Subterranean Nanite Analysis - A Total Abomination

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    Ok so people have complained about bio labs and The Crown and whatever not, but this base eats the cake and beats any bio-lab/old Crown/etc. I'm sure some people don't want to admit it - but let's face the facts - its just a simple meat grinder farm that favors the defenders immensely. Why it hasn't been redesigned to balance it out is beyond me - I guess people just like their farm?

    Here's what I would do to make the base more sensible...

    Remove the upper platform area on the 1st level, so you have to risk more exposure as a defender and can't so easily camp the 2 elevator shafts down from the surface.

    Increase the number of access points/shaft to the 2nd level such that the defenders risk getting shot/flanked in the back if the try to camp any of the elevator shaft.

    Shrink or find a way to put better barriers around the top level shafts cause right now its possible to get anything from a Harasser to a Sunderer down into the base.

    That's about it really - not a lot of work or drastic redesign, just change it up so it isn't a one sided farm fest.
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  2. HadesR

    Personally the main problem I find with it is the " leap of faith " blind lift shafts it has ... It's a problem a lot of bases have but this one highlights it even more ..

    The lifts need replacing with stairs or ramps that offer both defenders and attackers a better field of view of what they are letting themselves in for ..

    The Lemming leap into the unknown isn't fun gameplay for anyone.
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  3. Vertabrae

    Lol I love this base. Attacking or defending, doesn't matter. Equip lasher and reap the vast rewards.
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  4. IrishPride

    I hear ya NoctD i was TR when all that went down moments ago that must've been rage inducing for the attacker, I know I wouldn't have stuck around that so i left that base to avoid a senseless farm that someone with mud for brains could defend, not my cup of tea for free kills. Same with that Hossin base where you could spawn with no spawn room, I avoid those easy kills, that base is screwed 2 ways to Sunday.
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  5. Shootybob

    It reminds me of really crappy gimmicky custom HL engine game maps.
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  6. KnightCole

    Sub-nanite analysis. Its a cool base, cuz its underground and stuff...but actually fighting in it? I just dont....
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  7. IamnotAmazing

    sssshhhhhhhhhhh you must learn to farm it, then it becomes the best base in the game
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  8. miraculousmouse

    great advice for tr and nc :D
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  9. doombro

    I actually love that base; but two problems:

    1. Vertical flow
    2. Choke Points

    They overlap a lot, but, really. The fact that you have to deal with those elevators is the biggest crime of that base. I'd like more backdoors into the base that don't involve elevators.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    It is on my list of bases that I will only defend, to attack SNA is to ask to be farmed.
    You need to kills with your engineers AI turret for your directives? Defend this base, it was built for it.
  11. iller

    I only ever go to it to snipe people standing around the outside of it.
    It doesn't even look like a base, it looks like a futuristic Crypt or something.
    IE... just a hole to crawl into and die in
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  12. Kunavi

    I don't mind vertical as long as it is done right, in fact I think it's definitely underused in PS2. The grav lifts are definitely not ideal and I would prefer that they did a pass, removing most and replacing them with stairs. Keep some just for the novelty or where they really are more practical.
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  13. Arsonix

    Best base hands down. To be an AMS sundy at.
  14. K0NFL1QT

    I find it's actually quite easy to attack. Cover the generator with a couple guys, then wait for the enemy to pop up those grav-lifts and kill them until the shield is down. Eventually they'll stop coming up and will cluster on the level below, waiting for you, then it's grenade time. Clear out the direct threats, move to cover, sweep and clear. Move to next level.
  15. Lord_Avatar

    The base is fun. Finally a facility facilitating (sic!) a sensible defence. Also - certs... :D
  16. faykid

    Subterranean Grenade Analysis must exist, just for the sake of variety.
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  17. r4zor

    Biolabs and Sunterranean Nanite Analysis showcase a major flaw in base design: Use of "liftpads" instead of stairs. The same goes for Teleporters and Jumppads.

    I will quote myself from another post regarding the floating Battle Island concept:

    [...] problems of current base design.

    Let me explain it a bit in more detail.
    Back in 2003 (August) when CoreCombat and the caves were added to Planetside 1, the one thing that broke cavern-gameplay the most were ziplines and teleporter camping. Ziplines were almost like jumppads, taking players from one part of the cave to another or to one fo the floating crystal buildings/rocks etc. Similarly, we had teleporters that also took players e.g. from the spawns to another part of the building. Both ziplines and teleporters were being camped - turrets, explosives, vehicles, players waiting to get a cheap shot at the mostly unaware of incapable-of-defending arrivals. Especially due to CSHD and lag this was bad as players would be dead before even seeing the enemy on their screen.
    This was the very reason players hated and avoided the caves. The very reason so many players never played there due to getting frustrated because of their inherent design-issues.

    Now in PS2 we have the very same problem. Let us take the most prominent example: Bio Labs. They are a chore to fight over. Not because vehicles are denied within the dome but of the way people access them: Jumppads, Teleporters. We regularly see people being camped at the jumppad (e.g. when trying to jump over from one of the satellites, or vice versa when the defending empire pushes out of the biolab to the satellites and is being camped by vehicles positioned next to the jumppad-platform. And often the arrivals have no chance to defend themselves because - once in flight - they can barely escape and will often notice the campers too late (due to CSHD and lag).
    Similarly, we have excessive camping at the teleporters. Inside the biolab players would camp the safe-zoned teleporter building for ages and the "spawnroomwarriors" on the inside would similarly sit in their safezones, invulnerable, shooting out of the "windows". On the other side, as soon as the defenders can use the teleporters to get to the satellites, they are regularly being camped. Only this time they dont land in a safezone but are prone to enemy fire even before they would render on their screens.

    This is a very good example of bad base design. The access to the base is severely limited by having (basically) only teleporters and jumppads as a viable way to get into the base. Take Subterranean Nanites, another example of a basedesign that could be good but is lackluster due to said jumppads.

    Now why am I drawing the comparison to that floating island concept? Because, in order to get around, players would mostly have to rely on jumppads and teleporters, again, bearing the same dangers of camping, abuse etc etc.

    Instead of jumppads and teleporters there need to be passageways, stairs, etc that leave the player in control of their movement (in contrast to jumppads, ziplines, teleporters) and thereby avoid them arriving at a frustrating end. There should be no safezones, including spawns!, as well. They should be "destructible" and not shielded by one-way impenetratable shields. Painfields yes, but not these shields. But that I have described in detail in a couple of other posts :p
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  18. DatVanuMan

    I AVOID fights on Subterranean Analysis whenever possible. I HATE this place. Horrible layout, the shields are confusing as I have no idea how to deactivate them, activate them, shoot through them... Just a horrible facility.
  19. VikingKong

    Yeah. It's one of those bases that just make me feel like a massive noob. I have got a clue what I'm doing when I find myself there. It has no natural flow to it. There are worse bases, though. Those illogical underground labyrinths... I don't know any by name, but I've spent hours in them just trying to find my way out. T_T
  20. Diilicious

    i dont think ive ever seen this base? where is it?