ESF Speed question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Trebb

    So I'm playing around with ESFs, and have tried the full speed airframe with maxxed afterburners. I hear Mossies are supposed to be slightly faster, but *every* ESF seems to have no problem closing the gap even with me running away full speed.

    So... hows the speed thing work exactly?
  2. Matt879

    In order from fastest to slowest it goes like this: Mosquito - Scythe - Reaver. There's a pretty noticable speed gap between the mossy and the others, the gap between the scythe and the reaver isn't very big. But with max racer frame and afterburners you should be faster than any other non-racer frame ESF, even in a reaver.
  3. Tommyp2006

    The difference is small enough that you aren't going to be massively faster, it's only a moderate difference. Mossie is the fastest without afterburners and the Reaver is the fastest with them.
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  4. DatVanuMan

    YOU LIE! The Scythe is slower by 5 kph:mad:
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  5. Matt879

    Really now? I seem to remember hitting speeds over 240-250kph easily with an almost stock mossy while a maxed hover stability scythe only gets to 230kph.
  6. DatVanuMan

    I mean the Reaver is faster than the Scythe by that amount:p Same goes for the Magrider and Vanguard.
  7. Matt879

    I iz confuse. I've never hit scythe speeds with a reaver. Are you sure that they're faster with the same frame?
  8. DatVanuMan

    YES. I once reached top speed with a Scythe, which was for me, in an uncerted Scythe, 213-ish kph. The Reaver reached 218-20ish.
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  9. minhalexus

    Scythe and Reaver have the same cruise speed, Reaver has better AB though.

    The speeds may increase or decrease with to where the nose is pointing.
  10. DatVanuMan

    HMMMM. Interesting...
    Further testing may be needed.
  11. Matt879

    Then you obviously weren't using vertical thurst to improve your speed further. I can hit 223 kph in a stock scythe if I just point my nose down and hold spacebar. It's kind of a basic thing to improve your speed in air-vehicles that just about everyone uses.
  12. Silkensmooth

    Reaver afterburners are better than mosquito afterburners resulting in very little net gain for a mossy over a reaver. Scythe is just slow, and really that is its only weakness that it cant catch anyone.
  13. Allin

    Had the same issue, some pilots always got to me in that setup in scythe.

    Also, extra trcik is to hold space, but tilt nose down a bit to keep straight. Hard to say if that's just a speed vector error, or not, but display shows higher numbers with that thechnique than without.
  14. repinSniper

    Actually, there is a commonly overlooked fact: Scythe Afterburners are better than Mosquito Afterburners. They reach the same top afterburner speed, but the Scythe's overall differential between top speed and top afterburner speed is greater than the Mosquito's.

    The more you know!
  15. DatVanuMan

    I did not understand a single word of what you said:confused:
  16. Trebb

    Hmm some VR testing might be in order, to see if AB bonus speed across the factions basically evens the speed out over time.

    I'm trying to auraxium the Banshee, so I deserve every A2A death I get lol ;)

    /feel dirty using it
  17. Matt879

    When you're flying, point your ESF down about 10-15 degrees. Then, hold spacebar, and you should now be going about 10 kph faster using the hover power to push yourself forward.
  18. Moody One

    ESF speed depends a lot on how you are flying

    assuming all 3 have no frames equipped and aren't using vertical thrust the Mossie is the fastest followed by the Reaver and then the Scythe

    However when using vertical thrust (nose down so you are maintaining a flat trajectory) the order changes to Mossie, Scythe, Reaver.

    And now with Afterburner the order changes again to Reaver, Mossie/Scythe.

    This all boils down to the individual traits of each ESF - the Reaver has the weakest Vertical thrust while in flight mode which means it gains less speed than the Scythe - this makes arguing which has a slower cruising speed somewhat murky... the Mossie on the other hand has the weakest afterburner but makes up for that by always having the strongest cruising speed.
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  19. LaRZy

    How are they better if they better if they only bring you to the same speed as a mossie afterburning?, also as you have said it there is a greater difference between top speed and top AB speed so either they accelerate faster but that's negligible considering all ESF hit top AB speed very quickly.

    If you play in an esf for TR or NC, then retreating from duels is a more viable option,

    Mossies with their higher top speed and Reavers with their better AB speed will allow them a sharp exit, but if you play in a Scythe then when you run you will be caught.
  20. Runegrace

    Reavers are faster than Mossies due to AB performance. Also, if you're dodging shots an enemy will usually catch you. Pitching up or down bleeds off speed, though using yaw doesn't for whatever reason. In general if an enemy has AB pods they will be able to keep up to you due to the speed you'll bleed while dodging, though if they have a secondary weapon while you have AB pods you can sometimes outrun them pretty well.

    Reaver being faster than the Mossie is an often unknown little fact. Its stock vertical thrust is also better than a Mossie with Hover.