Whenever Anything Happens for the First Time After Loading the Game Hitches

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ShortRovnd, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. ShortRovnd

    So I load up the game and it hitches as I load in.

    I open the map, hitch.

    I spawn an ESF, hitch.

    I fly to the base I want to fight at, lots of hitching.

    I eject, hitch.

    I see an enemy, hitch!

    I fire my weapon, hitch!

    I get a hit marker, hitch!

    I get hit back, hitch!

    Now of course I always lose every hitching gun battle even when I get the jump on my enemy because if I have survived the hitch from seeing the enemy, the 2 – 3 s hitch from firing my weapon for the first time gives the enemy ample time to kill me while I'm frozen.

    What I plan to do from now on (which will be quite a pain) is to warmup the game by killing enemies in VR before I go live. I can see the issue in VR too. I'll run around shooting enemies and it's a hitchapalooza for the first 3 or so mags but after that the issue usually resolves.

    It seems like the asset streaming for the game is inadequately programmed. Visual and audio assets for the full loadout of a player should be ready to go as soon as that player loads into the game. It seems like these assets are only being loaded into RAM from the game directory after they are called for the first time. Obviously, this doesn't work well in a real-time game.

    Please respond SOE...
  2. ShortRovnd

    The warmup in VR isn't a complete solution as of course the game will still hitch when an enemy with a new weapon fires it at me.

    This really makes the game unplayable.
  3. tigerchips

    Does that while i'm recording a video. Could be CPU or maybe memory?
  4. ShortRovnd

    I think it's HDD.

    But given that it only happens on the first instance, the game should be programmed to preload assets so that it doesn't happen at all.
  5. tigerchips

    I tried upping the textures to high and ultra. I got a lot of hitching during a large battle. I turned it down to medium and everthing was fine. I have 3GB of video memory so i don't get why this stuttering occurs.