Fairly successful, and incredibly fun, Valkyrie Setup:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Charlychop

    Don't forget that by that same thought process, a sundy with the same number of support troops as the valky needs, as well as smart placement will make the sundy pretty tough to get.

    Yes, its fun to use the valk, unfortunately its just not reliable. when the valk came out my squad just had hilarious moments when the squad lead shouted VALK INC, and the entire squad turned around and vaporized 3 valks, one after the other, with nothing BUT SMALL ARMS FIRE. screw flak, you can shoot the valk down with no effort at all. hell, amongst those valks a mossy flew by, the mossy was the only one to make it alive. (only to die to flak on the other side of the base).

    the valk needs some tuning, and i believe the devs know it... i imagine they just didn't want to make the valk op at the beggining. only time will tell i guess.
  2. dstock

    SOE's response to the players claiming, "Serving as AA doesn't generate enough points." Either that, or a new way to sell 4 expensive, mediocre vehicle weapons (Lib "Update", anyone?).

    I'm trying really hard to think of something it does better than the Galaxy, and I'm failing to come up with anything. It's sorta fun to play with, and hilarious to play against.
  3. Ztiller

    Of course the valk needs some tuning. Why on earth would think that it wouldn't need it even before release? Did i ever say that it doesn't? I'm just sharing a cool and functionnal strategy.
  4. Charlychop

    3 things

    1. cool yes, definitely something that would make me laugh to do or being on the receiving end. but its just not functional for those decisive moments.
    2. i am perfectly aware that you did not say so. I'm just stating an opinion, my opinion.\
    3. as another post i just read said, the valk is a poor-mans version of a transport. at the moment is nothing more than a niche deployment platform and most of the times just another expendable a-to-b transport.

    edit: also apparently the devs want the valk to be useful on maps with a LOT of cover, hence the mobility.
  5. Charlychop

  6. ashen

    Ultimate problem with the Valkyrie as I see it is it's a transport vehicle in a game where transport is pointless.

    Either transport needs to have a point (and this isn't straightforward as requiring travel slows the pace of the game and can make it tedious), or the Valkyrie needs a secondary that's like a Banshee with a larger mag, and a driver primary that can at least deter an ESF (e.g. Coyotes).

    In general it seems a fun concept for a vehicle, but one that's completely out of sync with how the rest of the game is balanced and plays. I thought this from the initial concept designs, and testing it has proven it. Ultimately resource cost is meaningless, what matters is whether sticking multiple people in 1-2 Valkyries is - situationally - sometimes a better option than 6 Lightnings or ESFs. Currently, it isn't.
    • Up x 1
  7. Kumaro

    The Vlkayrie needs afterburners and hefty speed boost when diving. The two thigns that could keep this puppy alive in a hot zone against lock ons and crazy tanks.
  8. Richter03

    Many people here underestimate smoke scene, it force people to mid range, almost scope is use less except NV or Thermal but they have a shorter vision then other scope, and when enemy use NV scope, they will not seen our Infiltrator clocked. I really like to use smoke scene to cover my teammate from sniper and tank even some aircraft.
  9. Waeqz

    He's still not talking about how the Valkyrie is a great vehicle and how it's shouldn't be changed at all or anything like that. He's simply proposing new ways to have fun in it. Since there seems to a be an overflow of people who doesn't enjoy piloting one at all, I really don't get why he's getting this critique. He's just trying to help.

    Also, your example is just absurd. You can't compare that to Ziller's Valkyrie strategy.

    Oh, yeah? Please, tell me again how the Sunderer is a pointless vehicle.
  10. FBVanu

    the advantage over the galaxy is that the Val can hide behind a small hill.. its harder to see from a distance
    You can't just park a Galaxy next to a base, or under a turret tower, without it being seen.

