For the few TR/NC who think they got the short end of the stick in the ES-sidearms update:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Lamat

    Number of team kills in the warp gate with new pistols:

    NC: 9485
    TR: 60
    VS: 6
  2. Lamat

    If only we could harness all this negative energy of forumside, the energy crisis could be averted and the world saved.
  3. Scudmungus

    As a sexy man and casual player with 316 kills on his sexy AMP, I can firmly say I love my AMP.

    This has very little to do with the OP - I simply enjoy reminding you just how sexy I am.

  4. Zenanii

    Hush you. Don't you dare try to sell of my belowed lancer! I mean, MCG is nice and all (when you really can't make up your mind if you want a smg or a shotgun) but there is no reason we would want the AMP when we already have access to Comissioner, and the striker is just... ugh.
  5. lothbrook

    There are a bunch of one off type NC weapons that are essentially useless because there are weapons that are clearly better, Gauss Saw S for example, or the GD22S compared to the Anchor, lol. I mean every weapon kills its just there are weapons that are hands down just simply better than the rest and using the others is purely for medals and such, like why would anyone use a pump action that uses less pellets and there for has less killing power than the Bruiser, lol.

    So your new Faction pistol sucks worse than the rest of the new faction pistols which suck, use one of the old ones that work just fine.
  6. Rovertoo

    I don't know they all have different roles to me. The GD22S is longer range than the Anchor, and the Gauss Saw S's value is in it's attachments and fire select options. And the Bruiser, I can tell you right now is much different than the Claw, and I prefer the Claw by a longshot. The fire rate is a staggering difference in combat, and the extra damage isn't as beneficial against a single target as I would've first imagined.

    And I love the Magscatt! I use it like an Underbarrel Shotgun, utility when the situation arises for a shotgun. And slap a flashlight on it and hunt infiltrators like nobodies business. It could probably stand a usability improvement (the four per clip is a real pain), but I love it and won't use another pistol. Cuz FREEDOM!
  7. Prudentia

    ok you clearly have no clue...
    Killing power scales inbewteen 1 and 1000
    both pumpshotguns have aboive 1000 so they are equal at 1000
    just that the T1 PA is more accurate and has a faster fire rate.

    "like why would anyone use a pump Action that fires slower and has less accuracy and therefor has less killing power than the Claw/Phobos/[TR One]
    , lol."
  8. lothbrook

    Ohh i'm fully aware that both weapons can 1 hit kill, but i've used both and the killing potential of the bruiser is much much more reliable due to that extra pellet. Both weapons auraxiumed and stats to prove the bruiser is more efficient.

    25 more kills until I become one of the first people that have gotten 50 or more kills with the crappy spiker. :D
    • Up x 3
  10. SpartanPsycho

    Here's how gun's work in general. If it drops the enemy. If something doesn't drop an enemy it's a piece of crap.
    (Source:) Marine Corp
  11. Klypto

    Mag-scatter is definitely not for me.

    Josh Sanchez, the weapons guy told me that the Spiker is going to be looked at. He also explained that pistol magazine size balance was based on the number of body shot kills possible (Assuming point blank range).
  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    let me remind everyone of the VS faction-specific traits:
    - low recoil
    - fast reload
    - no bullet drop (on short/medium-range guns)
    - mobility
    - perfect camo coverage on infantry
    - charge-up weaponry
    - useless pistols

    so basically, nothings wrong here...
  13. Paragon Exile

    You are a legend.
    • Up x 1
  14. Arsonix

    News flash. All VS pistols are worse then their counterparts.

    You forgot
    -Lite-brite guns
  15. zombielores

    Where's your source? A good amount of these "faction traits" are either made up or perceived.
  16. Axehilt

    Popularity isn't effectiveness.

    Overall KPH via Das Anfall:
    • 46 AMP
    • 44 Mag-scatter
    • 38 Spiker
    BR100+ K/Ds for these weapons follow the same general pattern.
    But please, for the sake of science, reason, and rational thought, never post popularity stats as if they were an indication of effectiveness. That'd be like trying to claim a McDonald's cheeseburger was more delicious than a gourmet cheeseburger made by a fine restaurant (like one I had at Bourbon Steak in SF which was the best burger I've ever had.) Or to measure car quality by the number of miles driven by all cars of that type (which would probably show the Veyron as one of the worst cars ever.)
    • Up x 1
  17. Ronin Oni

    Chargeup actually works great on Vortex and Lancer.

    Phaseshift is just inferior to Super Cooled (straight pull bolt) BASRs. I did a bunch of testing in VR and yeah, the ONLY advantage is has is infinite ammo. But you either get 2 shots between reloads (lol wat?) or you have to wait 3x as long between shots.

    Couple that with needing to time your shots 1.5 seconds in advance, and the SASR shooting being on trigger up so also being inferior, and yeah.... that thing is just underwhelming. Better off with Super Cooled Paralax w/ ammo belt.

    Spiker the charge mechanic is even worse. When you need to use a pistol, you need damage NOW, not 1.5 seconds from now. The 2 shot burst shots are also delayed .5 seconds because it fires on mouse up instead of mouse down, and it doesn't do rapid fire burst anywhere close to as good as any other burst weapon. (tap - tap & hold - tap & hold - tap & hold.... for maximum RoF on any other burst weapon)
  18. Moonheart

    I'm going to buy the spiker.
    Cause I'm masochistic. And I love flashy things. And I want to be able to imagine the face of the guys who will read "spiker" on their death screen... :D
  19. TheKhopesh

    Here's how to fix the new set of ES pistols.

    +5 rounds per mag.
    -20% bloom per shot.
    Now it's a lower DPS but longer range weapon version of the Repeater, but boasting full auto! ;)

    +1 round per mag.
    +35 RPM.

    Pretty self explanitory here.
    Added ammo to help make up for how easy it is to miss pellets, adding extra survivability for ranges outside slapping distance (this will just add a taste extra range by allowing you to dish out a few extra pellets per reload).
    And the extra fire rate makes it a bit harder to dodge (ADAD spam makes this weapon terribly easy to negate, as it has a slow, predictable fire rate with virtually no range. Strafe spam is an easy counter to CQC weapons with slow fire rates and low ammo.) so firing a taste faster will lessen the near-certain death sentence of "Oh crαp!" moments.

    (I've seen over a dozen brilliant different ways to make this a fine weapon, but I'll just list one of my own creation that I prefer.)

    -Return to 125 dmg 769 fire rate.
    -Default 3x burst (this solves the oversampling issue with trying to fire quickly with 2x burst).
    -2x burst option for range use.
    -Charge occurs faster (in about 0.5 seconds).
    -Clear indicator to show when charge is ready to fire a charged shot.
    -Charge consumes 3 rounds of ammo to fire a single projectile with the bullet stats of the Commissioner (450 @ 8m, 225 @ 42m, 450 m/s velocity).

    It's standard burst functionality would provide the VS with a much needed close range high DPS/TTK CQC pistol.
    Meanwhile this charge would allow ranged use by turning the charge into a 120 RPM Commissioner (50 RPM slower, but it's not supposed to be an NS-44 replacement).
    In addition of the range, it would be able to function as a Commissioner without bullet drop and capable of being silenced (which in and of itself is unique).

    There you go, all three ES pistols would be quite effective, and weapons that anyone would be proud to own.
  20. AdmiralArcher

    many people use it.....its kinda like the emperor in a sense....people use it..just not a lot