[Suggestion] NS Anti-material rifle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mahaut, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Mahaut

    Weapon Type: Bolt Action Sniper Rifle
    Muzzle Velocity: 700m/s
    Headshot multiplier: 2.1x
    Max Damage: 700 before 10m
    Min damage: 400 after 400m
    Magazine Size: 1
    Ammo pool: 24
    Reload speed: 4s
    Default sights: 6x
    Optional attachments: 7x, 8x, 10x, 12x sights.

    Special trait: Important damage multiplier against MAX suits and soft-skinned vehicle (ESF, Valkyrie, Harrasser, Flash). Exact ammount to be determined, but I'd say the damage on a MAX should go something like that:
    Headshot without kinetic armor: removes 45% life.
    Headshot with maxed kinetic armor: ??? (less)
    Bodyshot without kinetic armor: ??? (even less)
    Bodyshot with maxed kinetic armor: ??? (even even less)

    Purpose: To force these AT and AA maxes camping at the top of besieged towers to move a little from time to time and, blasphemy, to retreat inside for regular repairs when there are too many infiltrators with these rifles around. More generally to give maxes something other than tank rounds and overwhelmingly numerous aircrafts to fear over long distances. The damages against soft skinned vehicles is more flavour than anything, as said vehicles are all fast and nimble enough to avoid getting sniped to begin with. Should still do significant damage to them if they are stupid enough to hover/sit around near a sniper nest for too long. No damage against tanks whatsoever, because that would just be stupid. Can still OHK infantry on headshots, and basically has the stats of a tier 3 BASR, but the extremely low fire rate and ammo count makes it rather inefficient at it when compared with any other sniper rifles (it's the trade-off for being able to seriously hamper maxes).

    Would also probably do a bit of good to that common misconception that long range snipers don't help their side in any way, as making AA or AT maxes run around/retreat inside long enough for your aircrafts to get air superiority or for that tank column to get into position seems like interesting a role enough. ["misconception" because, without enough snipers to clean them, tower tops, biolabs pads and the likes would constantly be crawling with AV turrets engineers and lock-on heavies giving a hard time to your air and armour... but somehow nobody seems to realize that, even said heavies and engineers, despite having to give up and do something else after getting head-shot three times in a row. Same-wise, when you CAN use your heavy or engy at the top of a tower without being instantly sniped, it usually means the snipers on YOUR side are good enough to counter-snipe the snipers on the OTHER side and focus their attention on them so... yeah. Give the guys a bit of credit: kph isn't everything in a game of that scale, medics should make that clear enough. And I didn't even have to mention recon darts (that we can and will use effectively from our sniping hill, despite what some uninformed players seem to believe). But I digress here, that's not our subject].

    TLDR: It's that anti-tank sniper rifle idea again! Kill it with fire! Except, no. Contrarily to most of the posts I've seen on that subject so far, I'm trying very hard to make it balanced (and actually am wondering if I'm not trying too hard there... Is it a bit UP?) That's why there is no damaging tanks or one hit kill infantry on body-shots or other dubious stuff like that in my suggestion. It's just a rifle designed around the idea of scaring maxes from long ranges (emphasis on scaring: to get killed by a single sniper, a MAX would have to stay immobile and let him shoot him three times over 8s), with obvious drawbacks in the regular anti-infantry department to make up for it. So, a bit of a niche weapon, but I still think we would see them regularly on the battlefield, albeit not nearly as much as the more standard BASRs (which is why I'm opting for NS here: no point in creating three versions of a weapon that will only be used in some very specific situations anyway).
  2. z1967

    I would cut the ammo down to 9-14 rounds in reserve to force either engineer support or punish killing infantry instead of MAXes with your limited ammo supply. I was thinking the damage against MAXes would be as follows:
    -Body shot no kinetic: 50% of net health
    -Head shot no kinetic: 125% of net health (higher HSM against MAXes as opposed to infantry)
    -body shot maxes kinetic: 25% of net health
    -Head shot against Kinetic MAXes: 50% of net health

    Infantry would not be OHKed on a body shot (duh) and not OHKed on head shot (with the exception of Infiltrators). The idea behind this is to force the weapon as a MAX killer, and not a less bullet efficient upgrade to the T3 rifles (cause sidegrades, just make an excuse that the bullet loses deadly velocity upon impact on shields or whatever). However, you would be able to protect against counter snipers and not have to rely on the crossbow or something crazy like that.