    But you can park the Val where you would currently hide a Sunderer

    that's about the only advantage I can think of at this time.
  11. Govedo13

    Valkyrie is useless POS. If one wants close support get gal. Gal with one gunner is better then Valkyrie with 5 gunners.
    This setup is useless in more then 1-12 battle ( useless there two if there are 2 coordinated guys with brain and certed chars)while 1 gunner gal can dominate 12-24.
    If you have 5 capable people get two gals and dominate the sky's and ground with 3 bulldogs/walkers concerned fire instead of using worst lmg with the longest ttk in the game. Tickle the enemy with Lasher or one shot them with bulldog die to lock ons infantry fire and dump fire or laugh at it while your maxed FS and NAR outrepair them.
    The choice is yours.
    Ganen knife example is 100% right and spot on.

    Current Valkyrie is useless it needs gun arc rework guns rework fly model rework emp/ smoke launchers for the driver, cloak/ mana turrets in the defense and passive afterburners since it has 0 AA capabilities and it us flying free cert even for bad flyers.

    Investing certs let alone SC into it is insane unless you have all the stuff and are bored.
    On my main I have all the stuff that I need and prepated for it 3 k cert and 1 k SC and won't ever buy even 1 cert zoom for this useless POS.
  12. Ganen

    hes getting this critigue because of the claim that its "fairly successful", I realize that's a relative term, but since "success" even if relative can be put into context with the game, his suggestion is in no way shape or form qualified to any shape of "success" that can be attributed to any other vehicle or combat situation.

    I can have fun with lots of things, and has me and many others have pointed out, having fun is in no way shape or form the same as being "successful"

    yes my example is absurd, that was the point... his suggestion while surely fun, is also absurd from a combat effectiveness/success context.
    and yes its very comparable, he put forth a very niche situation that required a hell of alot of coordination from over 4 players with specific setups to make the valkyrie "successful and fun" I did exactly the same to make the combat knife a "successful and fun" independent weapon.

    how is the sunderer a pointless vehicle? how is it in any way comparable to a valkyrie? for the sake of argument lets pretend they are comparable vehicles:

    -low speed (compared with air vehicles)
    -low durability
    -medium transport
    -1 turret (without anti air option), gimped versions of other weapons (apart from the base gun that is an improved basilisk)
    -2 utility functions (radar and spawn)

    -medium speed (compared with ground vehicles)
    -medium durability
    -large transport
    -2 turrets (with anti air option but no anti armor option), standard version weapons
    -6 utility functions (radar, spawn, infantry terminal, shield bypass, vehicle auto repair and vehicle ammo supply)

    those are just the most prominent differences that come to mind atm... Im really glad you mentioned sunderer, the sundy is a properly (not perfect but very good and useful) support vehicle, with not only a place in most combat situations but essential in most...
    the sundy IS a powerful support vehicle, and a valkyrie should be to air/ground what the sunderer is for ground vehicles. a support combat ship
  13. Covah

    Rumble seats are way too vulnerable to flak.

    Needs small afterburner + safe drop (and maybe spawn) BY DEFAULT

    Health / resistance is OK

    Desperatly needs better nose weapons.....the only one that is "usable" is the laser guided rocket.
  14. Deathcapt

    You're talking about 6 guys, that's a LOT of people, to "make a dent" I mean that's 3 liberators/ MBTs or 2 battle buses, or a fully crewed battle galaxy. If you had 2 gunners in a battle galaxy and the other 3 jump out and throw smoke it would have been way more effective.

    TL; DR;
    A galaxy would have been more effective.
  15. Deathcapt

    Valkyrie need Composite to also add Blast resist to rumble seats.

    Valkyrie needs to be faster like another 20 kp/h It should be faster than a galaxy.

    It could use 2 light secondaries in the 3&4 position, like flash style, basilisk, kobalt or fury.

    It should also have the squad logistics as stock, because without it, the vehicle is not worth flying, and without flares / fire suppression, you're just way too easy to shoot down. Or alternatively, reduce the debuff on engineer repairs for the vehicle, you're lucky if your engineers even survive the flak, during a fight so I don't think we have to worry about valkyries being invulnerable with 4 rumble engies repairing.

