Class symbols in UI

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crator, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Crator

    Why don't the class symbols in the menu UI match up with the symbols on the main UI?

    The menu UI symbols make much more sense, some more then others, then the ones that are used on the main UI...

    Menu UI - Class Symbols

    Main UI -Infiltrator

    Main UI - Light Assault

    Main UI - Combat Medic

    Main UI - Engineer

    Main UI - Heavy Assault
  2. Deadreach

    That is becuase, The symbols you see next to your ammo counts, Are icons for Class specific activates/utilities, Ei, The HA shield, Medic AOE heal, Engi Ammo pack, Infil cloak, LA jetpack, And not the symbol for the class.
  3. Serialkillerwhale

    Those aren't your symbols, those are your abilities.

    Infiltrator: Cloak
    Light Assault: Jetpack
    Combat Medic: Aoe Heal or Shield Regen Device
    Engineer: Ammo Pack
    Heavy Assault: Shield
    MAX: Charge/Zealot Overpowered Engine/Lockdown/Killme Shield
    • Up x 1
  4. Crator

    Yeah, you are right... I almost wish they matched the class symbol instead though... When I look at it, especially when I'm engineer, I think I'm using heavy assault.... Just throws me off sometimes...