The best player exploite!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talc, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Talc

    I think the best players know how to use this technique...

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  2. ShoeFlip

    I counted 15 passes and saw the gorilla, does this make me a best player?
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  3. Talc

    You past the test :)
  4. PwNrJoKeR

    Exploit. Also, what?
  5. Talc

    I often get picked off because I develop tunnel vision when playing.
  6. RasFW

    Nerf gorilla camo?
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  7. Regpuppy

    Substitute Gorilla for Giraffe with Analyst helm and you'll have a better video for relating to Planetside 2.

    Add in both traditional and absurdly colored camo shirts for good measure. Also, a smoke machine to simulate Hossin/Esamir fog.
  8. KenDelta

    Don't ADS till you see an enemy , there done.
  9. Canaris

    I think more GIEF GORILLA CAMO & HELM ;)

  10. FieldMarshall

    Invisible Gorilla.

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  11. Yuukikun

    I must be a crappy player considering i don't have nearly as much hair as that.
  12. BobSanders123

    I just realized the NC infiltrators thighs look like they are designed to crush small children.
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  13. Maphreal

    They do. (I.E. TR and VS)
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  14. Benwah

  15. DK22

    Looks like a spawn room.
  16. Whatupwidat

    It's called target fixation - it's a problem in irl battles too :p
  17. Bankrotas

    Counted 16 :/ Saw the gorilla.
  18. Noktaj

    OMG, are you saying that somebody REALLY don't see the gorilla?!

    Lol now I understand how some people have so low situational awareness. :rolleyes: