Refitting vehicles suggestion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sumguy420, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Sumguy420

    Make it so when you land on an air pad you can run back the the console and change your load out and for ground vehicle make garages or something
  2. minhalexus

    Good idea, but not with the current resource system.

    I don't think it will work with the current resource system, we can't afford even more vehicle spam.
  3. Sumguy420

  4. Silkensmooth

    Hes asking to be able to change loadouts. How does that increase vehicle spam?

    What abou tinfantry spam? No matter how many times you kill them they keep coming back.

    I agree with the thought behind this post. Need to be able to change loadouts just like infantry can.
  5. minhalexus

    You can change loadouts right now, but for the price of losing resources. If you could do it without resources (this idea), you'd have more in store to spam vehicles/explosives.

    This might have been a good idea with the old resource system, I did support it back then, but with the current one, I'd have to say no.

    With the current resource system, you can buy a MBT in 9 minutes without any resource boosts. That's assuming you start at 0 resources, which is highly unlikely in most cases. The wait could be as short as 3 minutes without boosts.
    And MBTs are the most expensive vehicle in game along with few other.

    So if you can spawn the most expensive vehicle in-game within 9 minutes, and you need to switch load-outs within that 9 minutes, it's really a matter of L2P or "paying attention when spawning a vehicle".

    Situation in Planetside 2 changes fast, but only in places where you shouldn't be spawning vehicles. AKA where the fighting is going on.

    In the old resource system however, where we had acquisition timers on everything as long up to 20 minutes, this was a viable option.
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  6. MotionBlured

    The only reason to change a loadout is to go from AA, to AT. Every other weapon is mutlifunctional enough to be used against armor or infantry. Allowing loadout changes wouldn't increase vehicle spam.
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  7. ImmortalPancake

    I agree that with the current resource setup it is not needed but I don't think you should be able to change the camo. I can't count how many times I have made sure I had the right guns, armor, abilities, ect and then after making sure I had everything right I spawn it and realize I forgot to change the camo. I think that you should have 30 seconds or something like that after you spawn the vehicle that you are able to change the camo and cosmetics of it but none of the functioning stuff.
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  8. Nexus545

    This has been suggested many times and since there's no bad reason for having it I think the devs will be in agreement about having it. The problem is most likely resources. The devs are focusing on other things the game really needs (mostly). Making this would require some coders to make it work, some artists to make new vehicle areas and designers to fit them into bases so they actually work well.

    But yeah for air vehicles I think it would only require some light coding but I could be wrong.
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