Change to strafing back and forth?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by CSarsalid, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. CSarsalid

    Strafing back and forth feels weird currently on the PTS. It's like there's a small stutter at the end of your strafe that resets your acceleration. A few other people who have been on test today have also reported the same issue. Is this an intended change?
  2. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I sure hope so. :)
  3. Niller

    I do not hope so, no more movement penalties please... I really don't want to see this game turn into the corner camping mess that is BF4...
  4. Jeralamo

    infantry strafing or magrider strafing?
    if infantry then good I'm glad...I hate it when they side step my AP shots.