Redeployside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saltydbs, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    That's not a bad idea.
  2. Tuco

    Without redeploy it's a ghost cap for the first 3 minutes, and ghost cap for the last 3 minutes. You guys finished spinning your wheels, or you serious about tackling the #1 problem that's cropped up for MMOFPS since wwiionline came out in 2001?
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  3. Inex

    If you could fix the problem that Instant Action doesn't seem to want to put me in a fight I want to be in, I'd say remove it entirely.
  4. Benville

    I personally can't stand the redeploy system, but, it's necessary.

    In Planetside 1 you had to hold a base for 15 minutes to cap. That gave the enemy time to respond the only way they could - by flying or driving.

    In Planetside 2 when you can cap bases in 2 minutes or less, redeploying is just necessary. You look at the map, see a cap, pull a gal, wait for your squad to respawn, load up, take off....oh, the enemy has the base already.

    Redeploying is a necessary evil to be able to respond to fast caps. If you remove redeploying, you need to vastly adjust base capture timers.
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  5. Slandebande

    You say you are playing with friends? How about not following the major zergs, and actually try putting up a fight in places where odds AREN'T stacked in your factions favor? I don't feel like I'm being forced into certain fights because the lattice says so, I can make up my own mind, and I enjoy flanking alone (and in small groups) immensely. Maybe you should try it out.

    If redeploy isn't as it is now, people would just suicide to get to places quicker (I know plenty of people who did just that). Another thing, if you want to have to use transportation to get to bases at all times, and never redeploy, imagine how it would be for a new player to get dropped somewhere without any action (this happens remarkably often) and without any obvious spawn locations to find any decent action. I suspect it would risk leading to massive frustration on the newcomers part, and we REALLY don't want to frustrate the young blood too much.
  6. makrome

    Redeploy is getting abused to the point ppl press U to reload.

    Weren't there a lot of complains times ago about pilots logging out when in danger of being shot down ?
    Redeploying while jumping out of ESFs serves the same purpose (eventually the folks who abuse this system today were complaining back then)
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  7. Moz

    This hits the nail on the head. What i think they need to do is add more SCUs to bases, this is alreay inplace on some places on Indar and works really well.

    The issue with PS2 is people just simply dont understand when a battle is won / lost and should be left alone. The introduction of SCUs makes that line in the sand very clear.

    NO! i hear you shout, how do we defend then...... you do what you should do, give your faction spwan solutions instead of "defending" from the spawn room.
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  8. CDN_Wolvie

    The thing is, if I want to play COD, I go play COD. Its the differences between games that have me playing more than one game, so the more PS2 plays out like other TDM games, I just go play those instead that I have more fun playing for any number of better implementations.
  9. Lamat

    What if you could redeploy to any uncontested base your faction controls. So the best you could do is spawn one base back from an enemy attack? This would promote the defenders bringing vehicles and actually challenging the attackers who likely have vehicles dug in. Once you are in the territory you can keep spawning there.

    Squad spawn would do the same unless you have a beacon/sunderer/galaxy.
  10. Lamat

    This plus only redeploy to uncontested bases, as I just suggested, I think would be nice.
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  11. CipherNine

    But we no longer have the hex system so if you aren't actively defending the lattice you should lose at least one base on that lattice.
  12. Inex

    Or, just change your expectations from "Stop this cap" to "Stop them from capping the whole lattice lane"?
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  13. VonStalin

    redeployside is fun. I just want to have quick fun and after fun is over quickly go to the next fun spot and have fun. If not that, game would be boring for me and I would not be playing.

    However. Pay attention to Hossin. Not so much redeploy is necessary when there are so much cover between bases and bases are not far from each other. Transition from base to base is smooth (because of cover between them) - that is solution for redeployside.
  14. Kcalehc

    One way to do it would be:

    Allow redeploying anywhere but:
    Redeploy at the nearest base/large base/facility = 15 seconds.
    Redeploy at next nearest base/large base/facility = 30 seconds.
    and so on, just add 15 seconds for every base distant you wish to go. The timer is always 15s for spawning in squad owned vehicles, Wapgate remains instant.

    However even though I suggest it I'm not a big fan. I'd rather some token based, timed system; where each base has a set number of 'spawn tokens' that regenerate over time, as players spawn in they use up tokens. So in smaller battles it would not be an issue, but moving large numbers of players would exhaust the tokens quickly and you'd have to wait till the next wave of tokens to spawn more guys. you'd have to do something to sundys too I suppose. Not sure of some numbers that would work, only the start of an idea.
  15. Saltydbs

    Just wanted to comment that there are a lot of good alternate ideas than just spamming redeploy at every available farm location.

    Also the loss of battles between bases is a huge let down nowadays as most of the time it's either redeploying directly on top of a defense or an attack zerg that is bigger than the defending zerg following lines in the sand/snow/dirt.
  16. doombro

    I only agree 2/3.

    The new wave of vehicle spam everywhere has really revitalized the game for me.
  17. nubery

    New resource system is great. Way more vehicles fighting vehicles than vehicles farming spawn rooms. It's far more healthy for the game.

    Redeployside is awful. Being able to relocate a platoon to the other side of the map directly into a contested base is just bad design. Galaxies should be for speedy mass transport, not a count down timer.
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  18. nubery

    And that was removed because it was unhealthy for the game. This is exactly the same except people spawn behind shielded walls.
  19. Tyrant103

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  20. DatVanuMan

    Interesting post. Solid argument. LIKE:D
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