is AF-57 Piston still good?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Oberlion, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Oberlion

    i bought dlc from steam and now i have some shotguns already. but i am very bad at clicking.
    is AF-57 Piston the same story like with hacksaw? (very little difference compared to other weapons)

    bzw. is slug ammo still bad for this weapon?
  2. Lamat

    I still like this gun, and slugs turn it into a space marine bolter. You have to make your shots count though, you burn through ammo fast.
  3. Prudentia

    worst functional gun in the game, but very easy to use. you will probably be frustrated because more than 1 kill per mag is rare, but that single kill is pretty certain
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  4. Vikingo

    Yes the piston is like the hacksaws, fully automatic, big spread and loose more damage over range than the other shotguns

    It is not a shotgun I would recommend to anyone.
  5. Mongychops

    With the auto-shotguns it is easy to get a K/D of ~1, as the first person you rush is almost certainly going down, the difficult part is conserving your magazine enough to get more than one kill (not excessive overkill) and having an escape plan for afterwards. They are certainly viable weapons.

    I haven't used the auto-shotgun since auraxium (since I have plenty more shotguns left), but I would recommend going with the commissioner to get some range instead of slugs. I don't like the iron sights, but the stationary hip-fire is pretty good.

    That said, I don't use shotguns that often, so others may have a more experienced opinion.
  6. Boildown

    The auto-shotties are the best CQC weapons in the game. The DPS is high enough to beat a heavy's overshielding and kill them as a non-heavy when they have a normal weapon and not another shotgun or rocket launcher. Other shotguns and other CQC weapons cannot say that.
  7. PraetorGavorn

    You're forgetting that Bolts explode. (inside their target)

    Though I do wish we could get such a weapon for our MAX suits. Make it an NS weapon, two handed, fires small rocket propelled grenades that act like Halberd missiles(no damage to tank armor, but does explosive damage anyway), 700m/s muzzle velocity and the only effective long-range anti-infantry max weapon in the game. Compensate for that by giving it 1.75 TTK at minimum damage, 1.2 at max. I'd totally but it.
  8. Flashtirade

    Very good at killing one person.
  9. Hosp

    My 2 Cents:

    Started with Mauler. Got a Piston. Loved Piston until shotty re-balancing. Auraxed it and put it away for my Mauler again. Less spray and pray (for a shotgun) but I find the little extra punch worthwhile.

    May buy a Baron in the near future.
  10. Oberlion

    thanks for help. i desided to try it out and i am happy with it so far :D
    killed somebody already... hehe
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    Just dont hipfire it with slugs and you're good.
  12. Oberlion

    agree. its sh*t with slugs... i kill nothing with it
    anyway compared to ns-7 pdw its huge garbage and a waste of certs ofc... :(
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  13. SinerAthin

    If you sneak up behind a MAX that is not at full health with an auto-shotty, that MAX pilot will be taking therapy lessons for weeks to come.

  14. Cest7

    This thing wrecks face in CQC
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  15. Evildrifters

    YES its GOOD!

    I got 5,2k kills NO slugs and only CQC

    its easy mode. xD