Why do I die when the warpgates are rotated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by andy_m, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. andy_m

    I was at TI Alloys.

    I was not in the spawn room.

    I was at the point.

    When the counter reached zero, the NC won the alert and I play NC.

    I can understand dying while being trapped in an enemy spawn room when the warpgates rotate, but why should we die when we are not in a spawn room?

    The continent wasn't locked on this occasion. I would have been in Vanu territory.

    Was it because I was on the point?

    I'm struggling to get to grips with this to be honest. All I can do in the future is make sure that I redeploy before the alert counter reaches zero :/
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  2. Axehilt

    Worse is when it insta-gibs your vehicle. Like 20 seconds after pulling a vehicle the game just flat-out killed me with no refund of the nanites.

    Obviously it's something I can avoid in the future, but equally obvious is that it's stupid I should have to worry about it in the first place.
  3. RomulusX

    Everyone drank the koolaid
  4. Shanther

    I am going to assume it is to prevent really stupid situations from happening.
  5. Champagon

    It's to prevent people from farming spawn rooms after a warpgate rotation.

    It is also to prevent stupid situations from happening
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  6. NoctD

    The WG rotations are a stupid situation in themselves. These alerts are pointless and useless!
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  7. Champagon

    And I COMPLETELY agree with you!
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  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

    just press redeploy in last 10 seconds of alert
  9. NoctD

    The WG rotations/alert end still spoils everything else. You're enjoying a great fight one moment, and the next, its all done and everyone loses!
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  10. \m/SLAYER\m/

    i know, that's why i'm changing continent before alert ends, and this is annoying.
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  11. andy_m

    Yeah, that must be a right pain...

    What happens if you are in an aircraft?

    I mean, is this just a random thing?

    I wish I knew what the new rules where regarding this...
  12. St0mpy

    idk i noticed this the other day

    I was in a safe TR base, no fighting, the alert ended and I was killed, warpgates rotated but the base was STILL a TR base. There was absolutely no reason for me to die.
  13. andy_m

    Blimey! That's even worse then... Perhaps this should be in the Bugs forum?
  14. Axehilt

    It's not random, it happens when the alert ends and the continent is "locked" but then instantly unlocks due to the server having enough players.

    If you're in the air you just die and your aircraft crashes to the ground.

    So basically the lesson is never pull a vehicle in the last 2 mins of an alert unless you don't mind losing the nanites.

    AMSs and beacons survive tho, last time a previously good and even fight turned into a painful 3-way due to WG rotation. It felt kinda awkward seeing the NC all of a sudden owning that base we had been fighting for against the TR for hours before
  16. andy_m

    Just got me again... If you don't keep your eye on the clock you fall foul of dying when the warpgates rotate. This just cannot be right and I am going to log a ticket and see what comes back.
  17. Zotamedu

    I have not been killed when being regular infantry. The game killed me as a MAX once. And it blew up a full Galaxy so some lucky low level player who had managed to tag us with flak got a crap load of XP. Most of the time, I just get a prompt telling me to redeploy. They really need to fix that bug where it sometimes kills people and vehicles.
  18. andy_m

    Ah... Interesting that, because both times in the last week I was a MAX when I died.

    I raised a ticket anyway and I got this prompt response from one of the GM's;