Harassers, still a total piss take

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. a-koo-chee-moya

    Yes, harassers are good, but only in the 3 hexs (Indar Ex to Quartz Ridge, Howling Pass) Where their is plenty of open area to harass in. Most of the time, a lightning would be more effective as harassers don't have room to maneuver.
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  2. Saber15

    IIRC, they said they'd be making a new set of heavier AV secondary weapons for MBTs, which the ES buggies will be able to mount, whereas the Harasser will only be able to use the old ones.
  3. Takara

    Disagree.....a squad of 10 people can just use assault rifles...even with composite armor it will nearly kill it. The things are fast....but generally food for AP lighting and any MBT. If it murders you that often...you are just blindly running into the same spot over and over again.
  4. DFDelta

    So thats what it was.
    I roadkilled someone with my Flash yesterday... while I was standing still in a corner of a room.

    Guy probably got revived next to me. It even happened right after TR tried to storm the point, so someone being dead next to me makes sense.
  5. CNR4806

    Harassers are hardly the OP tank-on-steroids that they were at release after the nerf bat.

    These days they die fairly quickly if exposed to the attention of the tanks, yet still excels when they get the jump on the tanks, or freshly-pulled and lonely tanks behind the limes. I think they're fine where they currently are.
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  6. MaxDamage

    A pounder max can drop one in almost a single clip if it comes close.

    Harassers may be dangerous and fast, but they are paper thin.
  7. vsae

    Solo (2/3) harasser are currently only viable for AI farming. Or for killing abandoned/clueless sunderer zerg with ES AV.
    They are so efficient because there are so many clueless people with k/d of .3 and zero awareness.
  8. Mefi

    Just to add an example to this quote.
    Someone's very old vid (though things got better since then but the main issue is still exists):
  9. Epoch/Eep

    Around Acan Bio lab too :)
  10. Epoch/Eep

    It does well on hossin too. The terrain lets you hit and run a lot easier so things that generally arent killable become viable targets. Its still a battlefield scavenger but if you choose an AV fight on hossin it does a lot better than expected.
  11. vsae

    Yeah, except the terrain and plants on hossin kill you even faster than Tanks.
  12. Epoch/Eep

    Thats a driving issue. You can learn to deal with that easier than AP cannons :p
  13. vsae

    Yeah, lol tell that to my driver, who basically got all his XP by driver assists :)
  14. r4zor

    IMHO that would be bad. The AV secondaries are already too strong for SECONDARIES. All of them, the Vulcan, the Saron, the Enforcer and the Halbert they can already kill vehicles damn quickly, buffing them for MBTs and giving Buggies the current MBT one's would be too much.
    This would drastically nerf all other Armor, it would further reduce Tank vs Tank TTK, it would lead to the same problems with Buggies that we already have with Harassers (video of Vulcan Harasser), just that the Buggies would have even stronger AV options and were more durable.

    Honestly, this is not a good idea.
  15. Epoch/Eep

    no need. Thats what i do. Hossin has given new life to my enforcer :)
  16. Covah

    Valkyrie is OP too.

    Harassers op....lol, seriously ?

    That's that kind of whining noobs ******* that makes the game worse.
  17. KenDelta

    Halberd and Fury are still strong counterparts , even without the Vulcan/Saron/Enforcer/Marauder/Canister/PPA they would still be strong.
  18. Halo572

    They must be overpowered, simple test being rank 100s use them. Widely.

    That simple test works for anything in this title, want to know what is gimped - look at a rank 100s stats.

    They will have been and gone to work out how to exploit it for maximum combine harvester effect long before any normal player has probably even worked out it is there.

    Want to know what should be deleted from this title to clean it up? look at a rank 100s stats.

    If they aren't using it then it is pretty redundant and won't aid you in a 100/1 kill streak in any way. Get rid of it.

    The current 'best' player stats suggest you get an SMG-46 Armistice, although it is normally mosquito weapon related.

    896 rpm, nice.
  19. t31os


    Harassers are small arms fire and lightning breakfast.

    Try focus firing with some friendlies, they go down in no time at all.
  20. blackboemmel

    OP is right. Harassers are almost invincible, no fun to use and can OHK Galaxies. Found this brand new vid as an evidence: