[Guide] How to get repairs as a MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. day ofm one


    - hide in a corner in the biggest fight around
    - get repaired to 50% health and storm a room full of enemies
    - stand in the middle of nothing and call our for repairs
    - forcing the Engineer repairing you to follow you into a room of enemies, causing you both to die
    - run around in a base while calling out for an Engineer, who can't find you, because you run away from him
    - run around in a base while calling out for an Engineer, who can't reach you, because you run away from him
    - go AFK while being repaired, leaving your Engineer defenseless
    - shoot Engineers to get their attention
    - call out for repairs, while allready being repaired


    - get out of the fight
    - search a save spot, which is out of the line of fire and stay there
    - call out for an Engineer every 10 seconds
    - keep an eye on your surroundings
    - reload
    - check your ammo
    - wait for an Engineer to come to you
    - when en Engineer comes towards you and ignores you, hold Q while targeting him and write him a short message "Need repairs, *position* (optional but useful)!"
    - request ammo
    - get repaired
    - keep your eyes open to cover your defenseless Engineer against any kind of threat
    - wait until you are repaired to 100%
    - wait until your ammo restored to 100%
    - get back into the fight

    - when critically damaged, begin at step one again


    - stay close to an Engineer, so you can get repaired quickly
    - say thank you by pressing V + 1
  2. KenDelta

    There , fixed!
    Coming from a guy that barely gets repairs in 94v94 fights , and YES I do go infront of engineers and spam v-3(repair voice command)
    • Up x 1
  3. axiom537

    Or better yet. Join a squad and partner up with an engineer and work as a team. Rather then count on some random engineer in some random situation to repair your random max...
  4. Latrodectus

    Spamming crouch does wonders, my eyes are attracted to motion.
  5. day ofm one

    Risky, some people prefere extra armor, but it is an option.

    Allways a good idea.