    Valkyrie should dispense ammo and health to infantry aboard it, or add a triage type passive cert for engineers.
  16. Tycoh

    So only the VS could have fun with the Valkyries while the rest of us frown with our thumbs up our butts. Inb4 Vanu favoritism.

  17. Bixli

    ..the valkyrie isn't that bad as it is atm & as like the forum yells , sure it needs some more workaround ..but like the op mentioned , with a decent pilot , a good (attentive) gunner (even some esf's have real problem on dogfight if both ..pilot & gunner know how to do & engis on seats keep repairs) , differs loadout & seat-setup , the valk can be very devastating to the opponent's ..especially on maps like hossin & amerish. definitely a lot of potential on it ..with a squad/group where symphonious go hand-in-hands.

    ..and don't forget 'bout hovering 'round ...keep moving , stagnancy is death.
  18. Waeqz

    "Making a pretty big dent in the enemy defense" by using six players and 250 nanites sounds like quite a successful run to me.
    And I don't really see how Ztiller's making an attempt to make it seem like fun = successful. "Fairly" successful and "incredibly" fun: not a 1:1 ratio.

    You're not accounting for the amount of damage you do the the enemy. In your case it was 4 players killing one player, while in Ztiller's case it's 6 players "making a pretty big dent in the enemy defense". That's quite a difference, which is why it isn't comparable. Going along with the point you're trying to make, you'd think that coordinating six players for any reason whatsoever is absurd, even if it was to take on over hundred players in the opposing faction.

    That was my whole point. You said:
    You stated that any non-combat effective vehicle is a pointless vehicle, which obviously isn't the case with the Sunderer.
  19. CipherNine

    This. I'm surprised how nobody mentioned this earlier.

    Valkyrie is supposed to be transport, not a gunship and that is reason alone why it isn't attractive to majority of players.

    I wouldn't say transport is pointless as you can use Valkyrie to drop small squads on specific position from which you can surprise the enemy and put them in crossfire - but that is too niche as only small percentage of players would ever bother to achieve that kind of coordination.

    And in lot of bases it easier and more effective to simply grab a Galaxy and hover 800m directly above the drop point so your squaddies can use you as mobile spawn point. It allows faster deployment than using Valkyrie and you can stay out of AA render distance.
  20. Ganen

    you find having one vehicle and 4+ players doing what 2 players can do with a lib successful?...
    you have a fundamental erroneous perspective of how planetside large and small scale combat performs then...

    wth are you talking about... all Valk weaponry is significately less effective, both by the weapons own stats and by the fact they are in a inferior platform (the valk itself) and all dmg the rumble seat passagers can hypothetically do, and by this I mean if they are in a niche rare situations where they dont die before the valk, is greatly overshadowed by the damage they would do by dropping off the valk unto the objective.

    I'm sorry but you have a over glorified and unrealistic view of the Valk's capabilities.

    you still completely miss the point, the point is that in my knife example you would have to overcommit to make a weapon effective, just like you have to overcommit to make the valkyrie even remotely combat operational and always by having LESS effectiveness than those individual players (that are basically there solely to make valk viable) would have on other vehicles or even on the ground.

    and again you missed the entire punchline, the point is, the sunderer IS a combat effective vehicle, in the sense that it can and will be performing combat tasks in combat areas, big or small, as they serve as support platforms, and that just doesnt happen with a valk.

    with a sunderer you will find a defensible area to park it and place the spawn point, and man turrets and defend it while armies spawn there and serve as a forward attack zone or back area defensible spawn, it has the durability and firepower to perform support tasks WHILE IN COMBAT.
    hell it can even be 3 manned and serve as a forward combat vehicle, keeping on the move along the front clearing up infantry with fury/bulldog X 2 and even repel light armor/harassers and even air with double AA guns.

    with a valk you simply cannot survive combat at all, if you try to make it a squad support vehicle you will be spending most of your time desperately looking for hills/tress to take cover in (assuming you are able to survive at all), very rarely will you be above or even near infantry objectives.
    and you cannot fight anything at all... you are easy prey due to low firepower and durability and no speed...