Cant login into cobalt?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by KO-tic, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. BlockLike

    Gets through eventually, takes about 5mins or so for me
  2. Granderil

  3. Palkora

    Not here it doesn't, it just waits and then crashes the game to desktop.
  4. Jabpba

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  5. BlockLike

    Weird thing is, despite being aware that long login times are a repeat issue, this is the first time i've experienced it.

    And, yup... I spoke too soon... Now not getting anywhere :p
  6. SomeName123

    For a company with as much funds as SOE, you'd think they'd be capable of testing their patches if they at all work before shipping them out to their consumers.
    It's like SOE is an amateurish company. I know, what an insane though, right, Mark?
  7. Moz

  8. RemusVentanus

    Before the patch everything was fine except the hit detection, login was a few seconds and now it is impossible :rolleyes:
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  9. MichaelS

    well, I'll guess the tunnel from EU to US worked when they tested it in the US :D
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  10. Palkora

    For a company with as much money as SOE you would expect their servers to not have the same performance as that of a BR's win XP toaster. But this world is full of wonders.
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    What else to expect when you come home from work and fire up the game just to relax for a bit. I should have gotten used to this by now yet strangely enough it still grinds my gears.
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  12. tombrune8

    my lord, plz enlighten the ps2 crew with a spark of godly professionalism to quickly fix yet another f*** up... and maybe plant in there minds the seed of wisdom to find a way of checking there patches before they release them...plz?...
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  13. Elst

    Yep, same for me. :-(
  14. Ramanac

    I am wondering what kind of quality process they have at soe? Again the same problem like a week before.
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  15. SomeName123

    And for a company that has a lot of consumers in the EU, one would think they could.. you know.. maybe.. set up databases in the EU that have their content copied once in a while from US servers as required?
    This couldn't be too hard.

    Maybe SOE is low on shekels?
  16. andy_m

    It appears I'm not alone then :D
  17. Matt879

    SOE's just trying to force all the EU players to go to Emerald by screwing up Miller and Cobalt more and more with every update. This way they can take down the EU servers, saving money in the process, making the american players happy by giving them easy kills on high ping players AND their game looks more populated because they have so many players on their US east server. ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY BY THE ILLUMINATI, IVE SOLVED IT!!!
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  18. DashTech

    Why the fudge they need the EU to communicate with US servers for logon.
  19. UT40kGeodav

    this is why people don't/won't subscribe or spend money on a game that is always broke, they should spend the money they get in fixing the game before they try and add crap on to it

    can't log on to cobolt or connery
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  20. andy_m

    Even though it says that Cobalt is up here, it says locked on the login screen now...


    Okay, now it is saying MAINT here... Ah well :rolleyes: