Why do I have to purchase Sunderer weapons twice?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halcyon, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Halcyon

    If I bought 2 turrets on the rear gunner section, I should be able to use them in the front as well.
    Why is SOE forcing players to double purchase just to use the same weapon on a different hardpoint a few feet away?

    Besides the obvious answer of a cash sink, I don't see a reason.
    Players are allowed to use universal NS weapons across all characters without need to repurchase per character...why does the Sunderer force this purchase mechanic?
    • Up x 1
  2. sindz

    • Up x 2
  3. Arkenbrien

    It's an NS marketing scheme.
  4. FateJH

    Your complaint and your reasoning are two separate things. Being an SC-purchased NS weapon means that all Sunderers for all your characters on the your accounts may equip the weapon. That has nothing to do with the situations where two of the same weapon must be purchased for the same Vehicle. The Galaxy is another instance of this.

    It would make more sense to complain about Infantry being allowed to share applicable primary weapon pools and the sidearm pool.
  5. Copasetic

    By the by, I think it's great that he has just enough money to afford a Photoshop license.
  6. Macchus

    Monetization. :cool:
  7. jiggu

    Same reason you need to buy the same hornet missiles for each ESF, they don't care about you enough to change it.
  8. radrussian2

    because the sunderer has two weapons...
  9. DatVanuMan

    Because if I got ONE Bulldog, I'd get another one. Battle Buses are bullcrap, and no one likes them.