Any player here running the x32 client fine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belkor, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Belkor

    As stated in the title, did anyone with the x32 client manage to play the game without crashes? I'm currently on x64 client and have been playing the game fine. My friend with the x32 client however has been crashing repeatedly.
  2. Belkor

    No one?
  3. Stigma

    I play using the 32bit because it bahves a lot better than 64 (stuttering and other issues). Since the very latest patch and since they fixed the 32-bit client to working again I am having few issues. Crashing is a fairly rare occurence.

    For me crashing and other nonsense is something that happens far more frequently under 64bit - but it seems like different people are reporting differing results.

    • Up x 1
  4. Belkor

    Thanks for the info sir. I think I've only heard of one person that has ever been able to run the x32 client without crashing frequently. I'm not sure how he does it though.