Is C-4 really the answer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turiel =RL=, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    Do you happen to own one or more of these characters:

    If so, please enlighten us with your expert opinions!
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  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    c4 is fine

    coming from a tanker
  3. Babaroga

    Why on earth do you think i own any of those characters?
    You got the part about me being an expert right thou.
  4. Titan6

    Because then I'm useless? The same argument Aircraft make from having to run away from fights. It's a poorly balanced way of handling a situation. It's not fun, at all.

    Not to mention the amount of effort and resources is grossly in his favor. It takes virtually no skill or effort to fly over me, bail out either once I've almost killed his craft, or before I see it, and bomb me in a way that there's no way I can retaliate.
  5. Ranik

    OP you have to understand. The Devs and SOE appealed to not only PS1 vets but also to the lowest common denominator. You have your CoD/BF3 arena shooter players in here as well.

    And once you appeal to the lowest common denominator... you are stuck with them. As well as their hilarious concept of balance.
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  6. cruczi

    I think you already know the answer to that question. Hint: look at the names of the characters.

    You give yourself too much credit.
  7. Phyr

    How are you being useless? He has to be directly above you, or rubbing his crouch on you. Every vehicle is faster than infantry, avoiding him on the ground should be stupid easy, unless you're stupid.

    How can you even claim that getting an esf, finding you, bailing, surviving the bail, dropping C4, and then surviving long enough to detonate, takes no effort? YOU'RE IN A TANK, the fight is in your favor the entire time.
  8. Axehilt

    C4 users aren't invisible, and show up on radar, so you definitely can see and react to them. Literally the only C4 complaint which has ever sounded remotely valid to me were ejecting C4 LAs from an aircraft since that's the only C4 users who is genuinely quite difficult to defend against. (It's hard to tell if I've ever died to this tactic though, since the majority of C4 deaths just feel like outright mistakes (or more often: a calculated risk which eventually results in having to pay the price for my aggression) where I can tell someone used cover along one of my flanks to sneak up and destroy me.)

    As a vehicle/MAX I'm so ridiculously superior to infantry that I have absolutely no problem letting infantry one-shot me when someone manages to get into melee range to use C4.
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  9. Babaroga

    Wait wat?
    I'm pretty sure you called me an expert, whats with the me giving myself too much credit now?
  10. Prudentia

    i still have to see a ESF C4 fairy.
    why should i waste so many ressources, time and effort when i can just use the nearest jumppad to slingshot me right ontop of any tank within reach and repeat that every couple of seconds (depending on distance from spawnpoint to jumppad)
  11. Prudentia

    it's called sarcasm. many people consider it to be quite useful in day to day social life.
    it's also a life saving skill in the dangerous battles of forumside
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  12. Phyr

    And that LA with the magic jump pads didn't use time, effort, and resources to attack you?
  13. Prudentia

    I AM that Light Assault
    just complaining about semantics
  14. Phyr

    So you're saying the 2-3 minutes it takes to get to the vehicle, undetected, doesn't take time or effort? And C4 doesn't use resources either, apparently.

    Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
  15. Prudentia

    10-20 seconds, depending on the walking distance.
    especially nice at biolabs, howlingpass, scarred mesa or valley storage yard.
    i never claimed it wouldn't take some time, ressources and effort, there is nothing else i do to farm vehicles.
    i just said that ESF C4 takes a ridicilous amount more.
  16. Phyr

    You're right, it does take a ridiculous amount of time and resources just to kill 1 tank this way. Buff C4.
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  17. Prudentia

    spoken like a true Light Assault
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  18. PraiseTheSpandex

    Jesus is the answer.

    "Who the **** just C4'd me?!" is the question.
  19. Kunavi

    "Welp, I've just used my 2 C4. No point in using my gun, because I single handedly took out 60% of the enemy forces with 2 bricks. Riiiiiiight. It's totally that effective."

    You have no clue, do you? This is exactly what's happening... -.- As for the rest here insisting all I read is LA/C4 fans going WOLOLO...
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  20. Alan Kalane

    I laughed. A lot. Thank you so much for sharing this! :D