[Vehicle] Prowler vs Tanks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperTrooperWaterloo, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. SuperTrooperWaterloo


    more often i find myself in the situation where one 2 men BR100 team ,using a vanguard or a mag, destroys all my platoon sunderer while atacking a base. Like always i´m the only one who feels forced to do something against it.
    C4 doesnt work that well against a loner in the open field and vs shield and boost. So i pull an AP prowler with halberd. If i start atacking them with lockdown they just drive away and repair/dont care if its not the indar desert north of hvar tech plant without cover. If i start chasing them im dead in close combat vs vanguard shield or mag movement. Switching to a TR weapon didnt change anything. Marauder cant damage heavy armor and the vulcan is so inaccurate that it cant hit tanks or infantry that are in spit range. I still dont know why we have the vulcan with the best range tank that loses close tank fights on purpose. Mby that was a good weapon when it had the cross crosshair and not the circle.

    I dont want to complain about other factions but im just really helpless in this situation and dont feel that i have an answer for it as TR to face the problem.

    Because of that i get very frustrated in my prowler and ask myself why the AP rounds are better vs infantry than the other two with splash. Or that its special lockdown ability is just an AV engi turrent that everyone has with guided, not bullet drop.

    My best option as TR so far is the mossi with hornet missiles if no dogfighters are around shooting me down.
  2. Alkezo

    Magriders aren't actually that great in close quarters. Vanguards and Prowlers will always win in a straight up brawl.
  3. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    on paper yes. but since the mag aim is its movement and wont stop, its very likely to miss some hits. and thats the missing dps that kills you. so far my experience. and good magriders alaways hover around you to your uncovered backside while in battle and you cant prevent it since you have to stand still to hit them. if you lockdown to increase your dps in a 1v1 they just boost away.

    ofc you win if they have to get out.... but thats not the same^^ and ofc i dont want a 100% win chance
  4. TheMish

    Well we have the worst tank in overall capability.

    But here's one thing the devs didn't screw up with the Prowler.

    The turret is small, and we have the deadliest gun.

    Think of the rest of the Prowler as nothing more than a means of getting that gun into a firing position.

    I've found that it helped me a lot instead of thinking of the Prowler as a tank.

    If the Prowler was given more armor, and a more accurate Vulcan, then no problem.

    Hell if I had more armor, I can make do even with the Vulcan.
  5. Prudentia

    same prices
    more powerful against vehicles
    just tankbuster him and then continue till you get shot down.
  6. Alkezo

    Any shots missed at those ranges are generally due to experience. I'm not speaking from just on-paper statistics. With over 100 hours in my Magrider, almost entirely devoted to anti-tank, I have to say that any competent 2/2 Vanguard or Prowler will either kill me or force me to retreat. The Vanguard will out last and the Prowler will out damage the Magrider.

    Anyways, have you tried Tank Mines? I know my EOD HUD almost never works so you can probably kill tanks with well-placed mines.

    3400 - Supernova PC | KPH | Daily Average: 20.54
    3700 - Titan-150 HEAT | KPH | Daily Average: 20.60
    4000 - P2-120 HEAT | KPH | Daily Average: 23.13

    3460 - Supernova FPC | KPH | Daily Average: 18.23
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | KPH | Daily Average: 18.30
    4008 - P2-120 AP | KPH | Daily Average: 24.50

    3461 - Supernova VPC | KPH | Daily Average: 41.80
    3731 - Titan-150 HE | KPH | Daily Average: 37.09
    4009 - P2-120 HE | KPH | Daily Average: 49.06
  7. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    Deadliest gun... yes, thats the idead. But if every other tank destroys you it doesnt help at all^^. If you ask me, aiming twice with shaking isnt worth the extra dmg you get. But thats another story. AP rounds are the best vs infantry because it kills with 1 hit. That makes the splash bullets inefficient because they all run away after the first hit and dont get killed with the second.

    I know that the prowler is more the light artillery... but if i want that i just use the engi AV turrent that everyone has and makes our special ability looks stupid.

    And thats the answer i miss. If you dont have a tank that can challange other tanks =(
  8. Lamat

    Use teamwork to fight people using teamwork against you.
  9. FBVanu

    I would not say "always".. . IMHO I will not brawl with a Vanguard, unless it's a 1/2 crew.. and even then, if the one player is good, my chances are only 30/70. That's been my experience.
  10. Alkezo

    Perhaps I shouldn't have used that word. What I meant was that in a close-range even fight, the Magrider is statistically likely to lose.
  11. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    "Shots missed at those ranges are generally due to experience?"
    If that would be the case your magrider mechanic would be worthless... but it isnt.