    Damage against Light vehicles would be 3 shots against a flash, 8-10 against a harasser, and 5-7 against an ESF. Not major, but you could kill one with enough shots.
  3. patrykK1028

    Sounds like PTRS 41:
    Its anti tank rifle, but in CoD WaW it was sniper rifle:
  4. Pikachu

    Next infil update is 5 years away. A bit too early for suggestions.
    • Up x 1
  5. Vixxing

    Problem is: most MAX camping platforms with AV is NC with Ravens... (ridicolous OP too ALOT better at AV than Vortex and AAAAAAAAALOT better at AI than Vortex) So give it to VS you can have Phaseshift....
  6. BiggggBRIM

    Hmmmm, this idea looks familiar, where have I seen it before?


    Oh, right. This idea isn't new, fresh or original. It will NEVER make it into the game for balance reasons. Please stop making useless threads asking for it.
    • Up x 12
  7. Takara

    OH....look...ANOTHER one of these....where 5 people like it and the rest of the community pans it....again.... There is about one of these a month since beta. Please just...stop already.
  8. FateJH

  9. Taemien

    If you're looking for an anti-max sniper rifle, try the Railjack. A few shots from it makes them scurrry for cover.
  10. Noktaj

    I'd love an ANTI MAX bullets attachement (in the same slot of Soft Munitions/High Velocity munitions) available for any HA LMG
    They would do x2 damage against MAXES but 0.5 damage against other infrantry.

    Ohw.... would love to mow down those nubsuiters :oops:
  11. Diilicious

    game really doesnt need any more coward friendly weapons.
    • Up x 2
  12. Mahaut

    That's a more... extreme approach I suppose. More damages against maxes, even less against infantry. In my humble opinion though, OHK maxes on headshot should be a definite no. The tears would never stop flowing.

    Damn. That's a shame.

    OP wants to be able to damage tanks, galaxy and other hard target. And OHK infantry.
    OP wants very heavy rifle, huge damage on infantry and ability to damage hard target.
    Op concept very close to mine indeed. Except he'd give the gun to classes having acces to the battle rifle for some reason.
    Op actually copy-paste some of the third link you gave and expands on it. So, again, a rifle effective against heavy armor.
    Again a rifle effective on all targets, hard included.
    Op wants deployable sniper with various ammo types to deal against all targets. Hard included.
    Op doesn't precises what the rifle would be used for. He just shares a cool video.
    Another not exactly detailed idea. Op mentions "armor" though, so, yeah, probably another one who'd want to give it to tanks with a BASR.
    OP doesn't seem to talk about a sniper rifle proper here. More an "anti max rifle" in the shape of a slow firing assault rifle to five a hard counter against that class.
    Op suggests a rifle effective against vehicles (presumably all of them), but only when targeting certain parts. Would indeed be kind of cool, but I doubt the game has been built to work like that.
    Op suggest an anti-material hand cannon. Not a sniper. Geared toward destroying vehicle at close ranges, not scare maxes at long range. No obvious link between the two weapons.
    Op would like a multi-class, weak AT weapon. No more precision, but doesn't seems like he is talking about a sniper rifle. At all.
    Op concept very close to mine indeed. Only major difference is he would have that gun be NC only. And that would make me very very sad.

    I'll just quote my first post. Had you both read it and understood it, you'd never have felt the need to write that one line. I hope for you the problem was the reading part.
    As I said in my op, I'm not here to be original. I'm trying to take an idea that's been floating around for quite some time, and to rework it so it's actually balanced. Most of the time, the reason the community "pans it" is because the op wants something ridiculously unbalanced (generally involving damaging all kinds of vehicle and/or OHK infantry on body-shots). I think the concept itself is interesting, but the proposed executions so far were problematic. Hence me giving it a try because, as you said yourself: the thing keeps coming up. Doesn't that mean there is actually, you know, a demand for it?

    You are absolutely right. Thank you for pointing that mistake to me. One more English word I won't butcher any-more.
    The irony of the thing being I wrote "material" because I'm used to all these English words ending in "-al", and "materiel" sounded too much like my native language to be right. :oops:

    Do I have to answer that? Go play chivalry. Though, now that I think about it... there are bows in that one I believe. Bummer. Maybe try War of the Roses? Wait, there are bows in that one too... Er... Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know. But if I find a jousting simulator someday, I'll definitely give you a link to it.
  13. Taemien

  14. ColonelChingles

    Well, props for understanding the difference between an AM rifle and an AT rifle.

    If you wanted it to be more AM (less "kill the enemy" and more "mess them up"), you could give it a role in equipment removal and explosive disposal.

    So in addition to being effective against MAXes and Light Vehicles, it would also have an "explosive radius" with each shot, not unlike a tank cannon. But this splash damage doesn't do any damage to vehicles or infantry; instead it destroys any enemy equipment within that explosive radius. Enemy explosives, like mines and C4, are detonated. Enemy deployables, like squad spawn beacons, motion spotters, and regeneration fields are destroyed. Enemy Engineer MANA turrets are put into the red zone... and the next shot from anything would kill them.

    Optionally, it could also "scramble" enemy AMS and squad spawn mechanisms... if a Sunderer, Galaxy, or Valkaryie were shot then no one could spawn into it for a certain amount of time.

    All this of course at a cost of low rates of fire, low ammunition capacity, and low effectiveness against infantry.
  15. Matt879

    It could share the same AI damage values as the T3 snipers, if they made it a railgun and thus as you suggested 1 shot/magazine, a lengthy reload and a short charge up before firing. You'd take any other BASR over this sniper when you're going against puny infantry, but when you feel like nailing some maxes or armor you could grab this thing.
  16. KnightCole

    Neg, NC, VS and TR AMR or no AMR.

    NC-9S Sparrow: 900dmg 750ms velocity, 3 shots, deadly sounding Rail gun. it ignores 30% of a MAX small arms resistance. So, 900dmg-50% Max resistance would be the damage it would do. Easy to snipe them down, but it wont be to OP as its small mag cap and still deals less damage to them. Against Harrassers and Flashes, it deals +25% of it's 900 dmg to them. High recoil, highly accurate, high bloom, fast velocity.

    TR Barracuda: 500 dmg per shot, 600m/s, 6 shots. Essentially the same thing as the NC weapon only it deals less dmg per shot, but more DPS and easier to rapid fire.

    VS-idk..some spacey/sciency name...: Something like a miniLancer for anti MAX and light vehicles. Lowest Recoil and best handling overall, but also worst dmg per shot. Could benefit from the overheat mechanic by having the largest shots per "mag", able to fire like 8-10 shots before overheating for like 3-4 seconds. But controlled fire could keep it firing for a good long while.

    AMR's slow Infils down by 15% and drain cloaks 15% faster. Also, due to their immense size, AMRs are unable to be fired unless from a crouched, stationary position. Hipfire is beyond the worst anyone has ever seen, similar to a hipfired, comp'd Gauss SAW while running and jumping off a building....so a hipfire acc of like 15 lol...just to kind of keep their play a bit more balanced so we dont see AMR Anti infantry infils running around like rambo.

    AMRs each have semi rapid fire, but its more like an increased Bolt action Rof, maybe rechamber times of 0.75s between shots, for the NC its like a full bolt action cycle similar to the EM4.
  17. Tuco

  18. TTex11

    This can already be done with the existing bolt action sniper rifles. Yes, it's true that MAXes can pretty much ignore a sniper plinking at his armor for some time before seeking repairs, but as soon as you get some coordination going between snipers (something you almost -never- see happen) the rules change. MAXes are easier to score headshots on, especially those camping MAXes that were mentioned. If you suddenly have two or, scary thought, even more snipers all focusing on one MAX together his health is going to vanish very very quickly. So quickly in fact often you can drop them before they realize they're actually in trouble, since they're so used to ignoring snipers.

    Again, this is something you almost never see however, as people playing snipers very very rarely coordinate their shooting. But it damn potent when it does take place.

    For extra hilarity, try this coordinating thing on normal squishy targets too. Enemies start dropping like flies before they can even think of scrambling for cover, even without headshots.
  19. Tycoh

    I doubt its for balance reasons than just simply not having it in their agenda...their very unimaginative, bland, uncreative agenda. It really can't be hard to balance a weapon, maybe if they had a committed testing team than just throwing mostly outdated testing material into the PST server and expect the pubbies to analyze and critique?... When I joined to help test mods back in the hay days of HL2 modding, the testing team would literally write well detailed essays on what we'd like to see out of a certain piece of content to be released. The devs would listen and present their own input, we come into agreement after some micro testing sessions, then viola new content that most of the players liked. Something that has not been done well in PST and its PST forum.

    If they don't want to make what the customers want, it wont be a surprise when they start asking why they aren't getting as much money as they hoped for in the future. I mean look at that list, we want anti-materiel rifles to give a new flare to the game, i'd like a anti-materiel rifle. I'd pay money for it if it was executed acceptably.
  20. BiggggBRIM

    Its a two way street. If this harebrained idea were to be implemented the number of people quitting would far outpace the number of people buying the rifle. And if SOE made decisions solely based on the number of threads asking for the same thing we'd have a name change token available by now.