We need a serious infantry weapon pass before we get more new ones.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fellgnome, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Fellgnome

    We still have tons of old, ugly, copy/paste models while newer weapons keep getting added with nicer designs.

    Many of these were called "placeholders" even, way back around release. It's been roughly 2 years since, with tons of new guns with nicer models(and granted, some awful ones too). I think only the Lynx has had its model replaced, and that one is a butt ugly combination of parts of old models.

    This even affects weapon performance, since it includes iron sights, and for those who prefer iron sights there are clear winners and losers. Newer weapons tend to have less issues, while some of the irons that've been around since release are blocky and/or crowded by superfluous stuff that only reduces your vision.

    Then there's balance. There are a lot of weapons most people just aren't using and for good reasons. VS and TR are especially behind relative to NC, because they have too many muddled NS-ish weapons with mediocre accuracy and low RoF w/out high bullet damage, but without the benefits of NS weapons like .75 ADS or extra rounds per mag or whatever.

    NC isn't completely exempt from problems but they tend to have more usable options for each role whereas VS and TR will have no decent options in some categories(for example VS's LMG selection has nothing decent for longer ranges, it's Orion or...Orion). I genuinely think VS is the worst overall, and it's not faction bias as I "main" TR.

    They also introduced new pistols recently, when quite a few existing pistols are obviously terrible.

    Also, many releases were intended to fill a certain lacking option for factions, and I feel those have gone poorly. I dislike the Cougar, probably the most disappointing release so far for me as I was hoping so much for something on par with Mercenary or Pulsar C. Then VS finally gets a CQC pistol, but it's the lackluster/annoying and generally disliked Spiker. And I think the only ES sniper rifle that still sees much use is Railjack, Phaseshift and TRAP seem pretty rare and for good reason.

    I could go on and on(see sig), but I'd guess only 20-30% of infantry weapons see a reasonable amount of use if that. I'd imagine it's spread a bit more evenly on NC since they have fewer "obviously crap" weapons.

    I feel like a broken record, but nothing has improved the situation.
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  2. Demigar

    You know what? I'll trade all my NC LMG's for the Orion. Deal?
    But to be serious: The people I started palying with (as NC) always complaind about how OP VS and TR weapons were.
    I do play VS with my younger brother and his friends from time to time. They all think the NC and TR weapons and tanks are way better... Grass is always greener, eh?

    New models for some of the old weapons would be nice though... Oh and remove the PPA!
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  3. Fellgnome

    If you're not prepared to talk particular stats or characteristics why waste your time with anecdotes like "I hear people on X faction complain about Y faction" which pretty much says nothing because you can replace X and Y with anything and it'd be true.

    Link in my sig covers a lot of it, but for example take the EM6, the TMG-50, and the Flare. They all fill similar roles and have the same damage per bullet, but the EM6 has the highest RoF, the lowest horizontal recoil, and 25 more rounds per mag. TMG-50 and Flare hardly have any redeeming advantages by comparison. The Flare is particularly bad when you look at the stats, there's almost no serious argument that could be made that it isn't a straight downgrade from an EM6. It has more horizontal recoil, fewer rounds per mag, lower RoF, and all it really gets in return .01 less vertical recoil and 30 velocity.

    I agree that the Orion is overpowered though, it's quite clearly superior to both TR and NC's close range LMGs in that role and loses out on very little for its .75 ADS speed.
  4. SikVvVidiT

    This is another example where I think people need to post their stats when they come up with post like this..

    Not to be mean OP but you have no idea what you are talking about, I stopped right where you said VS have no LMG options for long range??! Are you serious? Polaris is a freaking sniper rifle...

    Maybe some of your other points where valid, but like I said I could not get past the above.
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  5. Fellgnome

    Polaris lol. Can't tell if you're serious.

    Okay....if you're serious - 143/652 gun w/.2 horizontal recoil and .1 starting CoF and no advanced forward grip...is not a sniper rifle. It's a piece of crap gun that no one should use. It has...advanced laser sight, pairing well with terrible CQC TTK to nominate it for most confused and worthless VS LMG.
  6. Iridar51

    T5 AMC got a new model as well.
  7. SikVvVidiT

    Only thing worthless is your accuracy probably.. I'm sitting at 26%+ (LookMaNoHands) with that "worthless VS LMG."

    Prove me wrong and post your characters name.

    From now on when people complain about a weapon they need to post their character so we can see if it's really the weapon or more then likely... THEM
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  8. asmodraxus

    SOE need to fix what is broken, and under used before adding new toys.
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  9. Pikachu

    Look at the distribution of popularity of vehicle weapons. Like 95% AV loadout for MBT, except for vanu since PPA pop rise.
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  10. -Synapse-

    I'm still waiting for one actually new gun model for an old weapon. All we've got so far is bits of already existing things frankensteined together and called 'new'.
  11. Noktaj

    I too would chose Polaris over Orion in most combat situations.
    Polaris is a greatly underrated gun while Orion is greately overrated.

    But like everything in PS2 it really comes down to each player play style. Orion can grant you a fast 1vs1 kill in many situation but try to clear a room with it.

    The only true useless LMG in VS arsenal it's probably the URSA.
    Only hardcore auraxian medals collectors buy that ^^
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  12. LIKE A BOSS!

    The orion is the most overrated gun in the game.
  13. FactionTraitsFTW

    I think the real problem more then likely is...that you are stupid.

    @OP totally agree on all you said. Also read the thread in your sig and you really bring up some great points. Howerever I would also like more unique weapons beside more useful ones and I think that both should be taken into consideration when improving them.
  14. BadLlama

    The Flare and the TMG-50 are not equivalent to the EM6. You are looking for the Gauss SAW S.
  15. BadLlama

    No, but its so close that it's almost the same. It gets 5 more bullets but in turn trades slightly worse velocity, hipfire, and reload time.
  16. Kociboss

    It is, with 5 more rounds in a mag and some other tweaks.

    We traded an EXCELLENT carbine (Current NC bandit used to be Coguar on PTS) for garbage razor copypasta, because community whined that they didn't want "another CQC carbine and they need something to plink people from the trees". So they swapped the stats and we got this.

    At least it's accurate I guess~
  17. Bankrotas

    Bandit is emm, underwhelming in some way honestly :/ And I honestly don't know why.

    Well it does lack extra 20 m/s velocity from HVA...

    Personally all new "long" range models are wimpy.
  18. BadLlama

    The Cougar is actually very good tbh. Not sure what is garbage about it.
  19. Kociboss

    I overdid I a tad I suppose.
  20. Thesweet

    There all the same to me, they all shoot bullets.