrets about using Coyotes against.

    I'ts just a really irritating weapon. Normally get killed by it at least once per session, but almost never twice at the same fight because I'm smarter than that.

    It's most frustrating during off hours when there are not a lot of options for good fights, and the one fight you actually want to be at is being farmed with no resistance by a Banshee Mosi. It forces me to either go to a less enjoyable fight or fly, and a lot of the time I just don't want to fly. Don't get me wrong, I will if necessary, but it's irritating that one weapon is so effective that I have to change everything I'm doing and probably have to shoot the guy down at least twice in order to get him to stop. Even then he'll normally wait a bit for me to go back to ground pounding, and then he'll come back. If there's 2-3 anti-air enemy Mosi's around then it's a real problem and I'll have to organize an air squad and that takes a long time (if I even have outfit mates on who can fly at all) and then the battle will last awhile because with the new resource system people are just chain pulling. If we lose then it's back to square one.

    If I had my way the Air Hammer, Light PPA, Banshee, and rocket pods would just be removed from the game. The only air-to-ground weapon would be the A2A nose cannons and the Hornets. But I'd change Hornets to requiring a lock on a ground vehicle in order to be launched so they couldn't be used against infantry intentionally at all.
  17. z1967

    Its worse than a PPA storm imo. With the PPA you can hear it and move out of the way. With the Banshee, you have at most a second to try and run. It doesn't matter if you brought flak or nano, because you're dead anyway. No learning experience, no time to turn around, just being ded.

    I've been saying (here and on reddit) that the Banshee is OP for awhile now. I am surprised it hasn't been nerfed already.
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  18. z1967

    No, you are not doing it wrong. The fact that AA MAXes have to cower behind the spawn shield when Banshees roll up should be indicative of the fact that there is a problem.
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  19. Trebb

    I remember dying as an AA max to a Reaver using the AH in probably 0.5 seconds. AH+ the super AB speed works better than the banshee alone. Probably. Maybe!

    That said, Banshee *was* the most fun weapon I Auraxiumd
  20. LodeTria

    If you're using an ESP sure, you'll see it 1km away, but planes can use this thing called terrain to mask their approach.