My sentiments on the upcoming "update".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talthos, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Talthos

    I open up the "Game Update Notes" thread for August 29th. mention of kicking the Level3 node provider to the curb? An act which would literally fix the latency issues of ALL of SOE's games, including this one?

    Oh well, guess SOE doesn't like money as much as it thinks it does...
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  2. Aaren

    If Level 3 is what's causing the crappy hit detection / lag / lack of lag compensation issues I'm seeing - then my sentiments exactly.

    My infantry gameplay is currently unplayable. I will always die to someone's 2 bullets from any weapon - unless I get the complete jump on them and kill them before they even see me.

    Every couple of days I log back in to see if things are better. Sometimes things are playable - mostly they are not. It's a slow process of acceptance, but eventually I will realise they don't care / see it as an issue - and I'll move onto something that actually works.
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  3. MotionBlured

    And the alternative is...?
  4. NoctD

    Switching to a new provider or even better, having multiple directly connected provider connections. Its just silly for a company of SOE's size and scale to have a single point of failure and no provider diversity.
  5. Crator

    Doubt they will post this in game update notes... It doesn't have anything to do with updating the game...
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  6. Dr.Destro229

    can we download the update yet?
  7. Talthos

    The alternative is not to play at all. I learned that all too well with where WoW has been going. The Siege of Orgrimmar patch finally screamed to me "Quit NOW, while you're ahead, man."

    And I'm glad that I did. Both for WoW, and this game.

    I'm sure the developers themselves WANT to care about this game, but as EA and Activision already made standard, SOE Business is pulling the "EA Directive" on their own dev teams. Again.

    Electronic Arts, oh how you've unleashed a monstrosity of a publisher "business model"...

    And I disagree; it has everything to do with "updating the game". It would be updating their "node provider" to a company with more...competence...than Level3, right now.

    And as a last note, I wouldn't be surprised at all if SOE deems this thread as "irrelevant to General Discussion", and deletes it entirely. They did the same to at least two other posts I made on different threads. And those posts were quite relevant to the OP topic they were posted on.
  8. Crator

    Well, you just said it... It has to do with updating their "node provider" or ISP provider... Has nothing to do with updating this game though... So I stand by my statement...
  9. MotionBlured

    There's a lot more to it than "just" using another provider/multiple providers.
  10. Talthos

    Unfortunately, this is where most of their "netcode issues" originate from, so this would have to change first, and foremost. Before anything else gets done.

    I doubt SOE will do that, sadly.