General Game Change & Revamp Concepts - "Because everything feels loose and sloppy"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrNature72, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. MrNature72

    I am nothing if not amazing.
    And flawless.
    And beautiful.

    Just kidding. I really appreciate all the support.
    If you want to help support this, add my threads to your signature! SPREAD THE WORD!
  2. MrNature72

    Signature fixed; help support all this so we can make it happen.
  3. Einharjar

    Here's a big'ol'bump.

    Your ideas may be controversial, but it's what this game needs to set itself a part. It's lost it's identity and this wish list absolutely fixes that. Even though I still find some of your suggestions maybe a bit... off? I'd rather have your vision, refined, cleaned up and good to go than what we have now.

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  4. Goliath Mk2

    This is just a cosmetic thing but... I WANT A PEZ DISPENSER KEYCHAIN TO HANG OFF MY GUN! :D
  5. MrNature72

    Lol. shout thread for that.

    But hey it would be an interesting cosmetic deal. Anyways, curious, how balanced do you think these updates would be? I feel like they'd be pretty solid.
  6. Gammit

    Totes. I agree with so much.

    I don't have an issue with the liberator, as I always thought of it more as a gunship. I try to see the Sunderer as an APC.
  7. Tuco

    Ants would effect spawn room camping in no way whatsoever.
  8. Goliath Mk2

    they would if you didn't allow them to recharge the bases power supply.
  9. Tuco

    That's like saying SCU's effect spawn room camping and they do not.
  10. CrazyCanadian24

    They would if the damn things also brought down the spawn room shields :mad:

    ...Unless my memory is off and they actually do, in which case ignore me.
  11. Malcmodnar

    Oh no, this thread doesn't get to die that easily.

    Planetside needs some fresh blood. This man knows what he's talking about.
  12. MrNature72

    D*mn straight.
  13. TheBloodEagle

    We need better tracer effects to make the battlefield...feel more like a battlefield.

    My old complaint that got a lot of support:

    Lets get this future war thing right...

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  14. Goliath Mk2

    repair turrets for sundayrer instead of an aoe passive heal/repair.
  15. Cyrek

    Hey it's that guy that wants to shove realism in at the expense of balance.
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  16. Zeppelin123

    Mmmm that would be nice.
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  17. Goliath Mk2

    I don't know about realism or balance but with aoe repair as is you can just grab 1 sundayrer each and thats that but if they were turrets then you would need other players to make it work.
  18. RubiksCubix

    Yes they would. They would create a dynamic such that if a base is starved of ant resources people can no longer spawn at that base. Therefore, these last-stand spawn camping 35 minute BS sessions would be shortened drastically. That is probably one of the two main points in support of ant implementation.
  19. MrNature72

    I. Am. Back.
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  20. EvilUnicorn

    Yay! Let the colorful yet very meaningful rants about lackluster metagame continue!
    Welp, so what issue you gonna tackle now? Weapons? Factions? Vehicles? The next item on the roadmap?