Going from Emerald TR to VS........and back again......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Vertabrae

    I've played TR on emerald, or mattherson as I still prefer to think of it, since 2012. My sister recently left the game, and I got to take over her VS toon. I was super excited to try out the VS. My own VS character never got past BR 7. So the idea of trying a much better equipped toon with a ton of weapons unlocked and some certs in the bank was awesome.

    The emerald VS are wicked good, not gonna deny it. I wish the TR were half as coordinated. As a VS, I get revives a ton more often, people play the objective better. Engis lay down ammo when asked, I don't see 1/2 as many people hiding in spawn.....Yet for all that, I'm not happy.

    The guns feel weak. I'm not saying they are. I know the stats of them, and how they compare to the TR and NC weapons. But they FEEL weak. I don't get the RAAARRRRR feeling I get while unloading with a Carv or a TMG-50. I miss unloading 200 rounds with my MCG. Don't even get me started on comparing the manly sound of a Nighthawk as opposed to the Bloop sound a Pandora makes. The Lasher is fun as hell, But with every Tom, Dick and Harry seemingly drawn to the disco balls like moths to a flame, I'm hitting more friendlies than enemies.

    I've been run over by magriders more times than I can remember. Even going way out of the way, avoiding roads and any other area I even remotely think armor might pass by, a stray Maggy will appear and slide over me. The worst part is I don't die instantly, It usually gets about 3/4 of the way over me and I think "hey, I'm gonna survive"....Nope.

    The VS slice of life is fun. I plan to visit now and then. Met some good people, chatted with some people who I had only known as enemies. But TR, for all it's faults, spawn room warriors, lack of revives, and AoD, is still where my heart lies.

    Time to get back in the battle, for I am a TR soldier.

    • Up x 4
  2. Luminiouscow

  3. -Synapse-

  4. miraculousmouse

    I saw you in game once. Why'd your sis leave?
  5. Ransurian

    I've got three words, OP.

    • Up x 1
  6. Vertabrae

    She went back to playing WoW. Apparently a big expansion is not far off, and she wants to get a few more characters to max level before it comes out.
  7. miraculousmouse

    Nice. It's awesome having siblings that game, always something to talk about lol.
  8. DorianOmega

    Emerald TR are pretty flippin bad, every time I try to go TR on emerald I find more incompetence then any Emerald blue berries could ever deliver.
  9. doombro

    Remember, you're here forever.
  10. M2_Bradley

    NC is worse IMO
  11. LibertyRevolution

    I have been having a hard time deciding lately if the TR or the NC on emerald are worse off command wise...
  12. Selrahc4040

    Welcome back soldier. Now get out there and give 'em hell!
  13. Yeahy

    Well said, OP,
    Well said....
  14. a-koo-chee-moya

    Wow... I'm impressed. A TR/NC?VS comparision thread without the whole "OTHER FACTION OP, GOING BACK PLS NERF" thing. I congratulate you.
    But yeah, VS sounds and looks like characters out of a cheap sci-fi movie. Too much pew pew.
  15. Negator

    hey look, a reasonable opinion about emerald VS
    • Up x 1
  16. NinjaTurtle

    Until? I've got 3 words for you

  17. drstrange2014

    They are. The stats are more or less inconsequential and I suspect that they have little relation to what actually happens with any weapon ingame. So you're spot on there. When I play VS (and I have a VS toon on Connery in the nineties who I've played with since about half way through 2013) I die much more frequently and have less kills than when I play TR (even without maxed out everything that I have with my VS toon). My wife has the same thing happening and we've reached the point at which, once we hit BR100, we have no real reason to play VS anymore. It's just not worth the grief and the grind. As for the TR on Emerald - I have to say that the medics are better than the VS ones (on Connery at least) but you're also right about the degree of disorganisation and plain lack of awareness. Even the basics - such as protecting sundies, putting APM's down and that sort of thing are now so rare that I am taken aback when I see a TR player actually bother to use common sense and put mines around their sundy, or come across a medic who doesn't rez you with only half health. When I first started playing TR on Emerald, I even had to explain, to a BR 100 no less, why it's not a good idea to shoot a terminal with an anti vehicle turret, when a friendly infiltrator is standing at it trying to hack it. I kid you not.
  18. ChampagneDragon

    You have to play TR and VS differently. TR are brawlers. You get up in their face and hit the trigger for a blaze of glory. The VS are much "sneakier". With their small magazine sizes and smaller COF you have to engage and retreat.

    Both have advantages, just very different play styles.
  19. TriumphantJelly

  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Only the Pistols and AR's... and only then the Pulsar, Equinox, and Corvus since the CME is actually really good for range work and the Terminus is amazing. I'd say our LMG selection is great outside the Pulsar LSW which is just attachment starved but is otherwise a very solid LMG (take HVA from Flare and give it to the LSW, upgrade the grip to advanced grip and that's it), and our Carbines are really good even if the Zenith wasn't a huge upgrade over what we already had because we already had great carbines.

    The Lancer and Lasher are great, the Magrider and Scythe are competitive, and only ZOE and our pistols need a major overhaul while the AR's just need a balance pass.