Sprint Toggle dont work

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Varnerius, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Varnerius

    Sprint toggle dont work as is it did before (before patch).
    F.eks: Playing light assault, running around and use jump jets ,without holding forward key, and land, i need to push sprint key (one time) to continue sprint.
    Or if I running and stop for a sec, and continue moving forward, i will walk, not run. Its completely wrong, at least its not the same as it was before.
    F.eks 2: Spawn , press "shift" (1 time, sprint toggle is on) start moving forward (using "W") I will run, and if for some reason i stop pressing "W" , and press again, I will walk, not run as suppose to do.
    • Up x 1
  2. VS-rm7

    Yes, now sprint is turned off even when you briefly stop moving.
    It was bad enough that we had to re-enable sprint after shooting or using an ability; but now we have to press SHIFT every time even after stopping moving for a moment.
    Playing as infantry/max is such a pain now, I wonder why this is not more widely reported.
    Guess will have to fly/tank more, until this is fixed.
  3. VS-rm7

  4. Bacardie

    Infiltrator can't use scope to aim, and hold breath.. rifle lowers and makes you stand up.
  5. Varnerius

    its really painful .... feel like a noob:(