Is Hit Detection fixed yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -MJ12-, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. -MJ12-

    The game was unplayable for me after the hossin release, so I stopped playing shortly after.
    Has anyone finally taken care of the problem? Couldn't find anything in the update notes.
  2. Conscripter

    They haven't even acknowledged the problem AFAIK.
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Nope. Several times lately Ive dumped half a mag into someone with zero hit markers.
  4. HadesR

    If anything it's worse than ever since the last patch ..
  5. Simferion

    Hit detection is bad: magazines to kill someone, if he doesn't kill you with 2 shots.
    And rendering has become random. :confused:
    I'm seeing people appearing near me from the thin air.
  6. SuperMedicated

    Nope, still not fixed
  7. -MJ12-

    Okay thanks.
    I think I will ask again next year, assuming that there will still be people playing this broken game...
  8. Ceiu

    So that explains why sometimes I can roll up on people and kill them in half a jackhammer burst, and others I can unload an entire (extended) mag and find myself staring at the death screen.

  9. Nexus545

    It's still there and really frustrating since I'm going for pistol kills right now and every shot counts.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Hit detection seems random to me..
    Sometimes I kill people easy, sometime I empty a mag and don't even take down their shields..
  11. jiggu

    Oddly enough I haven't noticed it lately, but I'm pretty sure it's not gone.
  12. volth

    No, you still can shot trought stones, walls, trees...
    Or shot someone with 100 bullets and they still have 100%hp.
  13. DHT#

    Definitely still the, unfortunately.
  14. ZomboWTF

    After the EU server merge it is extremely unplayable on Miller, i need to waste a hole Orion clip for ONE medic, hitting all bullets? wtf?

    Also, today i had something special: a tank completely ignoring my rockets, like they weren't good enough for him, way to go!
  15. Crayv

    Still functioning better than TF2's hit detection unfortunately.... or fortunately depending how you look at it.
  16. -MJ12-

    So a friend told me they "fixed" the hit detection issues in the last patch.
    Is it true? Experiences?
    Is the game worth being installed again?
  17. Aaren

    As usual - people are giving mixed feedback. Probably as a result of how difficult it is to find players who truly understand the difference between missing your target due to crappy COF or poor recoil control - and your bullets hitting your target but doing too little - or no damage (a detection issue.)

    Personally - the latest patch that was meant to directly address the "hit detection issues" - has degraded mine. There was a week or so between this latest patch and the Valkerie - where my detection felt miles ahead of the prior months where I had laboured to try and enjoy the game at all.

    Since this latest 'fix' my gunplay isn't back to pre-valk levels - but it' hasn't been as good as it was last week either. I feel this video accurately conveys my average experience:

    If you find the above gameplay totally tolerable - I'd urge you to redownload and rejoin the fray! Otherwise, best stick to whatever it is you're playing now until we get a patch for the patch, in true SOE style.

    Honestly I've never had any issues with TF2 hit detection in the ballpark of the ones I have with PS2. Sure you have some funky shots, where the client side blood particles - and super fast player movement speeds conspire against you - but mostly I hear hitmarker dings when I point and shoot. In PS2 even if I get 6 hitmarkers in a row, my target might still be on full health and shields.

    I presume all your ports for Source are forwarded correctly?
  18. OldMaster80

    They claimed it was improved with last hotfix but 1) the game is now less smooth than before the hotfix 2) I fire a full clip of semi auto sniper rifle in the face of enemy troops (within 10 mts!) and they don't die.
    They even wrote the stuttering when using trusters on Valkyrie in 3rd person view was fixed and instead it's exactly the same as before. But no one is complaining because that vehicle sucks so much players already forgot it and went back to ESF, Libs and Gals.

    They fixed NOTHING.

    I wonder if the even test what they do before to issue the patch notes, or if they made a mistake and pushed live the wrong patch. But honestly I start thinking they don't even have an idea about how to fix the mess they made. They just proceed by trial and error, you know like "let's see what happens....".
  19. Tyrant103

    Supposedly it was fixed or improved last hotfix, I got a hitmarker on a HA with AP though along with a couple other weird situations.
  20. NC_agent00kevin

    Its 100% fixed for me, but others still report problems.