Where are all the MAX's forumside whines about?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fifteenspades, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. fifteenspades

    Okay so I know forumside is well... forumside but, where are all the MAX's they keep complaining about? Those 20+ or 100+ maxes every battle, the MAX "spam" that is thrown around every other thread regardless of faction.
    "new resource system is broken max spam hurr durr"

    Trying to work on my HA directive and for the life of me finding maxes to kill is a pain. At most in every single big battle i've only ever seen at most 4-5 maxes in a single room, unless they are max crashing. Granted there are usually 10-15 maxes in battle tug of wars like Quartz Ridge. But overall not many MAX's to hunt. Is it just a certain time of the day people feel like MAXing? :C
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  2. andy_m

    In the Biolabs, last time I looked.
  3. Elkybam

    Try A point in every base you see.
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  4. HadesR

    They increased the Max cost so the problem was addressed somewhat ...
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  5. AshHill07

    I'm not seeing anymore maxes or vehicles than normal. Maybe in large forces of ~20 tanks there's 1 more than there otherwise would be but hardly anything noticeable.

    Only things I have noticed is that I'm getting more MBT kills with my Vanguard, I assume due to people being more willing to take risks and more frequent large scale battles (Albeit in the usual places, just more frequent). Also I seem to be "slightly" less frustrated when I'm inevitably killed by enemy that didn't render / C4 fairy / Unrendered explosive charges / homing debris / glitching around terrain than I usually would be, which is probably a good thing for everyone involved.
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  6. Tallfeather

    Typically there are a lot during initial phases of a fight as people are flush with resources. As they get whittled down, they do not come back so quickly with the new high cost. If you're late to the party, this is probably why you don't see many.
  7. Maelthra

    I always assume that everything complained about on forumside is exaggerated at least to some degree.
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  8. Zeppelin123

    As someone who just returned I can tell you there are alot less MAXes then last year.
  9. Nexus545

    There was a surge of MAXs when the new resource system came out but now I just see one or two every now and then. The problem is pretty much fixed but people still like to complain. In fact I'll bet you good money they are mostly the same people who were complaining about MAXs before the new system.
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  10. FateJH

    Basically, anything they can't just stand there and shoot to death without minimal concern of dying from.
  11. Colt556

    Before the resource revamp, after the resource revamp, and after the increase in max cost the number of maxes I encountered never changed. Be they biolab fights, cap point buildings, friendly or enemy I never really saw any more maxes than usual. For every one max I see there's a full squad of normal infantry.

    I always view the max whine threads as someone got killed by a max, one lone max, and they came here to cry and state how there's trillions of maxes ruining the game. That's how it usually goes, someone dies and comes here to cry about it. There never really were that many maxes, it's just it sticks out in their minds when they see a max and they just naturally ignore the 50 infantry around that one lone max, so to them there's a billion maxes because that's all they notice.
  12. Stigma

    That's not a lot? ...
    Kinda tough to break into a room containing 4-5 MAXes... it really bogs down the infantry game.

    IMO the only thing that actually limits the MAX spam at this point is the fact that a lot of people just like to play other classes that have more subtleties in their gameplay (and have gotten used to those classes by now). The people who prefer MAXes and have no shame about pulling them as often as they can I very rarely see outside of their suits. I always have more nanites than I need so pulling MAXes every fight if I really wanted to do so wouldn't really be a problem - and I don't think it is much of an issue for most experienced players who can stay alive for at least a few minutes.

    But no, I haven't seen any battles recently where there were more MAXes than normal infantry - and THANK GOD for that. I'd have to strap on one of those godawful things with AV weapons to combat them - bleh!

  13. Inex

    It would depend entirely on how many regular infantry are running around.
  14. LibertyRevolution

    Do you not play on emerald??
    The meta on emerald seems to be, "Do I have enough resources for a max? Then I should pull a Max"...
    You can go defend a 1-12 ghost cap and there will be 3 maxes on the point...

    Seriously, out of a squad of 6 guys with a sunderer ghost capping a base, 3 of them will be in max suits...
  15. Elkybam

    Join Connery, where there are plenty of them to find and the only real worry is the method taking them down.
  16. _itg

    Basically, there were a lot more MAXes the first couple days after the resource revamp. The spam started to subside fairly quickly as the novelty wore off, and the devs upped the cost of MAXes, which further cut the spam, and now numbers feel pretty close to pre-revamp levels, at least to me. But those few days were enough to trigger the forumside whine machine. Suddenly, a class which people were mostly fine with before is now the bane of our existence. The MAX complaints are already in decline again, though, I think. People like to complain, but they've got short attention spans for it. Just like people have mostly stopped complaining that the Magrider needs buffs or the HA shield needs nerfs, which were both "ruining the game" a few weeks ago.
  17. Jalek

    There're a lot of infiltrators that try to 1v1 MAX players with a knife, even when there are support players right there so 1v2 or 1v3 with one in a MAX suit. I assume they must win sometimes or they wouldn't do it.
    I don't understand people who complain about them being too strong.
  18. ShortRovnd


    Why is this a problem?

    If you know what to expect why don't you just deal with it?
  19. void666

    In another thread someone saw 20 ZOE maxes. Must be true.
  20. Inex