[Suggestion] Want Motion Blur Back as an Option? Show Demand in here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MistaN, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. MistaN

    I'm cross posting my thread from the PTS section because nobody's going to see it there and it's not doing this suggestion any justice. Can mods pls delete my other thread?

    As per the latest "Higby Pls" stream from today (8/20), Higby stated that if we got 100 upvotes then they would consider implementing it again but as of right now, it's not on their radar so lets show them we want it back!

    Here's the Original Post:
    Well if you didnt know by now, the motion blur has been removed and it's been removed because of the new "GPU Input Lag Fix". I welcome the fix wholeheartedly because the game feels GREAT now but I do love me some motion blur in my games (YES even the competitive ones...it doesnt hurt my KDR either). The game just seems very staccato-like and I miss the smoothness already.

    So with that said, I'd like to be the guy who goes ahead and gets this started because I, for one, loved the motion blur in the game and it shouldnt hurt anything to bring it back as an option (just like it already was).

    As per July Update Release Notes:

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  2. Kuriby

    Couldn't agree more.

    Fact is, most players take enjoyment from being GOOD at a game. Hate to break it to all the motion blur users, but motion blur is simply adding another visual distraction that hampers your ability to become a better fps player.

    First thing you should do for all FPS games.

    1) Turn off motion blur
    2) Turn off any sorta of bloom affects
    3) Turn off all additional flora

    But, to each their own. If you like all the visual effects, then be happy. But just understand that they take away from your competitive edge.
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  3. MistaN

    You're advocating against an option that's been available in the game since beta? You obviously wont be affected since you'll still have the option to turn it off.

    I'm a competitive player too and I still use post processing effects in games because I'm a graphics ***** too. Also, FYI...when you turn your head (and eyes)....everything SHOULD blur for you.

    Never had a problem being a competitive player (and a pretty good one at that) with MotionBlur/Ambient Occlusion/Bloom/DoF/Flora/Particles/Anti-Aliasing turned all the way up. It's not taking away any enjoyment from me at all. It's adding enjoyment and it's not really affecting my performance except for once in a blue moon but I'll eat that if it means I have more visual fidelity.

    I have a good PC and motion blur helps smooth everything out and gets rid of that staccato feel. Love me some motion blur and I don't think it will hurt for them to implement it again (the right way) and make it an option like it used to be. That way, the ppl that want it, can turn it on and the ppl that don't...toggle it off.

    I think complaining about having it as an option is like complaining about having separate hip-fire aim and ADS sensitivities.
  4. JamZam

    Precisely how I feel. Motion Blur (and bloom/other demanding visual effects) only bring more immersion to the game for me. And like MistaN said, my KD ratio isn't really affected. And again, if you don't like the setting, just turn it off. Simple as that. In fact just because the setting introduces some input lag the way it is, I don't see the reason to remove it entirely. Just leave it turned off as default and if players want to, they can switch it on. Should be pretty easy to implement a warning saying "If you turn this setting on, you may experience slight mouse input lag" right? And if the input lag is ever fixed, remove the warning messege and switch it back to being turned on by default on ultra. That's what I would've done, I think, just based on my extremely basic understanding of how coding works.
  5. void666

    OPTIONS are good.

    Anyway you can still use motion blur. They just hid the option.
  6. JamZam

    What's the best way? From what I heard you can only use it together with maxed out settings... My PC is descent but not quite up to Ultra standards.
  7. KnightCole

    I find motion blur annoying to look at. I think Medal of Honor Airborne had it..that game's handling was horrific....
  8. JamZam

    i.e. it won't happen unless we nag a bit about it. Remember PhysX? Yeah, that's not back yet either. I mean really, I'm not saying this is more important than all the other things, but if we're realistic about it this should take one single person TOPS a couple of days to do. Motion blur is a fairly basic effect that is just demanding on your PC, so having the option is good. The "problem" they encountered is slight input lag, but the thing with that is motion blur helps the most for people with fairly low framerates. i.e, people that get a delay between input - action anyways. For those people, motion blur makes the game seem a little bit smoother than it really is. I value that, especially in a game as unstable as Planetside 2.
  9. JamZam

    I'd just like to remind people that there's a reason there's an option for motion blur in pretty much any modern fps game, and there's a reason people use it when showcasing graphics for games. It simple makes the game look a ton better. And also it's not all about gameplay, I've recently gotten into making game cinematics, and that's on hold entirely untill we get motion blur back.
  10. MotionBlured

    Screw Motion blur.
  11. JamZam

    While I agree that PhysX is more important, it's also waaaayyyyy more advanced. So that'd take the devs alot longer to figure out, again, motion blur is quite simple in comparison.

    EDIT: Here's some old clips with PhysX (and motion blur mind you!).

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  12. commandoFi

    Motion blur is great for cinematic recording even if it isn't great for regular gameplay. Same with PhysX. Let's have both back!
  13. Nexus545

    I hate motion blur in almost all games. I don't mind it returning if people want it back though.

    Although if motion blur gets brought back I want PhysX back too.
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  14. JamZam

    We all want PhysX back, but it's a very complicated thing to implement. Motion Blur should beable to get handled in a couple of days and only needs one or two people working on it (is what I'm guessing, I do not whatsoever claim to know the details), whereas PhysX would probably require a whole team to shift focus for a while. Obviously that'd post-pone other things such as performance optimization, weapons balancing etc.
  15. Nexus545

    It should always be an option though. I never had any issues with PhysX on but I have to suffer because others did. It's the same for the motion blur guys.
  16. MistaN

    I'm not saying that they should put it at the top of the To Do List. I'm just putting up a thread so we can show them that there's a decent demand for motion blur (or maybe there isnt). They are trying to see if they should even spend time/resources on it period, depending on the amount of demand there is to bring it back...hence this thread.

    Also, can we pls keep this about motion blur and not PhysX. Dont want to have RadarX coming in here and closing this thread due to it being OT.
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  17. JamZam

    Man, if I could just see the reasoning behind removing the option to turn motionblur on/off alltogether, it might be alot easier to just forget about it. Allthough I think it probably wouldn't be even with that information.
  18. void666

    Bring back motion blur and physx!
  19. Walnutbutter

    Looks like 5 people care about motion blur.
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  20. JamZam

    Looks like atleast 3 people care about motion blur with a passion ;)