Just Wanted to Let the Devs Know...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DatVanuMan, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. ARIES666

    I just read love letter :D
  2. DatVanuMan

    Hey! Leave my privacy alone!:oops:
  3. kadney

    MMh, what video are you refering to? :eek:

    Nvm, found it.
  4. TheKhopesh

    One does not reach enlightenment.
    Enlightenment is found.

    (See what I did there? ;))
  5. Celenor

    SOE has done a great job with bugs and such, and above all else, proving to all the other loser gaming companies (Hello, EA!) that it IS possible to have hundreds of people in a battle at once.

    But there are a good few design decisions that aren't perfect, and things that are unbalanced, and most of them don't have to be that way, but continue to be that way because they don't change them. I know they DO change things, but sometimes they leave things unchanged for months, presumably gathering data, but the end result is that they make a change, give it months, then change it again, and then wait months again, and so on. Yes, they get closer every time, but if they would cut their data gathering period to 2-3 weeks, it'd be better.

    For example, either they need to realize that vehicles are too cheap versus how fast nanite resources regenerate, OR they need to come and say that they've decided the game needs more vehicles at any given moment. But please, don't wait 5 months and THEN make a slight change to resource costs and then wait 5 months to see how that goes. Though, if they do decide that vehicles should be cheap, they should counterbalance it with things like cheaper mines, etc.
  6. DatVanuMan

    Time is money, man. Could SOE do a better job at interesting balance that doesn't get nerfed all the time? Yes. Is it possible to do it quickly? Not exactly. It takes time, and all we have to give the devs is time. In time, we'll see how the game goes. If they decide to nerf all VS weapons and introduce NS weapons that seriously outrank ES weapons and are far cheaper, then I'll say goodbye. OR, they could make each faction far more unique, add NS as a faction, and finally work on netcode, and you're safe by saying that Planetside 3 will be coming out pretty soon:)
  7. Celenor

    As far as giving them time, at the current rate of make a change, wait 6 months, make another change, wait 6 months, and so on, by the time it's balanced it will have to be rolled out as part of Planetside 3.

    On the other point, you're afraid they will nerf VS weapons in favor of Nanite Systems weapons? Not afraid that NC or TR empire specific weapons would be better? By definition everyone would have NS weapons; and thus things would finally achieve balance...unless that's what you fear.
  8. DatVanuMan

    Exactly, but just give them time. No one knows what could happen in another six months.
    And HEY! I'm being a patriotic VS soldier by caring about only my weapons. The worst thing that can happen to this game is that everyone would have NS weapons. It would be the WORST type of balance. That is, symmetric balance, and it would be boring as hell. I hope you understand<:]
  9. Dracorean

    I am poor, but when I can I'll buy stuff so they can have a little bit more money in their pockets, however given my 'economic status' I strongly support the Dev and Community team.

    I often find it saddening when I see players bash at them, threaten, or demand something out of them. If I could I wish I could just lock those posts so that they would sink into darkness while try to support the more meaningful concepts that players continue to come up with. Often I don't think the Dev's would want to see the forums too often given all the heat they get. The community team on the other hand, those brave souls have to look through here and deal with all these complaints. They should get paid more, however so long as I can give out my 2 cents to some angered player and beat them with a bat of logic and a hammer of common sense. Hopefully it would be enough to keep this place welcoming to them even if it were just a little bit.
    • Up x 1
  10. Celenor

    Well, on the one hand, for people who truly believe that symmetric balance is boring, I understand. But I think the greater evil is that, if the weapons are all different, chances are one will be better than the other, and we'll all spend our time arguing about balance (which, is what happens in actual fact).

    There's got to be other ways for a player to differentiate, such as choice of combat tactics, strategies, flanking, switching from aggressive offensive to defensive posturing, minelaying, etc.
  11. Ken Photon

    Right here, my good sir.

    By the way, I was very surprised about the tweet that TotalBiscuit sent (the one mentioned in the video)... He lost some of my respect for that one.

    And to the OP, yes. I really like this game, and it's fun. I has its fair share of problems, but the work done so far by the devs is awesome and cool and very enjoyable. Just keep doing the great work, but do on time. Not gonna lie though, I feel sorry for the devs sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if they dreaded coming to work sometimes just because of the way we b*tch in the community sometimes. Good Lord, I know I wouldn't be able to take this much negativity everyday without effecting the way I work.

    I wonder if anyone's thought about how our words affect the devs. They're people too... With feelings and passions, and when we bash and stomp on them, we're crushing all the passion and hard work they've been doing, and that hurts. Let's think about what we say before we say from now on, alright?
  12. iller

    Thanks ... they were more laugh-out-loud than anything else...
    Well according to TB, it was just rushed Satire. ...But that's still on TB I guess b/c we all know He really needs to leave the comedy attempts to the brits who are actually good at it like John Oliver, Cleese & Idle, and reviewers like Yahtzee. ...but not Ricky Gervais.... ricky is just ****ing awful at everything and all of england owes us a big apology for ever letting him out into the world.

