Why doesn't respawning cost nanites?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsonix, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Arsonix

    I have been wondering this since we changed resources. It seems like it should considering nanites are used to rebirth the player.

    Would it kill the game if it cost a small amount of your nanite bank to respawn?
  2. Poppington

    You can be at zero nanites before you die. Even with minute ticks, this is an issue. Lore-based gameplay is a no-no.
  3. Arsonix

    Yes that is a possibility that maybe that could happen but I'm sure it can be worked around with say a 30 second timer on respawns when your nanite bank is depleted.

    I think it would be a good idea to add a nanite cost to respawning. That way people would be a lot more reluctant to decline a revive from a medic, Do things that get themselves killed, or just do game breaking things like redeploy in the middle of a firefight.
  4. Yeahy

    Because new players with Kdrs of .2 would not be able to play this game and even for players like me with ~1 kdr, I wouldn't be able to pull many vehicles.
  5. Poppington

    Another way to look at it is that this game is particularly rough on new players. Pulling stock tanks/planes/MAXs because they don't have the situational awareness to survive in infantry play can and would drain their nanites quickly, and then they would be further punished by having to wait to respawn.

    This is a game that you can't punish death in.
  6. Maphreal

    This could also encourage more people to become spawn room warriors. I personally want to see more incentive for players to be aggressive, rather than turtling behind spawn shields.
  7. DatVanuMan

    NO! NEVER! SOE will never do this, that is a terrible idea, man>:[
    I'm sorry about that, but REALLY. WHY?
  8. vincent-

    Why do you people continue to attempt to find anything to NERF I just saw a thread talking about tanks should take bullets now I see infantry costing points. WTF is wrong with you people and fun? Is fun some sort of poison to your species because you can't be bloody human!?
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  9. Scorponok

    naah some people might want the game to be hardcore instead of carebear.
  10. Colt556

    If this is a serious idea I'd suggest dropping it. It's obvious why respawning doesn't drain resources.
  11. Celenor

    What we need is for respawning to drain resources of a specific base or sunderer, NOT a player's personal resources.

    This means that if the Crown has 1000 spawn tickets, and they regenerate at a rate of 100 per minute, then, in a base siege, if your defenders are dying at a rate of 200 per minute, then, eventually your mindless defense will fail and you will have to spawn from the next base back. This will encourage people to counterattack from nearby bases instead of mindlessly streaming out of the spawns of 100% camped bases.

    This would apply to sunderers too.
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  12. KenDelta

    Yea let's make life make valuable , by adding a death panelty other than a bad k/d
    1-Promotes camping
    2-Promotes hardcore tryharding
    3-Promotes camping
    4-Lowers farming
    5-Promotes not yoloing to mine-up that sundy.
    6-Promotes not yoloing as an LA to C4 an entire room of maxes.
    7-Promotes hardcore tryharding
    8-Promotes tankzergs to be twice as safe as they already are.
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  13. Einharjar

    Well the simple fact is that in the future, it will actually be close to this.

    Sorry DatVanuMan.

    Each base will have it's own stockpile and while running out of nanite at that base won't prohibit you from spawn as infantry; it will prevent you from purchasing vehicles or resupplying your gear unless an ANT-Sundy delivers a load of Nanites to refuel the base.

    It's coming.

    True, full scale warfare is coming. ITS COMING! OMG IT's... yeah it's coming. Maybe next year at least.

    And to answer the question about "wouldn't respawning at the cost of nanites be terrible period?"
    Yes, in the fact that Spawn Room design incentive are blatantly terrible. There should be no shields at all. Game mechanics simply need a redesign here and suddenly, it woulnd't be that bad.
    No, it would not. As each base will be it's own pool so if you lose a base, just repawn at the next one and make another offensive.

    The resource revamp is going to hammer this fact more than ever.

    So long as you keep thinking of only yourself, yeah.. this game will suck for you. Sorry.
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  14. Elrobochanco

    I believe later on it's meant to take "nanites" from the stock of the facility you are at. But not your personal stock (as that would be a really bad idea).
  15. Arsonix

    Calm down everyone. I didn't even drop a number. It could be as low as .0001 nanites for all you know. Some of you are acting as if I want respawning to cost half a MAX or something.

    So what is going to keep people from wasting a facilities nanites? K/D's that only kids care about? Don't make me laugh. It is just going to lead to people wasting all their side's resources to grab tiny amounts of XP before dying ruining it for everyone. You should punish the extra bad players somehow.
  16. Captain Kid

    Then people would leave the spawnroom even less..
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  17. Gemenai

    Because of same the reason no sniper rilfe one hit kills, nor does any vanu weapon burn you instantly to ashes with its plamsa projectiles.
    It´s a game and therefore only game logic is relevant and that logic doesn´t follow the same patterns as real life logic.
    Also game breaking, more spawn warrior camps and "balance".
  18. Arsonix

    People tend to log on either to grind certs as fast as possible because of ADHD or real life and will generally leave the spawn room if at all possible while others tend to sit in spawn and try to get the warm fuzzies by getting a good K/D. Most players though will generally do whatever is going to net them the most certs or if an alert is involved get them the most map control. You can't really stop either thing from happening but at least this way idiots will be punished.

    Wrel also suggested something like this spergy player punishment in a video.

    His suggestion as more along the lines of fixing the redeploy mechanic as it pertains to rapid defense zergs though while mine is about fixing the deployment spammers who just mindlessly throw themselves at the enemy.

    Just imagine for a minute though if you will, what it might be like if people don't just throw themselves at spawn rooms to feed the spawn room warriors if it means they wont be able to spam proximity mines around the point or C4 the entrances before a MAX crash because they died two dozen times in the past five minutes trying to push people in and out of their own spawn room. Eventually the defenders would have to overpower their way out. That might fix your problem and it would only need to take a one or two nanite cost per spawn to do that in my opinion.
  19. Inex

    Not completely. Maybe just horribly maimed.
  20. Leftconsin

    I am 100% for this. It is about time Infantry got nerfed too.