Getting stuck while redeploying at Sundy

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by LongbeardedBMFVS, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. LongbeardedBMFVS

    I literally can't play since the last game. Mostly every time I get stuck in the redeploy screen when redeploying at a sundy. Can't exit it, only redeploy works (not ESC). Having done that I can choose where to spawn. Only to result in the same screen to be stuck again. I have to restart the game when it happens. Found no other release.

    What a great way to spend my last 4 hours on the paid booster.

    Anyone else getting this ****?
    • Up x 2
  2. NikolaiLev

    I get the same issue. Probably same as this one.

    This only started happening after today's hotfix.
    • Up x 1
  3. genericX

    The game is totally unplayable after the latest update! Keep getting stuck in "LOADOUT" ("Equipment") screen. Pressing "Redeploy" or "Instant Action" won't help much since after the redeployment I get stuck in the map screen while "Escape" to view the main menu or "Enter" to open the chat box, or even restarting the game won't work either! SOE, get your things together please!
  4. LongbeardedBMFVS

    This is what it looks like. Now seems to happen every time I use an equipment terminal.
  5. mikalam

    I have the same problem too
  6. Skaru

    Same Problem, pls SOE fix this quick, I'm home alone and could play.
  7. NikolaiLev

    From another thread,

    An effective stopgap until SOE can address this issue.
  8. Freeloaderusa

    Same here game gets stuck at 0 fps on deployment have to wait 1 minute until it boosts up a little bit then when I start moving FPS starts going up and down like crazy. Its all because of this damn patch before patch my game was running ok at medium settings

    Cant play the game anymore