[Suggestion] Add NPCs, Naval warfare, and animals.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bbmagill, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. bbmagill

    It would be great if in an update they had "The return of the Vanu" so the aliens would come back, so players could fight NPCs when their server isn't very active, or factions could even declare an unofficial truce/alliance to forgive the aliens back.

    It would also be great if there were aquatic and/or amphibious vehicles, so there could be naval combat or even amphibious assault landings.

    Finally, Auraxis seems kind of devoid of life other than plants and people. You would think that on such a earth-like planet, there wouldn't just be plants. It would be great if there were animals that you could hunt, or fight, or even ride. Anything from K-9 units to some sort of Calvary, and you could get experience for killing dangerous or elusive wild animals.

    Thanks for looking at this and please give me feedback!

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  2. Reclaimer77

    Animals yes! The rest...meh.

    If we could load up a goat with C4 packs and scare it into an enemy base....mmmmm yes.

    Make it so!
  3. ShockATC

    Yeah, some kind of "Alien Invasion" would be cool, indeed.
    But it shouldnt be the Vanu. What is the VS supposed to fight then? Their "Gods" ? Sounds stupid right?

    Naval Warfare could be, and if i remember correctly they had that in plan - long time ago.
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  4. KenDelta

    I doubt the devs wanna deal with any form of AI programming , since the lock-ons AI is... a bit too much.

    And yea riding a horse and riding into a tank with C4s on my horse then blowing up would be awesome.(inb4 animal abuse)
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  5. bbmagill

    Well just because the VS uses Vanu technology doesn't mean that they are allies. The VS worship technology, not the aliens. Maybe they could be allies at first but they are betrayed. They could use that as a backstory.
  6. fuzzbuzzputty

    I want pan-dimensional space gnomes that fart healing nanite clouds of nanites and swear like Arnold Shcwarzenegger in a high pitched voice when you shoot them and they implode at the speed of light into infinite density if you flash your torch at them.
  7. kadney

    Give them a few million dollars so they can hire a few dozen programmers for the next few years and you will see it within the next one or two years.
  8. JorgeSarcos

    NPCs well... maybe!
    Naval Warfare yes!
    Animals WTF no!

    I dont understand this. since PS2's release, there is only one consistent truth: the DEVS WILL NOT create anything that is terribly complex, or requires any real thought, or teamwork to use. That and since their staff is now super tiny, they do not puch alot of content out the door. Even if that OP was describing SOE's intent (naval warfare was said to be added to the game in the future), it wouldnt be in place until about 2025.

    PS2 will live out the remainder of its life with small additions, balance decisions that swing back and forth, often times to the extremes, and a ton of cosmetic, and promotional, armors/camos. The days of good, truly involved multiplayer gaming died when gaming companies universally decided to hold back player mods support, because no dev team is passionate enough, of well funded, to make great games anymore.
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    give them a few million dollars, and it goes to the share holders.
  11. bbmagill

    Let's talk about that in a different post.
  12. DK22

    we got frogs on Hossin, firefly's too...
  13. ShoeFlip

    I would be happy with animal noises / bug noises in certain environments. Maybe a few silhouettes with no real texture that disappear behind objects randomly - but cannot really be zoomed on / followed / found etc. Like vultures (just a silhouette) circling the sky in Indar, just something simple that wouldn't be too hard to implement.

    Or this ^
  14. Palkora

    I've been wanting naval forces for a while. But that would mean redoing the contienents to provide water to move in.

    Then again we could have gun mounted jet skis, large boat that works as a sunderer for aircrafts to be spawned, transport boats to take soldiers and maybe a large variant for tanks.

    Then combat boats and aubmarines.
  15. JonboyX

    NPCs : no thanks
    Random Animals: fun, but worth the effort?
    Naval Warfare: save it for another game

    Total rethink of the lattice/base cap system so that it means something: yes please.
  16. patrykK1028

    Id like to see some ultra stupid NPCs like in Titanfall. They arent very rewarding, but make you feel elite.

    And animals? Deer hunting with Sniper rifle xd
  17. bbmagill

    Ya, on second thought, maybe no animals, but definitely naval warfare! If they can add in a whole new map, they can edit current ones and put in some boats.
  18. Pikachu

    You realize this would take 5 years to make?
  19. makrome

    So the cowboy hats for NC coming tomorrow ? ;)
  20. Kalendric

    No, sorry I can't get behind this idea for PVE aspects. In my opinion trying to "cater for all options" is the bane of MMO's everywhere. Every bloody game tries to placate PVE'ers, PVP'ers, Raiders, Arena Junkies, Roleplayers, Pet collectors and none of them manage to do it right. They're trying to do too much and nothing gets the attention it deserves. Probably only Warcraft comes even remotely close, and that things been going a year and is an unending stream of bloody compromise between the different camps.

    Better the game tries to focus on the thing it does to well (arguably). Besides, as the chap above me mentioned, have you SEEN the lock on AI?

    As for Naval combat - a nice idea but given the current resources PS2 gets and it's current popularity I can't see it happening sadly.
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