    I dont think mines will work vs a loner if C4 already failed. I get more kills with mines in bases than somewhere in the desert.

    Retread is not the same here.... everyone knows magriders can do that mor ethan others^^

    Plz dont post KPH´s here.... if you have numbers that includes only faced tankfights that considers the terrain i would watch it.
  12. Mxiter

    sauce please?
  13. Alkezo

    I meant inexperience. Regardless, its already a known fact that players with more time and experience in the game have an easier time hitting moving targets. In fact, it's to be expected. In close quarters a Magrider cannot react in time to dodge shells. They can only attempt to psyche out their target by aligning their strafing with carefully timed Magburner usage that coincides with their target's reload time. However, that doesn't always work, especially against (again) an experienced tank driver.

    Since you don't like KPH:
    3460 - Supernova FPC | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 10.80
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 9.57
    4008 - P2-120 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 12.51

  14. Beltway

    The prowler isn't a battle tank. It's just mobile artillery and if it's used as anything but you won't have fun with it. I've spent time with all three tanks and I can tell you that the prowler just has no business being on the battle field. It should be sitting on the outskirts picking off targets here is why:

    1. Lack of engage: Anyone that has used the prowler will tell you it usually takes 1 or 2 shots to properly range your target with the main gun. Firing ranging shots just gives your enemies a heads up that you are taking aim at them allowing enemy armor to take you out.
    2. Lack of disengage/defense: The prowler is either fight or die. By the time the driver realizes they need to relocate it's already too late. Where as the vanguard can simply hit their shield and back off and the mag rider can nitro out of combat and into cover.
    3. Empire specific weapon does not complement the tanks intended role: As a primarily long range vehicle weapons like the Vulcan and the marauder simply don't have any synergy with the prowler. Simply put if you aren't using a halberd they you are doing it wrong.
    Even though the prowler does excel at range it doesn't give the prowler any distinct advantage because the other tanks can also engage from extreme ranges. It's been proven time and time again that the prowler is the most underused tank in the game. It's shows in player stats, it's been said on the forums, and it's even been said by Higby himself.

    Nitro behind target and profit.
    Cover strafe and profit.

    Between a vanguard and a mag rider it's a toss up because both have a disengage. When it comes to a prowler chances are the mag will win unless the driver sits still.
  15. NoctD

    I think you're better off with rocket pods - Hornets are too slow, so Mags with just dodge them. Vanguards you could do with Hornets but overall, Hornets are just still really sad.
  16. Alkezo

    In case you haven't read the entire thread I was talking about tank brawling. Of course if 1 tank gets the jump on another its probably going to hit. The Magrider is just more capable of doing that and it needs to in order to properly win engagements. However a lot of ambusing can be prevented by using situational awareness. That and tank mines. So long as you remain aware of your surroundings the likelihood of you getting surprised by a tank is severely reduced.
  17. CursoryRaptor

    Sniping. That's the Prowler's forte.

    Don't round the corner to finish off the kill. If he ducks behind cover to repair, get out or have your gunner get out and do the same. Then the moment he pokes his head out, nail him, and be sure your gunner is watching your back, because this is when somebody usually pulls a light assault and tries to C4 you.
  18. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    hm still as TR i feel like the whole magrider aim mechanic is a movement and therefore a dodge.

    As i said i dont want to complain about other factions. Im still sad that our tank is not rly an answer to chase down specific vehicles. And if i want to snipe something i just pull an engi or something else like every other faction that makes them retread but not gone.
  19. Sebastien

    Well, the great thing about those Statistics is that if you assume everyone is equal and they use their Faction's tank in the way it was intended, (that you don't brawl with a Mag, or DPS race a Prowler), then you can assume that things like positioning are applied by the players equally.
    The only way this wouldn't work, is if you assumed the players of a certain Faction were too dumb to position themselves properly and then use anecdotal evidence to prove your point.

    On the other hand, you could say the Prowler has a high KPH because it's good at killing, but it's not good at staying alive. Which would mean it goes into combat, blows up a bunch of stuff and then dies soon after. Which would inflate the KPH.
  20. Alkezo

    I wasn't able to find statistics on what tanks die more often but there is this: