Remove 0.75x ADS from VS Heavies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SacredRay, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Rift23

    I thought every Vanu you encountered was a Blueshift MAX/Eridani infiltrator?
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  2. Vixxing

    Cobalt: Vixxing (VS) Vixxina (NC) Vixxinho (TR) My VS is main and BR100 so got all mag/lib uppgrades
  3. Takara

    Hell if I know man...people hate to die. Which blows my mind...when you play a game with NO penalty for dying why would you get upset? Half the time I spawn I pretty much do so with a plan in my head that will end in me dying....but hopefully killing a few people. When i see 20 people camping a door because both sides are afraid to rush in and die. I think....let me get my max...and hope these S.O.B.s follow me...

    Most of the is the guy's who die who preform a more valuable contribution to their empire then the guys with a 10 k/d ratio. I just play the game to have fun. Me and my buddy will go get a Harasser and drive backward into a sundy so we can drop mines out the back and blow it up...sure we may get a kill or two...if any but we blow up the sundy. Which pushes the invading empire back out of our hex...Job well done...and pats on the back and enjoyment for us.

    Hell the other day I bellyflopped my Harasser on the top of a vanguard ...HILARIOUS I laughed so hard I was crying. I just ran over like 4 NC heavies hiding on a ridge and floated through the air like a butterfly...then hit the vanguard's windshield and ended up a splattered stain on his paintjob.....WORTH IT!

    But for some people...they do that...and die...and what ever just killed them became OP! ******* OP BASTARDS WITH THEIR OP GUNS I SHOULD NEVER DIE! I'M TOO GOOD! IT'S JUST THAT OP GUN IS THE ONLY REASON ANYONE EVER WINS AGAINST ME!

    I got my first Aurax on an LMG with the Flare back in the day...still love that gun too.
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  4. Winfield

    The EM1 is complete rubbish.
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  5. Ztiller

    All the VS use Orion because all our other LMGs are rubbish.
  6. Flapatax

    You would have to give up the softpoint.
  7. SacredRay

    Its kind of hard to take bad "MLG pro" posts like this seriously to be honest. How many times will you account for someone smashing ADAD with a 0.75x weapon and phasing from left to right? But apparently its my fault for not aiming hard enough?

    Better yet, if I lost to an NC/TR whilst using an Orion, it would be my fault for not smashing ADAD hard enough and allowing them to aim?

    I won't even comment on the new 'meta' of smashing 'C' (crouch) in order to glitch the head hitbox so that you miss half your bullets. But 'Nay!' you will say, 'UR FAWLT 4 NOT AIMING!!11!' -_-

    Infantryside illustrates the worst of scummy lot of bad players who will use any crutch, no matter how despicable, just to another kill towards their k/d.
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  8. TheBand1t

    I'd rather they undo the hipfire nerf to the MSW-R and Anchor

    The entire point of those is to be a hipfire hero and they can't do that anywhere near as well as they used to
  9. Pineapple Pizza!

    Have any vods or footage of your gameplay against orions? I'd like to see that.

    Also, remember that shotguns are always an option. Always make sure when people call you a scrub that you're the one cleaning up the place.
  10. Bankrotas

    If only it was that, MSW-R would be ******* OP with 0.75xMM
  11. doombro

    Done and done.
  12. Krayus_Korianis

    How about we incur the wrath of the gods upon the ADADADADADADADAD people? They do it, their speed gets slower REALLY fast, no matter what weapon.
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  13. Ronin Oni

    Not really. Fast movement is not supposed to be a trait of LMG's.

    I would absolutely support the removal of all .75 ADS move LMG's (I believe TR does have a singular option themselves?)

    HOWEVER, VS need AR's buffed to compensate.
  14. Ronin Oni

    I support incurring a strafe movement penalty if ADADAD'ing

    Single directional strafing, or moving in 1 direction for at least a full second should lower the the penalty back down.
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  15. cruczi

    ADAD is part of the game. Movement skills should be considered skills just like aiming skills.
  16. Krayus_Korianis

    It's only part of the game when one LMG has .75x ADS and people exploit that. Why do you think there's so many Chinese/Japanese playing Vanu? It isn't because they're purple or they have discos.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    Trying to glitch hit detection and abusing sync delays is NOT skill hot shot.

    Try again.
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  18. DatVanuMan

    Alright then.
    1st of all, I don't care about ARs.
    2nd of all, to compensate, our ARs must be buffed. HOW IS THAT USEFUL?
    3rd of all, if you do take away 0.75x ADS speed (Which isn't too useful, but helps) from all VS LMGs, then you better decrease recoil and increase accuracy TREMENDOUSLY.
  19. SacredRay

    The 'pros' have started smashing Crouch in order to glitch hit detection further. Its getting completely out of control.
  20. Ronin Oni

    1: I don't give 2 pence if you don't care about AR's. It's a fact VS have more HA's than other factions and less Medics precisely because our LMG's are better and AR's are worse, which is the inverse to the other 2 factions.

    2: It's useful because we'd have more medics = more ressing and heals. VS have the worst AR's in the game, and the best LMG's.

    3: Recoil and accuracy are already middle of the road. Less horizontal and more vertical than TR, less vertical and more horizontal than NC.