Fps locked to 58 ?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by XRIST0, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. XRIST0

    Hey guys I have got a small problem , my fps seems to be capped at 58 and sits around 56-57 most of the time but will never hit 60 .. not even in a deserted area looking up at the sky , ive disabled smoothing and that made no difference =( my fps is not capped elsewhere , does anybody have any idea why ?
  2. BrittonHD

    I'm not exactly sure what it's called in the PS2 folders, but there's a file/config/document that contains your settings used on startup. There is a "max fps" (or something like that) in there that has a number beside it. This is the highest your FPS will be able to go. You could check there and make sure its above 60?

    That's not the guaranteed reason, but it's just what I thought of when you said it just wont go over 60.

    It could even be that your computer just won't give you any higher FPS than that with your current Graphics settings in-game?

    Try setting your graphics to very-low and then trying.

    Hope this helps!
  3. GaBeRock

    Keep raising graphics settings incrementally before you start dropping frames. Then, reverse the most recent changes. Your fps will still be capped at 58, but at least your game will look better.
  4. XRIST0

    Hey thanks for replying dude , ive set maxfps to 60 in the useroption.ini , that did nothing ..

    I really don't know what it could be =\ im certain my pc can get 60+fps , ofcoarse frame rate will drop during big fights but i used to be able to get 60fps at the warpgate for example , with vsync on but it just wants to sit at 58fps no matter what where and how .

    So everybody's fps is capped to 58 now ? is it hard coded into the .exe or something , because my fps is not limited anywhere to 58 ..

    I don't understand , I mean im not complaining .. quite happy playing how it is , just curious that's all .
  5. BrittonHD

    Try setting it to 120. Setting "MaxFPS" to 60 will make it so you will only be able to reach 60 in FPS, no further.

    Also, do as I suggested about lowering your graphics and reply with the results here, please? I'm a bit curious, myself. :p
  6. XRIST0

    Any graphical setting its limited to 58fps ..
  7. deep47o

    Disable vertical sync and smoothing.
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  8. t31os

    Smoothing will specifically cap your FPS to try and normalize it more, so it will tend to sit around 58 or 59 if you system can keep the FPS up.
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  9. XRIST0

    Thanks for the reply guys , id rather play with vsync on .. I get terrible screen tearing if I don't ... and its still capped to 58fps , with vsync off ...

    Smoothing on or off = 58 fps , literally makes no difference .

    This is really weird , I have no frikn idea ..
  10. Benwah

    Try setting the max fps higher. Right now I have mine set to 66 (overclocked monitor) and it's only reaching 63-64. I think the fps limit is off by a little bit.
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  11. XRIST0

    It is set to 250 in the useroptions file ..

    I have been pc gaming a long time , never had this problem =\

    Usually I can figure these things out by myself , but this i just don't understand .. my fps is not capped anywhere to 58 , even with smoothing disabled it still hovers around 56-57 fps , when i should be getting 60 .
  12. Benwah


    I just did a little testing in a smallish fight. Without the monitor overclock, my frame rate bounces between 58 and 61. That's more than likely due to forcing through the graphics driver. With the monitor overclock (66Hz), and the frame rate capped to 65, I stay put at 63 fps, with almost no derivation what so ever. With smoothing on and an OC, I stay between 55 and 58.

    All I can say is to make sure you're turning off the smoothing in graphics options, and not the smoothing option in general options. I highly doubt that that's the case, I'm just thinking out loud.

    EDIT: Maybe you could try checking the UserOptions ini file to make sure that smoothing=0. If that's not the case, maybe you're being limited by your driver, or any gpu overclock software you might be running. Just a thought, but I guess it's worth a shot.
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  13. XRIST0

    I've tried setting smoothing to 0 and making the file read only , didn't work ..

    Do you reckon it could be maybe frame pacing in ccc ?

    I appreciate you trying to help anyway bud , thanks heaps =)
  14. Botji

    What does your FPS thingy say aside from FPS? Limit by CPU or GPU?

    Anyway, you should be able to get well above 60 fps in WG as long as there isnt a ton of people around.
    If I were you I would remove the useroptions.ini file(or just rename it so you have a backup) and let the game make a brand new one when you start the game, if you are still limited at 58 fps with vsync and smoothing off I would say its pretty safe its not a setting in the game thats causing it.

    I would then uninstall the GFX driver, ccc and any sort of "user" settings for the GFX and reinstall it because if its not a game setting its probably something in the cards setting/driver thats doing it.
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  15. XRIST0

    Yeah im just too lazy to reinstall the drivers -.-

    For some reason ccc wont open for me , maybe if I could access it I could fix it .. and radeon pro no longer works =(

    Meh , its okay // thanks for the help anyway guys .
  16. cruczi

    Are you sure you don't have a third party framerate limiter in use, e.g. Dxtory, MSI Afterburner, RadeonPro?
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  17. user101

    Above 60 FPS physX can desync from directX and above about 90 FPS the hit box stops working well in PS2 you start to miss hits in the game. Faster FPS does not mean better.
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    Afaik PhysX is no longer active in PS2 and has not been for quite some time.

    Im not too sure I can accept what your saying about fps higher than 60 resulting in a bad hitbox unless you can provide some sort of information or proof of this. If it is really true that running fps higher than 60fps will give you bad hit detection then I would be really really surprised.

    OP, post your UserOptions.ini, post the first 2 sections named [Display] and [Rendering]
    Then we can take a look, see whats going on and maybe make a suggestion for you to edit your graphics cfg.
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  19. user101

    Your are correct about the good PhysX that is not active. But the low level physX is active just look in your PS2 dir.
    And I have tested the hit box on the test server by unloading the graphics card and over clocking the PC. But SOE changes with every new update -- so who know what it is now.

    But SOE is very picky just how fast you can send bullet info to the server. To fast and the server just does not count it. To slow and your dead.

    all the force fields are physX graphics they still use quite a bit of physX in the game.
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  20. XRIST0

    Im 100% certain my fps is not capped elsewhere ..



    As you can see here , in a very quiet warpgate my fps hovers 57-58 fps .. it should be 60 , it used to be .

    You can also see im not gpu or cpu limited .


    In these 2 pictures I should be getting 100+fps , but no matter what its stuck to 58 =\



    Ill try deleting the config file , and reinstalling drivers .. I guess its my only hope , thanks guys .