[Suggestion] Dual-Use Med-kits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThatFNGnewGuy, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. ThatFNGnewGuy

    Have you ever been in a fight with no medics around and see a suffering comrade on low health, thinking to yourself, "If only I could give him one of my med-kits..."? My solution is to make the med-kits (or resto-kits) to have a similar function like the Medic's heal gun where you either heal or revive, but instead have the ability to use it for your own use or to give/inject to another friendly player (and maybe give some XP to the donor). I believe this would benefit everyone as a whole as you will have an easier time looking for health recovery (especially if you're in a squad) and hear a lot less people scrambling around and screaming "I need a medic!" and could ease the workload of medics to perform other important tasks like shooting or healing/reviving other teammates.

    Just imagine it:

    You are an engineer who is defending a point against hoards of enemy troops with no other reinforcements other than another lone heavy assault. You see that the HA is using his rockets to kill incoming MAXes and is good on ammo, but he is dangerously low on health. The defense depends on his survival, so you run up to him and stab him with a med-kit so that the fight may continue and save the alert.

    Now you may be thinking: "But wouldn't result in massive unemployment for all Combat Medics and will have to live off on corporate welfare benefits, taking our hard earned bonus checks?!?!"

    To that I say that medics have nothing to fear for this change as I will explain in the points below...

    1. Med-kits are limited by the amount you can carry (Max. of 4), so no infinite heals like the Medic.
    2. Med-kits cost resources and with the new resource revamp, they will now compete for your vehicles and other consumables, making players more hesitant about using them on other players.
    3. Risk vs. Reward, because if you give your med-kits to another player, you may have less/none of the med-kits in which to heal yourself with.
    4. In order to warrant the use of this proposed feature, there would have to be no medics around (either they are not there, not able to reach you, too busy shooting/healing/reviving other players, or are just incompetent/newbies). You wouldn't want to waste precious resources on another person when there is a Medic around to give heals for free now would you?

    So in conclusion, I believe this is a great idea and would love to see your support/debate on my idea. Post your thoughts if if you agree/disagree/have something else to add about my post and keep discussion friendly. Thank You!

    TL;DR: Sharing is caring, so give me your med-kit plz.
  2. Ronin Oni

    no need to reduce the need for medics.

    Want to heal people? Play medic

    We don't need a pure army of HA's tossing each other drugs
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  3. Bhudda V1


    i don't think it would diminish much from medic's since a LARGE number of them don't help team mates that much while there are some that play the medic as a healing bot, rezing and healing everyone
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  4. Cest7

    Left click heal me.

    Right click heal you.

    I'd love an animation of stabbing a buddy with a medkit, kindof like an EPIpen :D
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  5. ThatFNGnewGuy

    Well I don't see this very abuse-able outside of very organized outfits, but even then, med-kits are in very limited supply so a sustained squad of HA's probably won't last as long as one with a medic, and they can't revive each other. But I do see your concern though.

    Edit: Any class with med-kits can't carry C4, so if you're a MAX, it's your lucky day.

    See #4
  6. Bankrotas

    Theoretically, it could just be temporary health boost, which would run out after max 1 min and reduce health to 1 at the end... That would still require medics in the end.
  7. NoWuffo

    I for one wouldn't mind seeing this change. I don't think it would really affect the Medic class numbers all that much, but I do think it would make other classes MORE powerful. Essentially Engineers would be the best class there is (although I still think that right now).

    But no, unfortunately nanites don't make very much sense. I'll only allow this change when my own res grenade can revive me if I die after throwing it! (grr)
  8. TheKhopesh

    *goes to knife enemy when surprised with resto-kit, hits the share mouse button instead, heals enemy*
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