European Server Status

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Aug 13, 2014.

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  1. doomreeper

    someone email me when miller is back up pls -------------------- ps keep up the good work !!!
  2. LordMcZee

    Actually, my ping is ok and my fps are a bit higher since the last update.
  3. SerafineTR

    Thank you for the update and good luck solving the problem :)
  4. M4gn1

    I hope SOE will compensate for the certs lost(the daily I will forget about the playtime certs)
    I mean people are not being able to play or log in for days because the locks occurred during the evenings when people are home from work.
  5. BigDAD68

    It was up for about half a hour, but now down again
  6. narfster

    Has the server been down for the whole day? Waiting for it to come up again... but i doubt this will happen tonite?!!
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  7. strid3r478

    I had 1 free 50% boost for 1 day and i equipped it server goes down o_O
  8. strid3r478

    Approximate time when server will go up would be nice
  9. Metawulf

    oh, i understand you. Yesterday i was sitting on tree on hossin and was shooting ducks. And when i was getting free XP, the server gone down. And i had plenty of bullets! Oh shame...
  10. Desaan

    Everyday since the merge I log in to see server locked or unavailable, what's happening with those of us using boosts that have pretty much been negated due to the problems?
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  11. Flash2142

    thanks for the update David, though I must admit I'm a tad "peeved" having paid for a 3 day boost only to be kicked. Any chance SOE will give those of us that have applied boost during the "troubles" a free like for like boost to replace our wasted ones?
  12. Jonas Chupp

    Out of all the games I have played -and the companies that own those games- SOE has given the best customer service and communication. It is far from perfect, but that's because companies are run by imperfect people. Very good job keeping us informed, and listening to us when we tell you things; even when it's in a really rude and childish way that we tell you. You put up with gamers pouting and throwing fits at you every day, and for that we are grateful.
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  13. Neverhood

    Hope it fixes whatever is causing my zoom function not to work properly!
  14. VS-rm7

    The merge was absolutely unjustified in the first place, there was more than enough population on servers even before those, especially considering the implemented continent locking. There isn't a lot of hope on this, but I wish SOE would admit the mistake and roll-back the EU server merges.
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  15. Highway_Star

    Trying to do it off peak? You mean off peak in America right? I'm sitting here in prime time EU and it's locked.
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  16. PotatoGundam

    they learned their least they are telling you "all hands on deck" we didnt get **** respond from the dev when briggs were completely ****** up from random disconnect and just plain unable to login

    briggs took two months to fix the loginside and after they fixed it half the pop are gone (mostly stayed on connery) and most of my friends quitted the game

    from a salty player on briggs
  17. MikeC0bretti

    Miller is UP but it is not UP ! I can not log at all. I gave up on stupid Battlefield because of the constant issues. This is getting closer to Battlefield each day ://
  18. Metawulf

    Do you even realize, how damn much hungry hamsters now trying to log in?
  19. Gotyoback

    Thanks for not keeping us in the dark. Last few days have been rough with frame rate issues and high ping for what used to be 30-50ms tops, now 100+ consistently for the newly merged Miller.
  20. MikeC0bretti is not about logging. I push the play button and nothing happens. I also realize how much hungry hamsters are trying to play now...but I also realize that with every facking patch which is trying to improve something this thing ends in hours and days of never ending bugs and gaming agony finally resulting people stopping to pay and looking for another game. Battlefield 4 was a shiny example.
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