[Suggestion] lasher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Presage, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. lawn gnome

    as a lasher owner, i say the lasher is great, and your opinions on weapons do not impress me. i will eventually try the spiker myself, what i saw in VR was enough to draw my attention. it might be awful, or the majority might just be wrong and ignorant like they are with the lasher.

    i suppose i do camp a lot with my AV heavy assault, C4, AV grenades, and decimator. the lasher promotes far more fire discipline than any other weapon because of how likely you are to hit friendlies with minor damage (friendlies take 25% damage from the lasher last i heard)

    i said i would like to try the spiker and think there is untapped potential. you say the lasher is useless even though there are plenty of us who use and love it, so yes i am calling you ignorant.

    so how often do you pull out your PPA inside buildings, bio labs, cliffs, rocks, or mountains? last i checked the PPA itself was mounted to vehicles that are somewhat more restricted in their movements than infantry. you should show me a video of you running around inside a bio lab suppressing with your PPA, i would like to see it.

    Scythes, Harassers and Magriders can go anywhere man.
  3. Wecomeinpeace

    Group of enemies -> Grenade -> Cleanup with lasher. Take your stupid gif and go to into the noob corner for a round of shame.
  4. Flag

    I auraxed the lasher...

    And now it'll stay at 1160 kills for the unforeseeable future.
  5. lawn gnome

    way to pull out an old video. they have since added in more obstacles so that is much harder if not completely impossible to do that, i tried it myself not too long ago. the center of the door ways have short walls and barrels that block entrance for scythes now. i could probably also find an old video of magriders 2 shotting other healthy tanks, but that doesn't mean it is even remotely relevant anymore.

    how about you wiggle that scythe inside a 2 story building next?

    can't make a case to cover your incompetence so instead you redirect attention with jokes, well you certainly have me laughing.
    not everybody likes to use it and that is fine as long as you recognize that there are people out there who are effective with it and like it.

    i am not asking for nerfs or buffs i am simply asking that the lasher which i use successfully and love not be mangled by the ignorant herds in the forums.
  6. a-koo-chee-moya

    How about... 1 ADS? I just feel that it would be kind of fun and give Lasher a chance in CQC without turning it into a non niched, and therefore, unfun weapon.
  7. lawn gnome

    i am ok with ADS upgrades, because i don't think they will push the lasher into OP territory. 1 ADS might be too much but 0.75 sounds ok to me.
    • Up x 1

    You're making yourself seem like an ignorant fool defending this weapon and I know deep down you have common sense somwhere in there. You might perform "well" with it in your mind, and think the weapon is good because you've found a way to perform mediocre with it. But stats say the weapon sucks across the board. Keep calling me incompetent It makes me feel good that I make resort to insults. And the video is only 3 months old. If thats "old" to you then you haven't lived that long or played the game that long. And I know you don't fall into either of those categories. The lasher is unique yes its a good concept. But it can be done in a way that it performs as well at its job as the MCG and Jackhammer does at theres.
  9. lawn gnome

    ok i would like to laugh some more, so how about you give the lasher a % grade and i will then apply that to my KD, KPM, and ScorePM (only for the lasher so my skyguard, explosives, and early orion use will still keep the same weight). use the orion as baseline, consider it a 100% weapon. keep in mind that after the math is done a 10% score means that all of my scores related to the lasher will be increased 10x. so consider this carefully. let's see what the handicap does for my 0.96 KD (used to be 0.98 but grinding crappy RLs i don't like has done some damage), 163 ScorePM, and 0.23 KPM (with the lasher, my orion is also 0.23).

    my official SOE stats are linked in my signature.

    3 months is old enough that it is no longer relevant because what he did no longer works.
  10. Capca

    Complaining that the lasher isn't good at 1vs1, is like complaining that the AV turret isn't good in CQC. That's not what it was designed for. The lasher is the king of suppressive fire and area denial. If you have to use a vehicle weapon (PPA) as an example of s better one, then you don't understand balance and if you're worried about ADS speed you're using it wrong.

    yes, the spiker is garbage.
  11. lawn gnome

    bah! i am stubborn and still want to try to make the spiker useful, mostly for the pure sense of superiority that will instill in me, like when people try to tell me that the lasher is useless and i can't possibly do the things that i have been successfully doing for more than a year.

    i like taking the ugly ducklings and proving that they can be used for glorious things. i might fail with the spiker or it might get a rework before i sink my teeth into it, but i still think it would be fun to try.

    also he quoted the PPA because i directly called it it a "hand held rapid fire PPA". that one is my fault.
  12. FieldMarshall

    All the Lasher needs is the ability to lash.

    Hate to be "that ps1 guy" but PS1 Lasher worked well even in 1v1s because the lasher orbs that missed the target would still "lash" out and deal (a small amount of aoe) damage to the enemy anyway.
    Giving the ability for the Lasher to lash would not only make it a viable 1v1 weapon, but would make it more fun than trying to aim at someone's feet all the time for the same effect.
    Would also make it less situational and viable in more situations. We all know its amazing when aiming down at someone, but sucks when trying to aim up, like a staircase or tower.

    I see 4 ways you could balance it.
    1. Make it a Lasher only attachment. That give it the ability to Lash but reduces the mag size (in PS1 it was 25). Making you give up the ability to fire forever in exchange for 1v1 capabilities.
    2. The lash effect could be toned down to deal even less damage than the current aoe damage the Lasher does.
    3. The lash effect could have its damage further mitigated by Flak armor (since its "aoe" damage)
    4. The orbs could stop lashing after a certain distance (like 20-25m?), stopping people from just sitting too far away and not giving anyone a chance of attacking back.
    There are plenty of ways of making the Lasher be awesome and more fun without making it op.

    Thats why it was called the Lasher anyway. Because the gimmick is that it can lash.
    The PS2 version should be called the Exploder because it sure doesent do any lashing, only exploding.
  13. Flag

    WIth the annoying CoF, abysmal velocity and very long TTK even with direct hits, I see plenty of reasons for why the gun has some problems some people can't get past. And I'll freely admit that I worked through it for the sake of HA directives.

    Do some like it? Yes, and I always knew that, but that doesn't make the very painful shortcomings of the gun magically disappear.
  14. Turkeys!

    All this Lasher hate is bringing tears to my eyes. Y'all need to find Vanu.

    The pewpew machine can and does work in 1 v 1s despite all its disadvantages, but you have to get up close and personal with it and pay attention to your positioning (Positioning becomes a big deal because in close-range you'll find yourself coming up against shotguns and SMGs - always try to flank them or be above them - ideally both). The people that lash from ten miles away are pretty much useless (TTK is ridiculous from those ranges and you'll find yourself emptying at least half your orbs into a single target). I find that despite the common advice being to "aim for the feet", the typical headshots/bodyshots will bring down a target way faster. I think it's the hitboxs bugging out and the game applying lower AOE damage instead of direct hits, but that is just conjecture on my part.

    Also, never try to pewpew upwards or you'll have a bad time. Keep in mind the above is in reference to close-range non-support role Lashers. If you're aiming for assists and trying to keep an area closed down then you can stay back at mid to long range and accomplish your goal, but you still need to stay relatively close to the fight to maximize your effectiveness.
  15. Capca

    That's fine, just don't get your hopes up. Unlike the lasher, which is designed for a specific task and good at it, the spiker was built around a gimic then kneecapped to not be very good in situations that gimic should excel at. Yea its plasma bullets do hurt so you can kill with it, but you'll always be better off with any other sidearm.