Anybody know what happened to the motion blur setting?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by JamZam, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. JamZam

    Heyhey, I know I'm probably gonna get some hate for saying this but I really miss the motion blur in Planetside 2.. I heard they wanted to keep it in but didn't have time to implement it for a recent patch, so they had to temporarily disable it. My question is, is it really temporary and if it is, does anybody have some sort of clue on when it might be back? I've been waiting patiently!
  2. SuperMedicated

    Well most of the things they said were temporary have yet to come back (physx i'm looking at you)
    • Up x 1
  3. JamZam

    Man... I hope that's not the case here. I mean motion blur is alot simpler than physx, but at the same time I can understand that motion blur introduces alot of input lag. I'm fairly sure that was the reason for removing it.
  4. SuperMedicated

    Also i don't know if that's your case, but if you run your game at a high enough fps you won't need motion blur (from my experience, may be placebo or not)
  5. JamZam

    Well, yes, motion blur is basically a way of making the game seem smoother on lower fps. And I'm getting a huge PC upgrade sometime in early September, so I probably won't need it... but it's still a matter of taste, I really do think that motion blur makes the game look fantastic. Without it the game just feels less real, thereby removing some of the immersion for me. But if you're going for the best possible reaction time, motion blur will most probably be a bad thing.

    Edit: I'm also kinda working on my first Planetside 2 cinematic video, and for that I really need motion blur, especially seeing as my already recorded footage does have motion blur. So that's on hold untill I get some news on this.
  6. Bambasti

    I believe it will be back sometime soon. As far as I know they solved some bug that caused input lag and motion blur was part of the problem. They couldn't sort it out completely yet so they removed the blur option temporarily because having input lag is way worse than having no motion blur. I liked the effect and hope that it will be implemented again soon, too.
  7. Fned

    :( I miss you, Motion Blur. :(