[Vehicle] Upcoming MBT Primary guns: prowler quad

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Huishe, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Lamat

    It's all just a dream within a dream duuuuuuuuude.
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  2. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Hate to break it to you but the Magrider has this already. Only problem is that it only works on friendlies that I always seem to run over when they're within 10m of me or when I'm within 10m of a Magrider.

    I strongly suspect that the Magrider's hover ability is only fueled by the blood of Vanu.
  3. Lamat

    Vanu is an alien. It's fueled by the blood of wannabe Vanus.
  4. AshHill07

    To be honest I'm more interested in the NC's Railgun and how exactly they can balance that and it not just be a more / less effective AP cannon. It seems it has less options to work around than the quad cannon, which I can pretty much guarantee will do less damage per shot than the current Prowler cannons regardless due to its (presumably) increased rate of fire.
  5. Bumbil

    What about this weapon for the magrider:

    A continuous stream of energy that does little damage and steal the energy from your opponents vehicle. The stolen energy will be converted to create a temporary front shield with low health. The shield lose immediately its energy when you stop hitting your target. Because you steal the energy, the acceleration and maxium speed of your opponents vehicle is a little bit slowed down, but not the turn rate.

    The energy stream would look like this.

    I think it would at least look totally awesome with the light effects in ps2 and it would give the magrider a very unique way to fight as a tank.
  6. Ripshaft

    ................ I totally expected people to be talking out their butts here but I'm still shocked.

    For the [hopefully many] of you that are wondering "WTF is the OP talking about?":

    OP claims to have gotten the information by "looking over tweets";

    DCarey (PS2 producer) twitter;

    In which he RETWEETS the following (By ps2 community member extrodinaire Shaql)

    Which very plainly says "UNOFFICIAL PTS PATCH NOTES"
    For those unfamiliar with these notes - members of the community check the files that have changed or been added between builds and post interesting notes. These notes exist purely for interest and speculation, and sometimes contain extracted audio and model information for additional amusement.

    So, the tl:dr of this is;
    There's a change in the name of a file or data on the test client that went from "Quad Cannon" to "P4-100" - with no further evidence, the OP and apparently some 3 pages of others have decided that this is a prowler main cannon and imagined all kinds of properties to go with it.

    Basically this is all based on a name in a file, there is nothing beyond this.

    As for what it actually is? Well this is only speculation, but it's probably a prototype for a potential av secondary for the prowler, which Higby mentioned thinking about in one of the more recent "higby pls" episodes - basically a dual fracture. This in no way means it's going in game or even that it'll ever make it to the PTS - it's just a name in a file.
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  7. Bumbil

    Yes, but at least there was a model about the quad cannon in the past.

    And dreaming and speculating is fun.
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  8. AshHill07

    Higby also stated in a episode of Higby Pls that they were working on a quad cannon for the Prowler with the ability to individually load each cannon. So its not exactly "Wild assumptions over a single file name".

    This is a summary someone put together of "Higby Pls Episode #?? August Something edition"
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  9. Disconsented

    Give the magrider a beam weapon with a heat mechanic
  10. Ripshaft

    Ah intriguing, right you are -

    http://www.twitch.tv/planetside2/b/563199069 around 1:03:40 is where Higby talks about the new MBT primaries

    So... the conversation might actually be legit, aside from all the side madness lol
  11. Jaedrik

    Everyone wants the Vanu to have beam weapons and Lashers that actually lash.
    Unfortunately, us TR and NC are stuck waiting for them to fix flamethrowers until you guys get beam tech. :p
    Here's hoping they come soon, aye?
  12. felfox

    Processing power/blinding lights aside, I don't see why a weapon that doesn't just do like 5-10 damage every microsecond wouldn't just work as a beam/flamethrower. Apply a bit of a persistent DoT for the flame weapon or searing laser weapon and you'd have a pretty decent continuous weapon? Maybe it's too much for the system to calculate or whatever.

    That said... they may be useless, give away position or a billion other problems but laser weapons would be so freaking cool! So much you could do with it like a charge up that then has to dump the laser over a certain period. Or a pre-charge weapon that the longer you don't fire the bigger the effect. Or a simple heat mechanic. Or a pulse laser like mechwarrior online or just so much other awesome stuff. Could say the beam fizzles out after a certain range or the laser has to dump (as in click once and weapon discharges for 3 seconds worth of laser before cooldown)

    And of course I want NC and TR to have flame weapons and grenades and other stuff too. Ugh, less CoD more Quake weapons!
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  13. Disconsented

    I play TR primarily >_>
  14. Raap

    If the quad cannon isn't AP then what else will it be for besides infantry farming?

    If it isn't AP it likely means it will have a low velocity in addition to a higher projectile drop, as seen with HE. I don't expect these written-in-stone rules about AP/HEAT/HE to change for this weapon. Essentially this weapon would indeed just be an upgraded Viper for people who cannot aim to farm infantry with, which will likely snowball into more "Nerf Prowler" threads from those being farmed.

    I'm personally much more excited about the Prowler secondary weapon revamps... Perhaps I'll finally pick up some gunners that don't get bored after 2 minutes...

    Edit: Not to mention low velocity weapons don't combo well with anchor mode. Ever seen an Anchored HE Prowler lately? (If yes, you probably found it camping a spawn room, shortly before being blown up by just about anything.)

    I also hope these new weapons will start costing more certs or have requirements attached to them (unless bought for SC $$$). I really need more things to spend certs on as I have issues staying below 10k free certs. 3k certs to unlock these new 'veteran weapons' with an added requirement of at least the 3rd directive tier, sounds reasonable?
  15. Jachim

    Look. The TR don't need more cannons on their tanks. They need defensive abilities like the Vanguard and Magrider have so they don't just vaporize when another tank looks at them angrily.
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  16. Irathi

    Actually more guns would be welcome so that we can kill them as fast as they can kill us.

    4 cannons + lockdown would likely be incredible powerfull..
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  17. patrykK1028

    Caliber doesnt mean ANYTHING in PS2.
    In real world 40mm would wreck any plane by 1 shot. Look at 40mm Ranger in PS2...
    C75 is actually like 30mm cannon, not 75mm
    Zepher- 105mm needs 3 hits to kill infantry guy.... WW2 88mm needed 1 hit to destroy a buildings
    etc. etc. I could post 100 examples here
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  18. Pootisman

    Do we really need more guns for the MBTs? Each faction already has 3 different main cannons and a wide selection of secondaries.

    A new vehicle would be much more interesing. Heavy tanks, mechs, support vehicles, ... there are so many cool vehicles you could add to PS2. I know we get ES buggies by the end of the year, but do we really need another light attack vehicle? We already have 3 (flash, harrasser, lightning).
  19. Huishe

    Each faction has 3 different main cannons? Weird, i thought there's just AP. Well, the real AP and two made in china APs.
  20. Irathi

    I think it is time we rename the weapons in PS2 so that they more accurately represent their actual performance, I've thought of a few names we could use;


    I recon one of the few things that are closer to realistic than the rest are the grenades.
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