Nanoweave or AdvancedSC

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by 24NoSwagWithScope7, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. reydelchicken

    It's all about your play style imo, if you're a player that flanks a lot and tries to avoid direct fights against other HA players etc, then ASC will be much more valuable for you.

    Otherwise, it's a good idea to use nanoweave because it'll give you a better chances of winning face to face fights, also goes well with the medic AOE heal, since it makes the healing much more apparent and useful if you're not getting shot in the head.
  2. DrBash00

    Hi ho, when you play medic i would recomend a granade boulder and revive granades... you can revive whole platoons just in seconds. (4 revive granades on max. lv. is pretty epic = zombie mode ;-))

    And you take normal 9 bullets with nanowave maby 12... (or 7 - 9 idk... its 2 - 3 bullets difference, headshots do normal dmg even with nanoweave)

    Whatever you decide, have fun.
    • Up x 1
  3. Littleman

    In CQC-mid, I suggest ASC. If the engagement is long range, nanoweave can spare you just enough time to let the aura heal give you just another bullet... and then another... and then another...

    In short range, you can only trust the aura to sub in as nanoweave for that one additional round of life, maybe a second if you're really lucky (as in, the other guy is a really bad shot.) However, because guns are ever so perfectly balanced to need like 1 or 2 more damage to kill in that final round, nanoweave + the aura might NOT save you in a CQC engagement.
  4. Matt879

    I tend to use flak armor, but nanoweave is certainly worth it if you're playing your combat medic very aggresive. You're unstoppable with a high ROF AR up close, nanoweave and nano regen device. You have the advantage in every gunfight, and you can heal yourself up right away when it's done.
  5. SharkSpider

    Nanoweave should be your pick nine times out of ten.

    If you have the shield bubble then ASC is useless so you may as well take nanoweave and either medkits or a regen implant.

    If you have the healing aura then you're probably running C4 (if not, switch it out for the bubble) and as a result, you don't really have the self healing capacity to fight enough infantry to make the most out of the faster shield regen. May as well get that extra resistance to small arms.
  6. Improvisus

    I have all three for all the reasons listed.

    If I'm in a room holding point with others then we'll probably get 'naded so I run flak armor so I can throw that one revive grenade, provide cover, heal up and get another from the terminal. This was especially true before the recent resource update. Very easy to get hammered by an enemy squad that had hoarded up 40 frag's per.

    In a field fight/zerg where people might want the shield regenerator and I'm not in direct combat, ASC, as it will come back on its own.

    In CQC nanoweave and healing aura and I can make it, usually.

    If I'm in a big fight and there is a move for point then I'll hang back and provide triage and run the bandolier to get as many people up as fast as possible.

    I also like to run just the bandolier as with no armor on it keeps my defensive skill level up. You get used to that +25% rather quickly and you are not as pressed to act quickly. After I get mowed down a few times, or a dozen, I get the "twitch" back to fire first.