Question for SOE. Briggs player base geography

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shubniggurath, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Shubniggurath

    How many come from where? How many AU/NZ, SEA, South Americans, Europeans etc are part of the active player base. I'm aware of 3 outfits based in Europe, probably with 400+ pings. With a dwindling server pop it would help inform any discussion of merger.
  2. dezusa

    Philippines(barely anyone else who plays this game here), 190~290 Letancies,weirdly enough I get the same ping accross US/AU servers so i can just bail out of briggs' pop goes any lower.
  3. Jedesis

    It's you! :O
  4. CNR4806

    Hong Kong. I have an NC in Briggs and it was my first and main character, but extremely-low pop outside peak hours drove me to Connery, which has about the same latency for me but much more active.
  5. Aaren

    Australia. Funnily enough -_-
  6. Shubniggurath

    Cool guys. Probably should hit twitter for an answer. Wasn't conducting a survey.

    Hi there! V6