Just Want to Share A Picture About the Valkyrie

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Abomablenoman, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Abomablenoman


    I got flak'ed out of the thing like ten times.

    I found it funny.

    It was pretty great.

    It really should get a passenger shield though.

    That's all.
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  2. LodeTria

    Those people look... odd.
    I can understand Vanu having 4 arms but TR an NC?
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  3. Abomablenoman

    It's because of the EUPHORIAAA they feel everytime infantry is killed by flak.
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  4. Luke15g

    It really is just an offering of certs on a silver platter.

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  5. Ronin Oni

    That's only 49 Certs...

    I think it might be more than that.
  6. Abomablenoman

    For the shield, I'm thinking that it could be a built in feature for the stock Valkyrie, but it wouldn't provide perfect protection for people being carried inside (so as to reward the people who can hold sustained flak/ focus fire on a target). Maybe 50-75% resist.

    The Valk is pretty good for dropping heavies (me) on top of tanks though.
  7. Ronin Oni

    Nah, people were complaining about Skyguard and Bursters Auraxiums...

    now they'll be possible :p
  8. Abomablenoman

    That... actually sounds pretty good.

    Mmmm... Auraxiums.
  9. Iridar51

    This picture... is horrible... :confused: so why am I laughing so hard? o_O
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  10. BigPoof


    I love the Valkyrie. 600 certs in 1 hour just from shooting down valkyries. Amazing stuff.

    Valkyrie, don't you ever change!
  11. task_master

    at least now i might get some ranger medals
  12. Mythologicus

    I was in a Galaxy yesterday.

    I machinegunned a passenger out of a Valkyrie with the Walker.

    Funfact: Passengers are the new composite armour.
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  13. Atis

    Protip: HAs and maxes are best passengers.
  14. TheKhopesh

    49 x 250 = 12,250 XP.

    Where the heck are you finding 6 man Extreme Menace Valkyries?! :eek:
  15. Xervous

    well since it's double XP currently, almost everyone ends up being an extreme menace from doing simple things.
  16. Ronin Oni

    It was hyperbole :cool:

    I did get a couple big ones though. Several thousand XP for getting 3-4 of em.