You should not be able to lock 3 continents.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dBus, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. dBus

    Not only is the 50% resource bonus insanely strong, because no spawn timers any more, but having all 3 continents locked turns what was a 4 continent game into a single continent game. It's terrible.


    Simple. Only allow 2 continents to be locked. Or if the crazy 50% bonus is being kept, then only allow a single continent to be locked.

    3 Continents being locked is just . . . idiotic.
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  2. DFDelta

    Well, at least Indar is still open.

    Could be worse. :p

    (I agree though.)
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  3. Phyr

    If there isn't a queue, then what are you complaining about?
  4. Maelthra

    The number of continents that can be locked depends on the number of players on the server. If three continents are locked that means you ain't got **** for players on that server at that time.
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  5. Pikachu

    What server? Briggs?
  6. Archiadus

    Players complained about 2 continents being locked and they changed it so that you can now lock 3 continents to show you that 2 isn't all that bad. :D
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  7. Captain Kid

    how about no continents locked.
    This is not Planetside 1, we only have a measly four continents.
    I don't want ANY continent to be locked.
    Just give the winning empire the benefit and reset the continent. (all bases neutral)
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  8. Pikachu

    If you can increase the number of players. Available space must be proportional to the amount of players.
  9. GoldstarIV

    100 some odd thousand players and 100 some odd thousand opinions on how the game should be..

    Which way do they go George? Which way do they go?
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  10. Legion494

    This is Briggs in its current state. The three lock system was designed so the population of Briggs (600-700 players during prime-time) would experience the kind of fights that Connery experiences on a daily basis. It does get annoying with that the only continents that are unlocked during prime-time are either Indar or Amerish (The unemployed 3 AM ghost cappers see to that) while Esamir or Hossin are only on during the day time. If the unlocking was randomized and not time-based then this wouldn't be a issue but I guess we can only dream of seeing Hossin again
  11. DevDevBooday

    Well then play more, Its in this current state because people don't log on.
    briggs pop is small, and without another server to merge with, they halved the continents open.
    I like it, fights are huge and if one faction controls 3 continents it gets REAL interesting, two factions basically team up.

    Briggs is fun as hell now.
  12. Desann

  13. 4Azzimov2Dream

    Totally Agree as it limits the player options on Briggs. If player numbers are down it may be due to this limitation as well as the atrocious lag experienced on Briggs.
    It's crazy that I can play on a US server with what is a " Poor Connection" and still experience smoother , less laggy , less jittery and better gameplay. On Briggs my frame rates drop to anywhere from 4FPS to 15FPS on Briggs , yet this doesn't happen on Connery.
  14. demondrew

    a lot of good opinions here, I myself have found I just play the game less now since hossin and continent locking came in. I liked it just fine when I had the ability to move freely around the continents.
  15. NinjaTurtle

    If even on one single continent there is no queue I see no issue.

    Unless ghost capping is what you play to do
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  16. bloodfuchs

    On Miller last night during prime time there were alerts on Esamir and Amerish both. Non of the continent locked yet NC and VS went victorious. So when there is no Queue, it´s absolutley okay to have it locked. That´s what locks are for. For excessive spam of spawning what so ever in discount, take it as a challange, i often challange with friends who takes tanks out of the zerg, more maxes on the tower spawncamping etc. Not mentioning every vehicle is worth of decent XP, you just have to figure out how to get it before someone else does. :D
  17. CEGrif

    the players of Briggs asked for SOE to trail 3 continent locks since there pop is lower than all other servers
  18. Captain Kid

    Then merge the servers once again.
  19. CEGrif

    there are no servers left to merge
  20. Captain Kid

    Off course there are. Merge all the European servers, Emerald and Connery in to one large server.