Sick of Light Assaults.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Plorf, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Celenor

    If anything, certain classes don't have the tools that their role implies. Light assault may be "mobile" in the sense that they can get on a rooftop and no one else can, but their fuel capacity and speed/acceleration are weak enough that they're floating ducks waiting to be shot.

    Infiltrator cloak is too short duration and too visible to allow them to perform their role.

    On the other hand, medics revives ARE far far overpowered. Institute reasonable balances, such as an additional 4 seconds per revive; or at least making the medic stand still while doing it. Forcing a dead player to respawn after a 3 consecutive death wouldn't go amiss, either.
  2. Taemien

    Sorry dude, but I disagree. LA lets me get over things no one else can. How fast it does this is irrelevant. Same thing with Infils. If you use it like invisibility, then you're using it wrong. Its concealment and works wonderfully for that. And medics only take a single headshot to counter and the whole squad stays dead.

    But like I said, everyone has complaints about every class. That means they are effective. Meaning they are all balanced. Its just the ones we like to play are UP and the ones we fight are OP. Take it from someone who plays all the classes at some point or another. They're good to go. I like them all and think they are all effective. They all have a role.
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  3. Bixli

    QQ ...but still nice text colors.
  4. Celenor

    You go right ahead and headshot a medic that's hopping around, taking advantage of the fact you don't have to sit still while reviving. If it's that easy to stop, why are so many people moaning about revives? Because it isn't.

    I play mostly engineer, anyway, so according to your argument I should be arguing for it to more powerful, not arguing that LA and inf cloak are underpowered.
  5. VonStalin

    LA is fine. Has weak weapons, but can fly. Almost can't shoot while flying.
    Jet packs could be faster.
  6. void666

    I'm sick of people shooting at me.
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  7. miraculousmouse

    Lol like faction traits mean **** anymore. Anyways, the armistice does more dps than the cyxlone so theres your faction trait. 125/896 Seems pretty TR to me, 652 rpm makes it the slowest smg and 1 67 damage makes it the highest damage per bullet, faction traits check.
  8. Rovertoo

    Ouch man.
  9. Plorf

    Gonna reply to this since I saw that it got voted up a lot. I admit, I still have a ways to go as a player, but I've been playing since October of last year and have nearly a 2.5 K/D doing mostly infantry. If this was just a feeling I had as a new player, I wouldn't post it. After getting C4'D out of the blue for the last time the other day, I figured it was time to make a thread and see what people thought.

    Turns out, most people either said L2P or generalized the issue into "lol every class is op", which is not what I meant. My point was, every class has powerful abilities that give them an advantage. However, the advantage of the light assault is that they create extremely asymmetric encounters. That is, they can get into situations that give them the upper hand in an ambush. That's all they can do, and so on a larger scale, they're not very strong at all. Medics have far worse implications for the PS2 meta, as they can revive a room full of people in a few seconds. And I don't need to explain what MAXes do to infantry fights.

    However in a cut-and-dry 1v1 scenario, Light Assaults can get a huge positional advantage which often secures them a kill, especially with a high-damage weapon such as a shotgun or C4. Planetside is a team game, and so this advantage should be taken with a grain of salt, and running in a dedicated squad will prove useful in countering LAs. The ideas that I had were an attempt to make Light Assaults less about 1v1 ganking and more about teamplay and scouting. If you still disagree that's fine, I just want people to be clear on what I meant. (and it's not "X class killed me, pls nerf!")
  10. LT_Latency

    That is the point of the class. In this game the high ground is a valid attack path.

    Look up or send your LA to fight for it. If you leave an open path you will get punished.
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  11. flyingaxe1

    100% agree with op I've been playing since launch all factions etc. I don't feel they are in the spirit of base design most notably in bio labs where c4 is most game breaking and hard to counter even with the redesigned teleport rooms. I never feel the need for the nerf bat ever (Zoe max excluded) and enjoy trying to work out how to counter but LA c4 combo needs to go, or made for them to place it on maxes and other vehicles.
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  12. Rovertoo

    I really appreciate what you're saying, it's a lot better reaction than most people tend to gravitate towards. I will say though (I'm probably biased since I really only play LA) that I disagree. The way I see it, LAs job in a team battle (that also helps them in lone wolf 1v1 as you mentioned) is to hunt down high priority targets and eliminate them, like snipers or tanks. Personally I wouldn't mind if the LA gets a more team oriented tool (I just want a tool!) but I would prefer if we got an actual assault combat tool as per the name. The last thing I'd want is to change the LA to a support class whose only job would be to help the heavy assault and MAX like the engineer and medic. I think the LA should be the mobile brother of the HA, and his tool should be a mobile (or adaptable) version of the rocket launcher.
  13. Anchor IV

    Nice post, OP. I agree with most of it, too. You will get a lot of hate on the forums for it due to a lot of players being LA+C4 kids.
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  14. LT_Latency

    What is so hard about looking up or sending your LA to take the high ground.

    if it was easy for a player to fly above you and drop 2 c4 for 4 to 5 seconds without a single player shooting them out of the sky.........It was easy cause you let them do it.
  15. Anchor IV

    Nobody can maintain full awareness of their surroundings
    Nobody can maintain 100% awareness of their surroundings at all times, especially in large scale fights.
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  16. LT_Latency

    Then you get killed same thing as if you were too lazy to look up and see the liberator above you.

    Wow their is a really good spot for LA to bomb us.......Maybe we should send our LA to take control of that so we can bomb them and they can't bomb us.
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  17. Lethal_Sting

    Well if it were truly easy, everyone would be doing it.

    Unless you are staring at the ground, the sky takes up at least 50% of your screen. Kinda obvious seeing a player model float about in the air. Further still, if not even 1 out of 6,12, 24, 48+ players on your team can't spot out an LA flying...

    "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."

    Seriously, just takes 1 person, one, and I'll have every rifle, rocket launcher, tank cannon, ESF/Lib from the 3 adjacent hexes firing at me.
  18. Anchor IV

    At least 50%? Bit of an exaggeration unless your vertical FOV is maxed out. You seriously can't expect everyone to know everything that is going on around them at all times.
  19. Taemien

    I do.

    Because cert farmers are typically bad at this game. And I mean really bad.
  20. Rovertoo

    No, but you can't expect someone to never get the drop on you either.