(Question) How do you think Planetside 2 would change if infantry were given the ability to go prone

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Neo3602, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Crator

    I can see how it would be annoying to try and find enemies... But, I suppose it would add a better sense of realism and might be interesting... Really would have to test it out to see I guess... I can tell you there are people who are really against this though....

    Here's a poll on PSU from 2012 on the subject (487 votes / 65 page thread): Do you want Prone in PS2?
    *Also note that Malorn posts his opinion in that thread... This was before he went to work on the DEV team. Click the [IMG] image in the thread to go to Malorn's posts...

    What I do want is the "take cover" mechanic like they have in Gears of War....
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  2. Stigma

    Just as-is it wouldn't add so much because the cover and environments in this game are not really designed with this in mind. In battlefield there is plenty of places where it makes sense to go prone to take cover ect. In this game the cover is very basic and similar. There are fences and waist-hight crates, and that's about it frankly.

    I'd definately take prone as an option in the game if they were making planetside 3 for example, and were keeping that in mind as they were making the rest of the game, but adding it as-is I don't think is all that realistic to hope for.

  3. Crator

    But you must admit that there are places where there is no exact clear cover but there is some cover close to the ground. Such as brush, tall grass, shallow water, etc... This is where prone could be used most effectively in PS2... So I don't see how the argument that the main design of already mitigates the cover aspect of the game... It does, just not in some situations where prone could....

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  5. MarkAntony

    sniping would be so much easier.
  6. Azarga

    I would be able to Tbag alive enemies instead of dead enemies.
  7. Tuco

    A useless feature with a red triangle pointing at your head.
  8. KnightCole

    I usually hate going prone in games. All it usually does it make the controls really damn slow, sluggish and I get stuck on stuff cuz the game decides I cant turn here. Also, I know games like RO2, you cant even prone in alot of places....so eeww..just no. Leave it for the older games that allowed us to stick our feet through walls when we prone...and get shot in the ***, accusing theguy of hacks, only to be told our *** was sticking through the wall..
  9. Champagon

    no no no no no no

    CoD -->
  10. Copasetic

    We'd have another 12 months of no content because the design team would have to go back and redesign all the bases again.
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  11. z1967

    Well, the initial effect would be the years of base redesigning in order to account for prone. In the form that we see it in Battlefield/CoD etc. we will experience to problems of being virtually useless in most bases and incredibly overused in outdoor fights. Hallway camping will never be the same again and every hill will be full of LMGs/Snipers waiting for a kill. Vehicle gameplay will suffer as HAs and LAs will have easier times hiding. A benefit would be that VS engineers may finally have a method of not getting magmowed but still being able to repair. So hey, at least one plus.

    There are also the problems of hitboxes, legs sticking through walls, lag, dolphin diving, crouch spamming, and balancing. I wouldn't mind it, but I am not very fond of it. Too much time and no kidding I would rather have them do bobble heads as opposed to prone.
  12. hostilechild

    With the mechanics in this game, going prone would put you below the ground on the majority of player screens.

    Its hard enough to see some factions in some locations as it is. Add prone to that and ****** COF and it would be a nightmare. But if you are prone then all hits to you are going to be headshots, so maybe makes up for it.

    But poor visibility and game mechanics will make it horrible
  13. patrykK1028

    Camping sniperz, cloaked infiltrators blocking doors, legs in walls and rocks.