what should I spend station cash on?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shahryar, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. shahryar

    I mostly play Infiltrator, engine, and light assault.

    as far as vehicles goes I tend to use the lightning a lot(back when i played engie more I used the sunderer more)
    I have 3k station cash I was thinking about using 1k of it for a new helmet but not sure.

    I was looking at getting the hunter and or amp for my infiltrator (as i play more like a scout) and maybe the skyguard for the lightning but not sure what else would be good.
  2. Iridar51

    From my Game Guide:

    Buying stuff
    If you buy an empire specific item with SC, it will be available to all characters of that empire on your account.
    If you buy a cross faction item with SC, it will be available to all characters on your account.
    If you unlock an item with certs, it will be available only on that character.

    Before purchasing something with SC:
    1) Check if it's a part of one of the bundles on official PS2 site: https://www.planetside2.com/bundles
    2) Check if it's a part of PS2 Starter pack: link. In case you're worried if they are legit; the are, I've bought there myself.
    3) Check if it's on a daily saly, and on a member sale, if you have premium membership.
    4) Check if it's a part of one of the bundles in the in-game store.

    It may very well be that you'll be able to get something else in addition to what you wanted. Even if you don't need it now, maybe you will want to try it later, you're getting it for "free" anyway.

    If you have some spare SC or cash on credit card lying around - check the daily sale from time to time. Maybe something you wanted will be on sale one day. If you're too lazy to login, you can check what's on daily sale at PS2 Daily Deals twitter.
    Normally it's recommended to buy cosmetics with SC. Most guns are sidegrades and getting them is not really that important.
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  3. MaxDamage

  4. Inex

    Assuming you haven't bought anything so far:

    Infiltrator - Getting an SMG is a pretty solid choice. If you like Stalker cloak, then probably the x-bow.
    Light Assault - Pump Action.
    Engineer - the GL equipped carbine is an ok choice. Or maybe the AV turret if for some reason you don't already have it.
    Lightning - AP or Skyguard.

    Those are basically the role filler items. Anything else is usually just a sidegrade to something you already have.

    Personally, I love the swag. I'd go grab a shiny hat and some Lumifiber for the Lightning and Infiltrator. That's just me though. :D
  5. Killuminati C

    I agree with you to a point with the exception of any bundle that features rail, sight, or barrel attachments as these seem like a ripoff due to their relatively cheap cert cost. Also, yes most guns are sidegrades but I would recommend trying some out on your favorite classes to see if one really feels good for you based on your playstyle. Sure the defaults are generally pretty good all around but quite a few people specialize in close quarters or long distance fire suppresion.

    All in all though Iridar had an excellent response. This is just my two cents on the subject.
  6. shahryar

    cool, possibly stupid question to finish this with. Is there a decent all around camo that actually seems to actually help(I know this is more subjective but eh) I remember in the early days giraffe camo was good but I think that was for an entirely different reason. I tend to be TR
  7. Leftconsin

    Station Cash? I recommend cosmetics. Mainly because they can't be gained through certs.
  8. Iridar51

    I like this one, called "Forest Ground", used to run this 99% of the time. Works great on southern Indar, Amerish and Hossin.
    Northern Indar is horrible for infantry fights anyway.

    At Esamir I think it's better to go with no camo at all for TR. There's plain white Esamir camo, but the problem is Esamir isn't all white. It's bright white snow and dark black ground, and gray buildings. With bright white Esamir camo you'll be hard to see on snow, but a big juicy target on ground and indoors. TR no camo is black and white, so works okay everywhere on Esamir.
  9. _itg

    As others have said, NS weapons are the best to buy with SC, since you'll have them if you ever want to make a character in another faction. The crossbow and skyguard are both good choices for this reason. You might also take a look at the "fresh meat" pack on the shop website. it's only 199 SC and comes with the NS-7 PDW (a medium-range SMG), a camo and an xp boost.

    I think giraffe camo is good because it's harder to tell at a glance what faction you are. Of course, that could also get you TK'd.
  10. Blippy

    Tech camo, especially if you're VS. The shiny silver look contrasts with the dark greys of the uncovered parts, giving it a really nice two-tone chrome look.