    To the other point.... This is bad Developer behavior too. All over the industry I see this happen more than real feedback dialog ever tends to happen. The people who politely raise actual DATA POINTS about a controversial topic like I was doing back when the game first shipped and no one could figure out exactly what was wrong with N.C. infantry underperforming as bad as they were. So much blame went to TR being too DakkaDakka blazing fast & VS being easy-mode (they get that today). The hyperbole in that social war got immense and the calls for the devs being incompetent were overwhelming. Everyone else who wasn't suffering from it, writing off every NC player as ****-poor players in every regard. It eventually got fixed.... but it really felt like the calm rational people in the middle raising the "nerdy" boring data points about Flinching, bloom rate, & ADS stuff were being completely ignored by both sides.

    Devs all over the place do this, they make the cycle worse by going immediately into damage control and focusing on the biggest flame bait. It's really really really Rare IMHO to see threads like the Valk Feedback thread pinned above instead. Most devs don't even seem to realize that just taking an extra hour to do that kind of thing instead, will usually immunize them against even needing to do damage control in the first place. Just putting their thought process out in the open like that, before hand, admitting they don't have the answer and need to test it live.... Just plain removes most of the extreme arguments from the debate. They're saying "we don't actually know yet, here's what you can do to help us find out". Anyone who's still really pissed off after being told that, will generally be laughed at and written off by the vast majority of reasonable folks out there and the problems will work themselves out.

    They need to keep doing it, and feature the results through Twitter & Reddit as well to show those 140 char Trolls how mature adults communicate. ... though sometimes, I get the feeling, that they find reading big paragraphs like these a lot more painful than any 1-sentence bashing sent their way :(
  13. DatVanuMan

    TotalBiscuit is just your typical Terran... That is, mean on the inside, ugly on the outside. That is, except for a few amazing Terran players who really aren't mean. Also, pretty stupid question incoming:
    What does OP stand for? Overpowered I know, but in the forums?
  14. iller

    both "Original Post" / Original-Poster , and overpowered. ...though I prefer O^P to stress the "over" / mathematical implication.

    As for TB.... try actually clicking on the YouTube link itself and reading the top comments first before you bash ALL of the Terran Replublic, kiddo
  15. Noktaj

    I appreciate what they do. But I do think the game, gameplay-wise, was better in Beta that it is now. So in my opinion, the path they took actually made the game worse, not better.

    I still enjoy it though.
  16. DatVanuMan

    Kiddo? I'll have you know that I now have chest hair, my good sirXD
    1. Thanks. It makes sense now:)
    2. TR are usually always mean. It's the truth, man. BuzzCutDyko is an example. TB is one, to some extent. Point is, some people are more idiotic than others... And these certain people mostly join TR.
  17. Killuminati C

    Still playing since launch and still putting money towards the development of the game so that says it all. Somedays are better than others but most of my frustration comes from player trends as opposed to issues with the devs.

    In regards to the tweets, this is a symptom of internet bullying and I don't see how people could really take it seriously. Easy for me to say I know, but I can't help but picture some pimply faced overweight "tween" in his bedroom or grandparents basement that reeks of hotpockets and shame ;).
  18. Ken Photon

    While I do hold a lot of respect for you, I highly disagree with you on this. Especially since I have a TR alt and I know some really nice forumsiders with TR mains... I'm sorry, but your sentiment seems highly stereotypical and not even that accurate.

    I have a feeling that they don't read the more elaborate forums posts as much because they're really strapped for time. They'll choose the quicker and more "efficient" ways of communication to gather opinions and respond to them. That does not in any way excuse the fact that they don't seem to listen to the more rational guys, but they probably feel they don't have too much of a choice.
  19. DatVanuMan

    Stereotypical... XD
    On a more serious note, it's just based on MY experience. I know some REALLY nice TR guys who never show signs of cockiness. But most of the Terran I do know or who use the chat are mostly jerks. This is on Emerald, so I don't know where you play. BUT I BET it's on Emerald, and so this conversation will start going back and forth, which is mainly directed to the fact that I hate the TR, and you don't. But hey, I can understand your disagreement.
  20. Jachim

    I'm pretty sure the devs realize that the passion and sometimes heated conversations are because we love this game! Even the trolls who are like 'im leaving now and taking all my clannies with me' truely liked the game, just something rubbed them the wrong way obviously and they want to make their point loud and clear.

    Forums are a bad way to converse, which is why you don't see devs use them as much as they do reddit/twitter/etc. Too much tripe mixes in and the stuff people like to see and hear gets drowned out sometimes.