State of PS2 8/25

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. AssaultPig

    It sounds like your focus is in the right place.

    You have a really fun and unique game; it would be a lot easier to get people into it if the performance-related hurdles weren't so severe.
  2. ScrapyardBob

    Unfixed bugs drive away customers. The days are long gone when you could release buggy content and customers would put up with it. That worked back in the days of Ultima / EQ 1 - because there really weren't any other games in town. These days there are dozens or hundreds of other games that players can try out. Some of those development houses even have a reputation for putting out quality updates with minimum bugs (which are then promptly squashed) and engaging with their customers on their official forums.

    Driving customers away due to buggy releases has been a SOE hallmark for close to a decade now.

    Less customers = less programmers to add new content.

    With less buggy content, I'd estimate PS2 player numbers would be about 2x what they are now, possibly higher.
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  3. NoctD

    There is only so much you guys can do by tweaking the code. There comes a point that the infrastructure/hardware simply has to be upgraded, and I suspect you guys are at that threshold. Honestly in this day and age - you should be building something scalable, and be able to spin up more compute power as needed to cope with increased loads easily. If the infrastructure is built properly and truly scalable, server performance shouldn't be such a huge issue.
  4. iller

    smartest proposal I've heard all month...
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  5. vanu123

    Can VS get a pistol on the same level as the desperado/repeater? Can the magrider/tanks in general get some buffs when the resource system is flushed out?
  6. miendude

    Still getting general shakiness on Connery, when I'm piloting my lib there's a stutter that's not tied to FPS (because I'm always at 60 high altitude)
  7. Ronin Oni

    You have that much time yet claim you have little time to play?

    haha yeah, ok. I think you'll make up that week easy, no big deal.

    They can't say it because they have to be nice to customers, so I will... Might want to cut back on that entitlement bro.

    "Precious stolen moments" .... 100 days played.

    I've got like 50 and I'm a pretty hardcore game man. Sure, I didn't dedicate that all gaming to PS2, but even if I did, it's probably barely that many hours total. You hardly have "precious stolen minutes" which would be the exact wording I was responding to.

    EDIT: Correction, I have barely 21 days
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  8. Jamtastic

    Honestly, if the criteria by which you evaluate your time being wasted is epeen points instead of "having fun gaming" then maybe you should move on. This is, ostensibly, a free game (for some, not all) and if you - a web developer of all people - can't forgive a non-critical event like this, then perhaps gaming just isn't for you. I could understand people being quit-the-game upset over character wipes, but come on... this is nothing.
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  9. Donaldson Jones

    Oh the joys of IT/Net admin. Good Job getting things back to normal.
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  10. Tarriom

    Thanks for all the hard work everyone. I can't imagine how much work goes into keeping a game running of this magnitude. I really appreciate when developers are transparent about the progress of issues/fixes/updates. Keep up the good work!
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  11. Blade Holdin

    I think I've got that many kills in all, you're clearly not too bad if you can do it that fast.
  12. SerialNsk

    Two days ago I've lost almost 1k total kills and ~150 enemy medic kills as medic :(
  13. Bankrotas

    Simple and maybe not fair way is divide the weapon kills among the classes, that weapon can be used by.
  14. Eyeklops

    Yes please. Performance was good up until the directives patch, now it's pretty bad again. I think the biggest problem is a memory leak, or some sort of slowdown that happens on sessions < 1 hour. It's VERY frequent to hear "rebooting client" on TS. If you can't get the problem nailed down in any quick fashion, a "reboot client" button that restarts the client and logs the last active character back into the nearest spawn would be AWESOME....I'm totally serious.

    Also, the "flying objects" bug is getting out of hand. Last week an outfit member reported seeing Esamir purple spires in the northern Indar warpgate. Sure, it was a good laugh (too bad only one person could see it)...haha...hahaha. But really, it makes the game look silly.
  15. Flavo

    Concerning directives, why are statistics tracked by the player site API ignored by the directive system? E.g:
    • Base captures
    • Base defenses
    • Vehicle kills
    And many more.
  16. gregfox89

    Would you rather have every patch be major changes, but they come with huge balance issues and massive instability and bugs? Because that's the alternative. The game would be a mess.
  17. LocoCoyote

    I just want my Bahamat Helmet blending fixed when camo is applied, everything else just makes me smile more!

    Great work team, thanks for the update
  18. Bhudda V1

    thank you for the update i know you guys had a pretty rough weekend (not the good kind)

    out of all of the things that you posted what really bothers me is overall game performance i wish we could get some more frames for the people who desperately need them I know you know this.

    whatever happens good luck on the work i know your doing your best and all I can do is thank you and keep subbed which i will.
  19. Narukai


    It's easy to let things like keeping the community up to speed on development slip by but little tid bits like this mean heaps to us. Remember we're part of the team too even if we aren't actively developing the game. So again thanks for the extra effort and keep up the good work :)
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  20. MichaelS

    To little, to late. New features this year can be counted on my hand, the rest, even the great resource revamp was just the switch to one resource, even directives are just a big query for stats. Yes Hossin is cool but it still suffers from the half made resource revamp.