So I tried the Stalker cloak...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Moonheart, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Pseudo Neo

    You don't. It's as simple as that. Stalker is a tool for disruption and sabotage rather than a tool to farm certs and pad stats. As an example:

    Myself and an outfit mate were able to keep 2 squads searching a base for about 5 minutes. We kept flipping the points and hiding in very unusual places. While this was happening the rest of our outfit was able to organize, push out of the defense of the base next door and attack the base we were stalking at. Because we had all those extra people looking for 2 of us they were unable to break the defense and keep my outfit locked into the next base.

    Another example:

    I used stalker to sit at a base after our defense failed. I waited until the enemy armor column pushed ahead and then dropped a squad beacon for the rest of my squad to come in, 4 other guys. Once they were in we hacked the vehicle terminal, pulled a 5 man prowler column with AP cannons, and destroyed the majority of the enemy armor numbering much more than us. This allowed the zerglings to push them back and begin assaulting instead of defending. I call this "Surprise Buttsecks".

    Stalker is a tool, a utensil for strategy and tactics. It's not a killing machine. Think less of "How can I kill people with stalker" and more "How can I take advantage of the enemy not knowing where I am".
  2. Scudmungus

    Soap-Box Side-Semi Rant:


    o-o It's perfectly possible to get a good K/D with the Stalker - or really, any weapon.

    Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean you're being as a effective as you possibly can / providing your team with the full benefits an Infiltrator can bring to the platoon!

    As any dedicated Outfit player will know, there's many a time where you do/are asked to do what must be done, even though it ends up in a grizzly, horrible, trauma-inducing, bowel-rupturing death. Or, more often than not, many deaths.

    Personally, within BRTD, we have a tendency to shoot our fellow Outfit members every now and then, doubly more so if they dare to cry about K/D. When running with your Outfit, if you're making choices with K/D preservation or padding in mind then you're not prioritising the needs of your Outfit. The real danger is when we forget we're making such choices, i.e it becomes habit, practiced unconsciously.

    Of course, what we do in our free time/off time, should you be lucky to have such luxuries, is our own business!

  3. Reclaimer77

    Stalker cloak you trade killing power for the ability to stay cloaked ALL THE TIME.

    I thought that was self explanatory. Where's the problem?

    And can we stop with the whole "omg how did they see me?" thing? We saw you because you were running around or in a stupidly obvious place for a cloaker to be.
  4. Scudmungus

    While I realise you're not specifically focusing on the Stalker Cloak, when I hear folks complaining about the concealment offered by the Stalker Cloak I have to wonder..

    ..many more followed and no, they didn't find me. This happens regularly and reliably!

    So aye, as long as you're not moving and aren't positioned directly in the path of players - and it helps to ensure you have dark textures behind you, though it's not essential - you can sit quite brazenly and enjoy the show.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, if you stay still people don't notice you.
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  6. Shaggath

    Stalker is really funny.
    You move when people are to far or people don't see in your direction.
    And you wait when people not see you to kill with a crossbow or a commisionner.
    You need to be patient with perfect aim choose the right order know when wait and not engage the opposite of infi smg a weapon to never miss whith high ttk on cqc.
    For tr faction pistol is good but uneasable, this weapon wasp ammo to quickly, you don't play stalker if after taking the time to find the spot and patiently hunt target you are out of ammo after 5 kill.
    So you take a crossbow and you do that with only one clip.
  7. Turiel =RL=

    If that was the case it would be nice, but that isn't the case. Everyone and his brother can still see you, aparently by just running the game at higher quality. This is most ineffective non-cloak, I have ever seen in any game - with the emphasis on "seen", because THEY CAN SEE YOU!

    Actually this reminds me of the movie "Mystery Men". That's a comedy about some sort of wannabe "super-heros". They had a guy called "Invisible Boy". His special ability was to be insivible, but it only worked if nobody was looking.
  8. _itg

    Do you know about the deep cloak? If you're crouched and stationary, you really are damn near invisible. I'll agree the cloak is much too visible while crouch-walking (on high settings), and slightly too visible while walking or sprinting.
  9. Reclaimer77

    You know why we can "see you"? Because you're running right at us like morons ALL THE TIME getting shot in the face and wondering why.

    You guys think just because you can "cloak", you don't have to be sneaky.
  10. Turiel =RL=

    Nope, not running around. Actually I was crouched in a corner (and cloaked ofc) looking at the MAP and some other stuff in the menu for something like 5 minutes when someone came by and shot me straight in the face.
  11. Mahaut

    Smells a lot like ESP hack to me.

    From my experience, when you are crouched and cloaked, you really are pretty much invisible: people will pass right beside you without pausing. So, when you've just been sitting immobile in your corner of the room, cloaked and crouched, without killing anybody, letting people pass you by one after the other while reading a book or something, and then suddenly that one guy steps into the room, looks straight at you and empty a magazine in your head... Just report him. He's cheating, simple as that.
  12. MisterSlim

    There are a few bugs with the Stalker cloak, like the infamous uncloaked-head bug, and the less common uncloaked-arms bug.

    Also, crouching in a corner is asking for a few mags to the eyeballs. I'd personally recommend staying away from corners, because of the hard-lined textures, and because lots of people will just randomly shoot into corners to check for cloakers. While we are nearly invisible during a crouch cloak, the distortion is emphasized by the hard angles of corners and stairs. Also, we don't seem to blend as well with a dark background. Just my two cents.
    Happy Hunting
    -Mister Slim
  13. AngersRevenge

    As an Infil, unless I am on a suicide run, I find I get killed by my team more than the enemy. Either by friendly fire or them being ignorant. As a sniper, someone else gets next to me and gives my position away. As a CQC, a team mates doesn't turn off his darklight, or I get shot when flanking the enemy. And, don't even get me started on how many times I have gotten run over. There are more than that but that seems to be the biggest ones I have noticed. All I can say is get used to it.
  14. MisterSlim

    Establishing communication with your nearby allies is vital. Work with them, or work around them. None of us like being shot in the face by our friendlies, but for the most part, this can be avoided (note: I said MOST PART). As a sniper, keep moving. No one likes when a sniper gloms onto another sniper, but this can be avoided (with a little annoyance) by putting some distance between you and your allies.

    Getting run over is part of it for any class of any faction. People can't drive, and they treat everywhere like road. This must be gotten over xD.
    -Happy Hunting
  15. AngersRevenge

    I understand this. And, yes, sometimes I deserve it. Like when I rush in the back door to kill the enemy when I know my team is lobbing grenades in the room.

    On the positioning item I was refering to, it is when I have gone off and found a spot away from my team to get some good kills and a Engie sets up a anti-infantry turret or a heavy with huge glowing shields and a rocket launcher decides to take some pop shots at things 250 meters away knowing they aren't going to hit anything.
  16. MisterSlim

    This ^ is true, for the most part. It isn't designed to wipe out a squad. That being said, however, it is still very feasible to get a decent K/D (as if that stat mattered, but if that's what people care about, let them eat their cake). Stalkers can be used in a defensive way as well as offensive.
    If a base you are defending is being wrecked by an armor column, a Stalker can save the day by leapfrogging the enemy offensive and wreaking havoc on the attackers. Torment everyone trying to spawn armor, hack turrets, lay mines in your wake, hack terminals, and leave loads of vehicles laying around their base. This will both thin their armor and distract their infantry. Taking out the would-be Vehicle Terminal users provides a nice, safe (If you are aware of your surroundings), and reliable K/D. Just remember that terminal kills aren't what you came for, they are just a nice bonus.

    Happy Hunting
    Mister Slim
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  17. Skeith