    I have a chrome fetish.
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  11. LibertyRevolution

    For your infiltrator: Hunter QCX Crossbow or NS-30 Vandal Scout Rifle
    For your engineer: Anti-Vehicle MANA Turret

    NS Cross faction weapons are the only weapons I would spend SC on. SC should really be spent on cosmetics.

    Do not waste the SC for the AMP... I spent 1000 certs on the amp, I think I used it for 2 days before putting my repeater back on.

    Far as Camo goes.. Keep in mind, what ever continent you are on, buildings are all NS gray.
    That white esamir camo may look cool as your running across a snow filled plain..
    But when you get into the capture point building, you are bright white against a grey wall, it is like free HSNV for the enemy...
    Buy camo that you like, that makes you happy. Be sure to check it out in VR before buying, along with any weapons/vehicles.
  12. Killuminati C

    Really camo is personal preference. I run grey scale at night, one of the white ones on Esamir, and something similar to what Iridar posted the rest of the time. With the Q spotting it really doesn't matter but I like to look good on my enemies kill screen :D.

    And make sure to trial even the NS weapons before outright buying them as they have different characteristics that might not fit your playstyle ie the carbine has really low bullet velocity, the lmg is low dmg though the cof resets very quickly making it good for long range burst fire, etc. The Vandal and PDW are pretty solid though as long as you like medium range engagements.
  13. Xasapis

    I believe that you should spend SC only on items that you can not purchase with certs. So my priorities would be:
    • Subscription
    • Boost (with those two, you now make double the amount of certs compared to a free account)
    • Cosmetics
    I'm an average, mostly infantry player. I've been playing since launch with some small or big breaks in between. At this point in time I have 220.000 certs and I'm basically at the point where I dump them anywhere, so I don't hit the cert cap. I would not buy weapons with SC.

    I've seen quite a few rage posts down the line, when some overperforming weapons were brought back in line after a while. People feel both regret and entitlement stronger when they spend SC, compared to when they spend certs. Besides, getting something by spending certs gives the feeling of earning it, which SC purchases don't provide.
  14. Covah

    Helmets and lumifiber.

    Who buys guns with SC ?
  15. Prudentia

    Wait 2 weeks
    2nd anniversary is coming and you'll get more bang for the buck in the sales
  16. t31os

    If you have the PTS (Planetside Test Server) client installed, fire that up and purchase as many as you want to test. It beats only getting a view in the preview window. Every camo/cosmetic item on PTS is 1 cert(and you start with 10k).

    Infiltrator, you gotta grab a decent SMG. Personally i'd avoid the Hailstorm, and focus on either the PDW(NS) or the Armistice, depending on how aggresively you like to play, ie. the PDW will work better beyond close range. Neither is great over range, but the PDW is better in this regard and easier to adjust to, in my opinion of course. Crossbow would be a good call though, but can't speak to that as i've not found a good bundle with it included, and one that doesn't include items i already have, but it's one i'm after for those stalker cloak moments, mwahahahahahah....

    Engie is gonna be a personal preference, too many gun options, but the AV turret is a really handy thing to have.

    Lightning i'd go for HEAT personally, i've pulled AP all of about twice since buying it(shame because it's still good). HEAT still works as AV, but will naturally lose out vs AP, unless you make you opponent miss once/twice, whilst landing your own(you will win). HEAT gives you that AI killing power, so it's more useful all round(i find). That said, HEAT works well for my playstyle and i run it alongside Nanite Repair and Fire Suppression, hit and run, hit and run. Skyguard lol, been certed for soo long, but so useless, pull a burster max or heavy with a lockon instead(at least you can switch loadouts in the max) if air is a problem.

    BTW, check out the steam bundles, they include some camos, iirc.
  17. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Any links?
  18. Prudentia

  19. shahryar

    True, though in my defense this was all free sc from a lifetime subscription to free realms haha
  20. z1967

    Hats and camos. Nothing is better than hats and camos. Maybe the kazoo horn but stick with the hats and camos for starters.
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